very creative commies [updated]1 min read

copyleft commies
boingboing: in an interview on bill gates descibed free culture advocates as a “modern-day sort of communists.”

i really enjoyed larry lessigs blog entry about this. he sounds more like a gently scolding father saying something like: “but bill, i will have to ground you if you dont stop this kind of behaviour”. so very lovely.

and look how other creative comrades reacted…
creative comrades

meanwhile this russian photoshopper seems to quite disagree and sees microsoft as the leninists. [found while image.googling “lenin”]

and here’s me jumping the bandwagon and creating even more commie confusion:

karl lessig and josef gates
meet karl lessig and josef gates.
or is it larry marx and bill stalin?

edit: here is a torrent to a video of larry lessigs speech at yesterdays 2 year creative commons celebration, where bill gates got what he was asking for…. [via boingboing]

plus: can anybody translate what the polish guy said about my photomontage. trackback in comments

3 Replies to “very creative commies [updated]1 min read

  1. Quick and dirty translation:

    There is no joy like joy of observing mem spraeding over internet. People got high on creative possibilities delivered by Bill Gates, who put equatotian mark between moevements similar to creative commons and communism. So we got several pieces of art, and there will be million of them two days later.
    Now photocollage of Gates and Lessig beats them all.

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