ars electronica 2007: fair free fuzzy2 min read

all of linz preparations 1

– people really did it. this photo was taken relatively early yesterday morning as people were getting ready to set up their messages on the grassy borders of the donube for “all of linz, the group photo from above”. i never saw it, but someone i met claimed he had spotted the plane equipped with a high resolution camera that flew back and forth across linz between 10 and 14 h. but i think it was cancelled, at least on the website it says “Because of the heavy cloulds the GROUPPORTRAIT FROM ABOVE will take place next saturday, September 15 between 10 AM and 2 PM.” i blame the pope tbh, he brought the shitty weather with him.

freie netze freies wissen

– free networks, free knowledge, saw joi ito and leonard dobusch discussing the importance of access of free webspace for all. leonard dobusch is co-editor of the book freie netze, freies wissen:

Freie Netze

Noch nie war es einfacher, Menschen und ihr Wissen in Form von Texten, Bildern oder Tönen zusammenzubringen und zu vernetzen. Freie Netze sind der Versuch, dieses Potential von Internet und PC auszuschöpfen und möglichst alle Menschen daran teilhaben zu lassen.

Freies Wissen

Der Zugang zu digitalen Netzen bedeutet noch nicht den Zugang zu Inhalten. Ein freier Zugang zu Wissen ist aber die Basis für Innovation und Emanzipation. Den neuen Möglichkeiten für freien Zugang zu Wissen stehen neue und alte, soziale und rechtliche Barrieren gegenüber.

fair music

– bananas and music might soon have one important selling point in common. a label called fair music was launched yesterday, that will be used to qualify music that is being produced and distrubuted under fair conditions to the musicians, much like the fair trade certification for bananas and other food. yesterday the first fair music award ceremony was held in linz, honouring projects that already abide to fair priniciples. there is a petition to sign on their website. this really is a nice initiative pointing into the right direction, i would gladly pay for music, if i knew the money went straight to the artists. good luck in promoting and establishing this certification.

atomkraft? nicht schon wieder

– it’s raining again. this is how the rain has turned me into an anti-nuclear activist. again. it was drizzeling and i passed a group of people wearing yellow rain coats sporting the old “atomkraft? ein danke” logo. half joking i asked them, where i could get one of these jackets. a man instantly took his coat off and held it out towards me, “here, it costs 11 euro”.


– i made this, with my own lil, clumbsy fingers and RSI-ridden hands.


joi ito sums up his visit to ars (i missed one of his talks, darn)
Clothesline Display, credit card scarves and news knitters (regine raves about the campus exhibits – so i don’t have to …)
vvork photos from ars electronica 2007

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