10 Replies to “pagan moss interview in seattle weekly1 min read

  1. Hmmmmpff! I don’t like the fact that she’s a link thief, but anyway…

    (When) are you going to the Chapman exhibition?!?

    I’d looooove to join you!

  2. pagan steals her links from you? ohhh noooo… without refrence? nooooo…
    lets go togeffer to the chapman’s. whats your schedule like next week?
    i could well go tuesday or wednesday. you?

  3. Yes! *grumbles*


    I have to babysit someone here from Wednesday to Thursday, but Tuesday would be utterly fabulous – because it’s just after my birthday and I could flee all the “Oh-I’m-So-Sorry-It-Was-Your-Birthday-Yesterday-Wasn’t-It” people and the Basler Faaaaasnacht, jää!

  4. Uhmm… I think it’s better you suggest a time. The museum is open till 6 PM and my sleeping/waking schedule is similar to Warren’s. So pick a time, please! 🙂

  5. how about this?

    Bern 15.02.05 ab 12:02 5 IC 923
    Zürich HB an 13:00
    Zürich HB ab 13:33 EC 195
    Bregenz an 15:18

    Basel SBB 15.02.05 ab 12:22 3 IR 573
    Zürich HB an 13:26
    Zürich HB ab 13:33 EC 195
    Bregenz an 15:18

    is that criminally too early? lemme know…

  6. No no.. we could even leave an hour or two earlier. I was just worried you wanted to leave with all the AHV people in the 7:24 Panorama-Wagen. I’ll bring pillows so that we can do a pillowfight on the train. Weeeeeee!

  7. i just checked and that is one of the bestest connections in fact. others take several hours longer and many more changes of trains. if you promise to bring the pillows for the pillowfight *weeee* i suggest we try hitting those trains. hitting them hard, even. and we still have 3 hours to dive into the chapman universe.

  8. damn. that must have been one of the many database server fall-outs we have had last night. because your comment did not get stuck in the spam filter, i just checked. shall we take email from here?

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