moose truth1 min read

gorgeous, witty, smart, fantastic, talented [somebody stop me…] slinka has told me about this:

moose truth: what the government does not want you to know

moose are taking over toronto

warning: dont try to say moose truth too fast.
your tongue will end up in a knot. [yeah but, canadians, you try saying chuchichästli… ha!] but uhm anyway: moose statues are starting to appear left and right all over what was formerly know as hog town. okay then…
at least we can once and for all settle the moose-plural-debate [a debate that has been raging for years here on pieceoBlog…]

“why moose?
so why choose mooses? pardon me… why choose moose? why isn’t mooses a real word? the plural of moose is moose. why aren’t they called “meese”? the plural form of goose is geese. so why not “meese”. what makes the moose so special?” very much does, very much makes meese sssooooo much too special to even mention…

and look, apparently moose have been instrumental in world history:

moosey sphinx

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