ruff linkage 2010236 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]

online video killed the …

Lingerie ad features woman in burqa (maybe NSFW) – "provocative TV commercial for online lingerie shop Liaison Dangereuse." pretty hawt. but isn’t burqa the one where even the eyes are covered though?

I Am – "I Am is not only a film but a social experiment that took strangers in Philadelphia and asked them to finish this sentence. "I am ___.""

Avatar Days – HD – "This is short film directed by Gavin Kelly I worked on a while ago called "Avatar Days". What makes this one special is the fact that it was filmed, vfx'ed and comped all in just 4 days" reminds me of my silly photoshop project here and here.

Tim Schafer's Brutal Legend: Behind the Gatefold – "interface designer Joe 'codeloss' Kowalski goes awesomely in-depth on work he put into the menu and title screen systems — a system brilliantly aping the wonderful yesteryear of gatefold sleeves and ballpoint-pen scrawled notebooks." currently playing and loving the game.

Tahuna Breaks – Giddy Up (HD) – 'A cheeky song about a naughty topic visually depicted within a parody of a 70s childhood classic. **contains adult content**'

bee test – "Hang on.. there was a bee in there? :)" i didnt see no bee either, but but but… so cute. the girl.

schmooze and abuse

Hear Me Roar – "If people mistake your gender that frequently I would personally suggest maybe a new hairstyle or different clothing before resorting to posting a sign OR I’d tell my friends how to correctly spell “Kick Me”." how? why? did this guy lose a bet?

Apple Co-Founder Ron Wayne’s Long, Strange — and Sad — Trip – "We don’t hear much about Ron Wayne, one of the three founders of Apple Computer in 1976. That might be because he gave back a stake that would be worth $22 billion today a mere 12 days after he got it from his partners, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak."

T!R!A!S!H % H!U!M!P!E!R!S – possibly TEH most annyoing ringtones ever?

Hurl Berl – "Since promising to increase aid to Africa in 2005 Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi has actually cut it. His broken promises cost lives, so we should hurl him out of the G8."

Dutch Football Federation, 2010 FIFA World Cup: T-shirt – this has been done before, but it works really well in the football context.

Chuck & Beans – how to get comments on your blog. lets try, hmm, how do i missssspell something again?

The Hurt Locker producers to sue illegal file-sharers – "Voltage Pictures, the company behind Oscar-winning film The Hurt Locker, has filed lawsuits against alleged illegal file-sharers of the movie in the US." *shiver*

Louise Bourgeois R.I.P. – "how to survive in dogtown?" very beautiful hommage to louise bourgeois.

Fincube – "How could a temporary and simple living unit, coping with the demands of a mobile society and its nomadic lifestyle, look like?" want.

Apple invites authors to self-publish on iPad bookstore – "Getting a book deal isn’t easy (I can personally vouch for that), and Apple is now an alternative to the traditional publisher. The company this week opened a new portal for independent authors to self-publish their books for the iBooks Store open to iPad (and soon iPhone) customers." yeh but, in switzerland we still cant buy books on the ibooks store…

Jus' Checkin' – "A comic about the perils of the Internet, especially if you're a comment-hungry, egocentric artist."

Marina Abramović Made Me Cry – quite some people fell into tears

Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present—Portraits – the flickr stream

MoMA’s Abramović Becomes the Biggest Show in Town – "The crew at MoMA has this social media thing totally under control and I suspect everyone will look to them from now on to set the pace." i think she imagined, everyone of these people will be dead some day.

Favela Painting: On a Mission to Color the Community – "Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn originally came to the favelas of Brazil in 2005 to film a documentary about hip hop for MTV, but after MTV left, they decided to stay. Soon after, the Dutch duo known simply as Haas&Hahn began Favela Painting, an organization dedicated to bringing “outrageous works of art to unexpected places.”"

The Future of Magazines? – "The only real differentiation between the Wired application and a multimedia CD-ROM is the delivery mechanism: you download it via the App Store versus buying a CD-ROM at the now defunct Egg Head store at your local strip mall. And I really mean that comparison. For all of the interactivity that was touted in the Flash prototype, what we’ve really ended up with is a glorified slide show." yes, some of these critiques hold true. but. no more paper! and not having to wait weeks and weeks fr my latest issue of wired!

behind the logo – "That's why we want you to rebrand them. Your brief is to create a logo for BP which shows that the company is not 'beyond petroleum' – they're up to their necks in tar sands." Greenpeace UK – "Sick of Facebook's lack of respect for your data? Add your name and commit to quit!" some people mean it… a few days later i read, this was a total fail.

How to Return Facebook's Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For – "Online privacy expectations are evolving, but whether Facebook likes it or not, a lot of us want the privacy settings we signed up for when we joined the service. Here's how to use Facebook's new privacy controls to regain your original privacy." done that.

swiss/german focus

Icke & Er – L.I.B.E. 2010 – "Seit ihrer "Exit-Strategie" aus dem Musikbusiness hatte man so gut wie nichts mehr von ihnen gehört. Nun präsentieren Icke & Er ein 17 Track starkes Album, das alle musikalischen und weltanschaulichen Grenzen sprengt."

Piratencamp2010 – meeting of the swiss pirate party in 1337 Vallorbe, obviously.

Fussball im Park – "Soccer is simple, but it is difficult to play simple."

Johan Cruijff

Nein, wir sind kein Fight Club. Aber trotzdem soll gelten, dass weder Spielfeldgrösse noch Spieldauer vorgegeben sind. Das Heimteam bringt den Ball und setzt die "Pfosten". Der Rest ist Verhandlungssache.


Teams bestehen aus mindestens 4 Spielern. Die Spieleranzahl kann man natürlich auch erweitern, falls beide Teams mehr als 4 Spieler vor Ort haben. Die optimale Anzahl Spieler ist jedoch auch etwas vom Park abhängig. Falls mal Spieler fehlen sollten, kann auch zu dritt gespielt werden. Auch hier gilt, dass das Heimteam letztendlich entscheidet.

Der Teamname muss den Namen des Parks beinhalten (schliesslich geht’s ja auch um die Parkkultur der Stadt Zürich). Teamdresses sind kein Muss. Schliesslich sollte man sich mit seinen Mitspielern blind verstehen..


Ziel ist es, ein Spiel pro Woche zu spielen."

[ or subscribe to this RSS feed – with all the typos]

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