vacationing among old farts1 min read

going for a summer-vacation in a mountain resort is a very bad idea.
mostly old people hang out in mountain resorts in summer, that’s why.
yeah, moaning, huffing and puffing through the streets at snailpace, smelly, complaining old people.

it is sooooo totally not sexy!

here is some of the things you’ll have to put up with when vacationing among the elderly [and i speak from experience here *ugh* …] :

if you go to a cafe you’ll have a minimum of 2 men smoking the pipe with extremly strong smelling tabaco…
still at the cafe, if there is not a free newspaper left as you walk in, you can forget it. old people don’t read the paper. they learn it by heart…
if you want to drive your car somewhere quickly, forget that too. 9 times out of 10 you’ll have a car driven by an elderly person in front of you moving at snail-pace blocking the road…
if you try to sit on a bench quietly, maybe to enjoy the sun, again forget it. there will certainly be an elderly couple sitting on the next bench, yelling at each other at the top of their lungs, because of their bad hearing…

oops. am i turning into an ageist? uhmm i am trying my best not to be an “-ist” of any kind, but if i stay in this here mountain resort too long i can’t promise anything…

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