sexy-swiss undies? nah!1 min read

no no. nothing to do with sexy undies by a company called agent provocateur.

Missing Img is an art-project by martin heller, johannes gees and juri steiner. all of them expo.02 vets. yup. this is how they describe their project on the website: is an independent “non-profit” project for the production and distribution of video-spots of Swiss cultural activists that deal with contemporary social and political issues. The spots are between 30-90 seconds of length and can be shown in television, on public video screens, in cinemas and on websites.

i quite like gedicht für eine stadt by jürg halter, aka mc kutti, who asked a chinese tourist visting zytglogge in bern to read one of his poems.
30 sekunden schweiz by chris niemeyer and hc vogel puts pricetags on cars driving by a street in zurich and adds it up: 998 015.- swiss francs in cars in 30 sec.
but the true killer application so far is carla lia monti’s wilhelm tell: fast-cut, delirious, cite-des-enfants-perdus-esque. let this woman make a feature film already!

but uhm what does a police band playing samba bati have to do with europe? and mike müllers entry… nah. now words wasted on shit.

but it looks promising. keep them filmsies coming…


wilhelm tell qt

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