ruff linkage . 2008023 min read

[teh glorious interweb what got stuck in my camino tabs this past week]


Military Machines do Robot Yoga – “you can see Souliere twist the FasTac into poses that are straight outta kundalini.” om namaste.

25 Coolest Robots That You Can Have Sex With – you can, but do you want to? “there are a number of robots and robotic products out there that can satisfy sexual desires, and we’ve profiled a number of them here.”

The Three Laws Of Robotics – “Robots do not want to have sex with you. Are you listening, Japan?” tell us, warren.

schmooze and abuze

Kaugummi-Kunst: Maurizio Savini – art made from chewing gum by an italian artist. don’t show this to kids!

Radiohead Finds Sales, Even After Downloads – “In a twist for the music industry’s digital revolution, “In Rainbows,” the new Radiohead album that attracted wide attention when it was made available three months ago as a digital download for whatever price fans chose to pay, ranked as the top-selling album in the country this week after the CD version hit record shops and other retailers.” well, it’s radiohead. dunno if an other band would be equally succesful.

Two views from an airplane window – “One of these might be fake. Can you guess which?” the shadow gives the giraffe away, but what about the other? [via boingboing]

This was a triumph – account of how one guy to beat cybersquatters. nice one.

The Best 19 Movies You Didn’t See in 2007 – “This is about those movies that were phenomenal yet hardly anyone saw, so now we’re giving them one final moment in the spotlight.”

Steal This Wi-Fi – “To me, it’s basic politeness. Providing internet access to guests is kind of like providing heat and electricity, or a hot cup of tea.” more like offering them a free download spot for their kiddie pr0n. nah, just kiddin. silly me. i wanted my wifi open. in theory. but then got cold feet. wimp.

Stickeraward 2007 – “Top 150 nominated Stickers for the international Stickerawards in 2007.”

15 Minutes of Fame: Noor the pacifist – WOW Insider – a guy is leveling two pacifist charctersin WoW. without ever actively killing anything. “what’s the concept behind Reinisch, your first pacifist character? – I started him from a roleplaying point of view, based very loosely on a real German priest, Franz Reinisch, who refused to serve in Hitler’s army and was executed. My undead priest’s back story is basically the same, and he still refuses to kill.”

Vegetarian Survival Kit – “what to include in a vegetarian survival kit”

EFF’s 17th Birthday Party | Electronic Frontier Foundation – “join EFF in celebrating our 17th year of defending digital rights! Since 1990, EFF has been there fighting for freedom and civil liberties.”

David Lynch on iPhone – “David Lynch talks about watching film on a cell phone. Clip from special edition of Inland Empire, with music and graphics by the super awesome xmas.” he seems grumpy.

Confessions of a technophobe – “Why are so many dramas and thrillers now set in the past? Is it because, in a world of mobile phones, satnav and Google, suspense is impossible?” yeh, well 24 is full on in cell-phone, pda land.

How to Read Wired Revisited – “How To Read Wired. In short, his advice was to take a hearty dollop of irony and then rip out all the back-to-back ads.”

Photos from the decapitator – very impressive, if rather gorey adbusting in london.

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