die welt zu gast bei … verlierern2 min read

auf wiedersehn

hesitated there, should i really say “die welt zu gast bei verlierern”, losers, or maybe rather “die welt zu gast bei würsten”, sausages, or something much much worse. much more evil.
yes yes yes, i admit it. this morning i am flooded with the purest form of malice, “häme”, despite being kept awake quite late by the honking cars in the neverending italian corso. and yes yes yes the italians do not REALLY deserve to go to finals either. but then, in this most rotten of worldcups, who does?

certainly not the germans, they deserved to lose. in fact, a few games ago.
so here’s a big “take this, suckers” from my part. take this for:

– compensating your lack of football skills with agrressivity and mental strength. football is supposed to be a game, remember?
– whistling each time an opposing player touched the ball.
– blatantly abusing of the home advantage in every conceivable way hardly deserving of the slogan “die welt zu gast bei freuden”.
– behaving as if this title was somehow reserved for you and taking every conceivable measure to impose it [even voodoo!].
– creating the most unfair schedule ever, putting the home team in advantage in every posssible way, best stadiums, longest breaks between games, etc.
– franz beckenbauer. enough said.
– oliver kahn. enough said.
– jürgen klinsi. enough said.
– having your worst ever bundeskanzlerin frau ferkel merkel in the stadium! and shown on tv every 3 seconds! i still puke.
– getting all german-style enthusiastic and your media going overboard in every possible direction. as usual.

oh, i could go on.

italians, great job. realistic. clean.
despite the sweatstain jersey design, at least its creative. despite only really starting to play last game or so, we love the minimalismo. this was worldclass football. great defense. great attacking. now win this sucker of a tournament.

4 Replies to “die welt zu gast bei … verlierern2 min read

  1. Guess I just don’t like italian soccer that much, I was rather disappointed to see the german team go…

    Oh, and the “longest breaks” thing, that certainly can’t have been intentional after the pre-round 🙂

    Voodoo though, that really goes too far! How could they?

  2. German bashing is a bit out, people. Get over it and concentrate rather on France. 😉

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