Cancelled: The Quarterly Meze Situation – 21. 12. 20122 min read

With a sad heart we have to cancel this Invitation. Sorry.

We invite you to the second edition of our quarterly event serving vegetarian food at our apartment in Bern, Switzerland. The food will be a meze using as much homegrown vegetables as possible.

Vegetarian Food and discussions about the state of the world.

The second meze will be held 21.12. 18:30.
We have space for 6 guests.

The food is free, but please bring us some food for our cellar, a jam, sirup, honey, conserves, pickles.
Or a dessert. Let’s talk via email.

pieceoplastic *at^ gmail *dot^ com

And please tell a friend ;p Thank you.

What is this?

The idea is to bring together a random group of relative strangers, who like to share a delicious vegetarian meal and talk about the state of the world and possible alternative scenarios to start a better world. Yes, that sounds naive and idealistic, but hey, we all went down the bitter, cynical, disillusioned road and it leads nowhere …

Who are we?

Franziska and Jan.

We grow our own food and keep bees in and around the city, where we are trying to build our decentralized urban farm, with the goal to produce as much of our own food as possible.
We have been vegetarians for years, at times vegans, trying to eat local, organic, seasonal food whenever it is possible.
We love to cook and love to eat food even more. And of course we hesitate to label ourselves foodies, but it probably is pretty accurate. At any rate, when we sit down to enjoy a meal things can get quite agitated with mouthgasms and exclamations of bliss.
We have been drifting towards the Lebanese, Maghrebian, Arabian and Mediterranean kitchen and believe the mighty Mezze is the perfect format to entertain guests. Mezzetarians of the world unite!
We love to share our food with people and want to start this project as our small contribution to build the shareconomy.

Meze? Say What?

Meze or mezze (play /ˈmɛzɛ/) is a selection of small dishes served in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Balkans as breakfast, lunch or even dinner, with or without drinks.

wikipedia meze

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