[teh glorious interweb what got stuck in my camino tabs this past week]
mymobilesite.net – this is fantastic. nokia has released a server, to be installed on your mobilephone, that makes it possible to handle all contacts, calendar entries, photos etc. via a simple web browser on any computer. you can even remotely trigger the camera to take a photo. [via de-bug]
iPhone not worth the hype
The AT&T/iPhone Moral Quandary – “The problem is, the iPhone is only available through AT&T, in my opinion one of the most unscrupulous telecoms around. AT&T’s tactics combine Microsoft-style anti-competitive maneuvers and anti-privacy efforts á la RIAA for a chilling effect. I avoid giving AT&T any of my money; it’s a personal boycott.” this is pretty much how i feel about swisscom, rumored to be the swiss iPhone partner, and the reason why i won’t but the iPhone, if in fact they partner with swisscom.
l-rs.org – apple shrink the iPhone by using large hand model. [via bb]
looking for alternatives to WoW
the 5 stages of WoW – i hope i can soon add phase 6: Recovery “damn i am so over WoW. now back to my real life.”
DOFUS – cute, online flash game. new version available.
Myst Online | URU – this looks awesome. but its not available in switzerland yet.
The Lord of the Rings Online – people are raving about this game, it’s supposed to have a very good engine, storyline, interface. but i am not quite sure if i want to support this franchise. pc only.
Age of Conan – looks a little to gory. and vista only.
Hellgate: London – i love the scifi setting, the story line, the look and feel of this game; very promising. pc only.
Warhammer Online – the first M rated MMO, abit gory as well. pc only.
The Chronicles of SpellBorn – this looks kinda cool, but i somehow don’t understand much else about it from the website. pc only.
manhunt ban
Take suspends Manhunt 2 release – “Inevitable really. This morning, Take 2 announced that it would be suspending the release of Manhunt 2.”
Manhunt 2 ‘ban’ – it’s good, but is it right? – “Forget all the guff about parents, in the real world Manhunt 2 would have been played by 10 year olds on their Wii. Imagine how long it would have taken for the usual media suspects to pick up on little Johnny’s wiimote garroting pastime.”
Manhunt 2 banned in England – “Forget all the guff about parents, in the real world Manhunt 2 would have been played by 10 year olds on their Wii. Imagine how long it would have taken for the usual media suspects to pick up on little Johnny’s wiimote garroting pastime.”
my two cents: i played manhunt 1 for some shivers of epic proportions. yet i haven’t turned into a massmurderer. yet. and i must be TEH most immature 45 year old ever.
Polynap MP3 Soundtrack – this guy offers m3 tracks for naps of various lengths, i downloaded the 5, 15 and 23 minute variety and have uploaded them on my mobile phone now. looking forward to some public napping in trains, trams. white noise ftw.
Power Napping: How To Fall Asleep Anywhere – “The trick is the use sleep MP3’s such as these. They are essentially MP3’s that play white noise for the duration of the nap, and then slowly wake you up by playing a variety of sounds.”
art in switzerland
BEN REARDON ON TERENCE KOH AT DE PURY & LUXEMBOURG GALLERY, ZURICH – “Terence Koh Until 15 July de Pury & Luxembourg Limatstrasse 264 Zurich T: +41 44 276 8020” one of the photos used in this article is bt play.
PLAYLUST – who also covers art38. no permalink to the entry, scroll please.
local interest
fw 2007 – programm filmwoche, alternatives open air film programm auf einer kleinen insel in der aare in der nähe von bremgarten bei bern.
Piece Of Plastic Slogans from The Advertising Slogan Generator – b3ta used in a much more, erm, shall i say, profane, way, but this works too.
Bush’s approval rating plunges to new low – “George W. Bush’s approval rating plunged to a new low of 26 percent, making him the least popular US president since Richard Nixon”
Study finds guys not so naughty, gals not so noble – “women on hormone-filled birth control pills were interested in the overall view of the photos and “background” items like jewelry. But women not on the pill were more interested in areas of both men and women normally covered by clothing.” ah, the pill sounds horrible.
Where Daft Punk got their samples from – bloody hell, the daft punk versions sound literally almost the same as the originals.
How Serious Is Polling’s Cell-Only Problem? – “If people who can only be reached by cell phone were just like those with landlines, their absence from surveys would not create a problem for polling. But cell-only adults are very different.”
bayimg – free uncensored image hosting – “bayimg.com is a place where you can host all your images. We do not censor them. We believe in freedom of speech, it’s of utter importance to us.”
How Many Licks Does it Take To Get to the Center of the Internet? – “The Internet may be referred to as the “information superhighway,” but a better analogy might be an enormous, hulking Tootsie Roll pop.”
The Guardian gets a Second Life – “Weekend after next The Guardian and Intel are hosting SecondFest inside virtual world Second Life, a three-day music and performance festival chokka block with big name real-life bands and in-world talent.” somehow exiting but i wonder, is this this gonna work? hmmm…
Michael Moore Calls For New 9/11 Investigation – “Michael Moore discusses 9/11 eyewitness testimony of explosions, suppressed video footage from the Pentagon and the unlikelihood of a plane striking a five story building at 500mph with ultra precision.”
dwaesha 25h – scroll to: braille graffiti! super. [via pasta & vinegar]
Required Reading: the next 10 years – Larry Lessig on switching the focus of his work to the corruption that makes copyright policies possible: “I am not (as one friend wrote) “leaving the movement.” “The movement” has my loyalty as much today as ever. But I have come to believe that until a more fundamental problem is fixed, “the movement” can’t succeed either.”
Spaghetti-eating trucker jailed – “A lorry driver caught steering with his knees while he ate spaghetti from a pan has been jailed for eight weeks after he admitted dangerous driving.”
Six months of veganism – “When I started this diet, I thought that it would be a sacrifice and that I would be trading good health for less fun. I am happy to say that I enjoy eating as much or more than when I was eating meats and fish.”
The Life of the Chinese Gold Farmer – “At the end of almost any working day or night in a Chinese gaming workshop, workers can be found playing the same game they have been playing for the last 12 hours, and to some extent gold-farm operators depend on it”
Server2Go – “Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of box without any installation. That means it is a webserver that can run directly from cdrom, usb stick or from any folder on harddisk.”
20070616_cory_doctorow.mp3 – an interview w. cory doctorow [viw de-bug]
Turning Plants into Plastic—And Replacing Oil in the Process – “Ultimately, the plastic in a fork used at a backyard barbeque may be as directly plant-based as charcoal in the grill and the chef’s polyester apron.”
world’s smallest pacman game – tiny, itsy bitsy, shortstuff pacman [via neatorama]
GOOD COPY BAD COPY – “a documentary about the current state of copyright and culture” well done. [via bb]
Nina Simone – Ain’t Got No…I’ve Got Life – “This version kicks ass!” idd
Dramatic Chipmunk – best 5 second video ever? i dunno, but up there, deffo.
Wirebreakers at the driving range – “The wirebreakers are a group of krump dancers who surprise unsuspecting members of the public with their krump skills.” a sort of amusing motorola campaign.
Google Video result for http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6703482849079349175 – “Documentary on American Healthcare system” sicko on google video. tee hee.
Fiktivní výbuch atomové bomby v Krkonoších – “ZTOHOVEN connected up to one of the stationary camera during TV weathercast and in real time broadcast their own shots, which showed nuclear exposion.”
First Act As Prez – rx2008 of partyparty.com is running for president.
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