ruff linkage . 2007344 min read

[teh glorious interweb what got stuck in my camino tabs this past week]

book lists

100 Most Influential Books Ever Written – “1. The I Ching 2. The Old Testament 3. The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer 4. The Upanishads 5. The Way and Its Power, Lao-tzu”

Sci-Fi Lists – Top 100 Sci-Fi Books – “1. Frank Herbert Dune 1965
2. Orson Scott Card Ender’s Game 1985 3. Isaac Asimov Foundation 1951 4. Douglas Adams Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 1979 5. George Orwell 1984 1949”

baby names

Tots getting Internet identity at birth – “One of the criteria was, if we liked the name, the domain had to be available.” so all you zuppinger’s out there, you can forget it to name your child jan, cause is mine! nah nah nah nah nahhh.

Google Baby – last week the child named @, but as it turns out there exists already a child named google, *sigh.

swiss/german focus

SVP-Video: Jugendliche getäuscht – “Ein Wahlkampf-Video der SVP Schweiz sorgt für Empörung: In Biel gedrehte Szenen zeigen sieben Jugendliche, die Drogen verkaufen und sich prügeln. Die Jungen glaubten, dass es um Gewaltprävention gehe – weit getäuscht.”

OpenExpo – “Das Ziel der OpenExpo ist die Förderung von Open Source Software im Unternehmensumfeld.”

etoy.CORPORATION / Bus trip Môtiers – “Join etoy.AGENTS on a day out in the green hiking trails, waterfalls, power plants, black holes, absinth, lush forests and art in open air. Book this day in your calendar for a special tour to Môtiers together with etoy.”

bengston: Travelogue out now! – “It’s a gritty little tune and a homage to recent trips undertaken. It boasts a raunchy beat, weird little noises, a weighty bass and a gonzo loop on top.”

Friends of frenZINE – william wall reacts to the frenzine issue that quoted his book “this is the country”.

fun fun fun dj mixes

osymyso-Fasterer Mix.mp3 – osymyso mixes quality with humor, as usual.

osymyso-Slowerer Mix.mp3 – and yet another lovely osymyso dj mix.

news and abuse

Bush Administration Declares War on Mountains and the People Who Live There – “President Bush is poised to issue regulations that will permit and encourage mountaintop mining, a controversial practice in which the tops of mountains are blasted off and dumped in nearby valleys.” will there be one fauxpas, that this administration might skip?

Man arrested over wi-fi ‘theft’ – “A man has been arrested in connection with using a wi-fi broadband connection without permission.” alright, it’s not cool what he did, but arrested???

Undercover Cops Incite Violence in Montebello – “Canada’s police are paid to go “undercover,” dressed as activists, in order to provoke protesters into acts of violence.” and later in the week the police admits to using these undercover agents, but claims they were not provocateurs. helas, i hate to say the obvious here, we always knew …

After Spam, Next Inbox Menace Is ‘Bacn’ – “It’s not really spam. You want to read it (and probably would), you just don’t have the time.”

Twitter goes to the MTV Video Music Awards – “Could this finally be what breaks Twitter out of the early-adopter geek set and into the population at large? The microblogging service has partnered with the inarguably mainstream MTV for its upcoming Video Music Awards”

Doma Buenos Aires – “Since 1998 the Argentinian DOMA Collective is an important part of the Buenos Aires Street-Art scene, doing urban installations, stencils, street-projections and absurd campaigns.” [via neat]

Nightclubs are hell. What’s cool or fun about a thumping, sweaty dungeon full of posing idiots? – “Clubs are despicable. Cramped, overpriced furnaces with sticky walls and the latest idiot theme tunes thumping through the humid air so loud you can’t hold a conversation, just bellow inanities at megaphone-level.” i really enjoyed reading this column a few weeks ago in the guardian, so now that i stumbled over its web link… enjoy!

Music from the hit series, Weeds – weeds, the tv serires, not only has an excellent soundtrack, but also a usable website that let’s you enjoy it.

useful flowchart – from “is it fucked up?” to “no problem” in one hip flowchart. [via bb]

OMIM – SKIN CREASES, MULTIPLE BENIGN RING-SHAPED, OF LIMBS – oh lord, the michelin baby, the one we all laughed so hard about, it actually has a rare disease. shame on us. [via neatorama]

Are Digital Music Watermarks a Blessing or a Curse? – “With EMI selling its entire catalog DRM-free and Universal soon to experiment with its open-MP3 format, the major labels are finally showing a willingness to abandon the rusty armor of digital rights management. Or are they?”

CR – “Here’s a fun way to fritter away an hour of your life: search Google Images for logos that have the same initials as your own name.” note to self: must do that sometime.

d85d4440aa0496700424199290b06b31de6.jpg – a man’s gotta eat, even if his name is ronald mcdonald.

Barking Dogs Atlas – “Is your neighbor’s barking dog driving you crazy? Here you can add their location to the Barking Dogs atlas.”

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