keine RSS verbindung nach blogstetten1 min read

blick, our lovely populist daily newspaper, has started a group-city-blog, called – oh lord how very original – blogstetten.

sadly blogstetten is not reachable via the otherwise very good public transportation system known as SBB/RSS.

wtf? a blog without RSS? aren’t there laws against this kinda thing by now?

edit: there is a feed, its just not published online, uhm why not? see comments

who teh fcuk built this? but anywho.

the other lovely fuckup thing they, whoever built this, did is that commentators emails get published.
i mean how bloody retro can you get? in times of inboxes overflowing with spam they honestly think anyone would agree to submit their legit email adresses?

so whatever you do, do not post your emails in comments. use this one instead (untill they get the message):
hey, its an email adress.
is it mine? nööö siree…
does it eben exist? i dunno and dont even care.

the biggest speculation however remains how much will the boys, yup no girls are allowed to blickblog, will earn. rumor has it they will get “paid” with “Sachentschädigungen” and that these “Sachentschädigungen” are Panini-WM-Bildli.

edit: at least blogalisierung, the blog for swissies living abroad, has some gals. and even their names and the titel of this blog are rather snappy. but but but no RSS feeds for blogalisierung either.

7 Replies to “keine RSS verbindung nach blogstetten1 min read

  1. okay. pheew. ich dachte schon wir gehen zurück ins mittelalter.
    ah und sogar unkastrierte feeds! bravo.

    und warum bitte ist dieser link nicht auf der site?

  2. hmpf, wir sind die Künstler sollen sich doch andere um den technikzeugs kümmern. Das machen wir schon in unseren eigenen Blogs.

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