ruff linkage 2013125 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]

#best news this week

wood and materials salvage | trashswag – "Trashswag is a crowdmap for people to share and post salvageable materials that have been left outside" a crowdsourced map helps recycle/reuse some of the amazing stuff people throw out. So wish this existed for Bern.

#watch and

The Price of Carbon – "Narrated by Reggie Watts. We are all paying the price of carbon pollution. It’s time to put a price on carbon and make the polluters stop the carbon destruction."

Rungs in a Ladder: Jacob Bannon of Converge Documentary (official) – "Rungs in a Ladder" is the latest short form documentary by production team McFarland and Pecci. A meditation on life, art, and purpose, the film centers on Jacob Bannon, an accomplished visual artist and the front man of the metal/hardcore band Converge, which has been carving its own iconoclastic path through the extreme music landscape for over twenty years. As a result, the band is considered one of the most intense and influential metal/hardcore bands of all time with a massive following of devoted fans."

Trailer for “A Beautiful Fucking Experience” feature length documentary directed by Sage Seb – "A Beautiful Fucking Experience," is a feature length documentary that celebrates music, in particular the live music experience, as told through the journey of The Flaming Lips on their Guiness world record breaking 24 hour tour through the Mississippi Delta."

Forward – Reversed world


Internet Census 2012 – "Two years ago while spending some time with the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) someone mentioned that we should try the classic telnet login root:root on random IP addresses. This was meant as a joke, but was given a try. We started scanning and quickly realized that there should be several thousand unprotected devices on the Internet."

Vegans Are Branding Their Flesh in Leeds – "The use of 269 refers to the branding number of a specific calf from an Israeli dairy farm—a calf which has become something like a Rosa Parks figure for vegans. After that protest in Tel Aviv on October 2, 2012, many vegans have had that number tattooed on themselves. But this week, in cities across the world, a bunch of people decided they should up the ante and get it branded on themselves. As in, actually branded, with a hot piece of metal."

The way Christopher Anderson sees the world is amazing – "I would go further and say that I not just wanted to do that, that is in fact what I did do. I had no pretence of objectivity. I was photographing, giving my opinion, and I wanted you to know that I was giving my opinion."

Monsanto’s Death Grip on Your Food – "Taking all of this together, it increasingly appears that Monsanto is patenting death, perhaps even more so than life. Their patent rights should not trump the rights of people to procure safe, healthy, living foods."

New and improved label for DRM-free files – "Today, we’re happy to share with you the next version of the DRM-free label, immediately available for use in multiple languages and styles."

Sweatshop HD is the latest victim in Apple’s war on serious games – "Sweatshop HD is an iPad game that "challenged people to think about the origin of the clothes we buy". But it has now been removed from Apple’s online marketplace. Why? Well, because the App Store gatekeeper was "uncomfortable selling a game based around the theme of running a sweatshop"."

Bruce Sterling Closing Remarks – SXSW Interactive 2013 by SXSW – "Acclaimed science-fiction writer Bruce Sterling will again deliver the Closing Remarks at SXSW Interactive. Sterling’s state-of-the-industry, state-of-the-world rants are one of the true highlights of the event, so don’t miss the 2013 version"

Audio of Michelle Shocked’s anti-gay rant – "Are you buying this? Sounds like some backpedaling horseshit to me." Sounds like proof to me. And another punk icon is down…

Yoga for starter Infographic – “What’s your style?”

Truthdig – The Last Letter – Dying Vet’s open letter to GW Bush and Dick Cheney. "But mostly I hope, for your sakes, that you find the moral courage to face what you have done to me and to many, many others who deserved to live. I hope that before your time on earth ends, as mine is now ending, you will find the strength of character to stand before the American public and the world, and in particular the Iraqi people, and beg for forgiveness."

Europe’s Wild Men – Photo Gallery – "They dress in bear heads and bells, and behave like beasts."

Europe’s Wild Men – "A primal heart still beats in Europe. Deep beneath the gloss of cell phone sophistication lie rituals that hark back to harvests and solstices and fear of the winter dark. Monsters loom in this shadowy heart, but so does the promise of spring’s rebirth and fertile crops and women cradling newborn babes."

Steubenville: this is rape culture’s Abu Ghraib moment – "The pictures from Steubenville don’t just show a girl being raped. They show that rape being condoned, encouraged, celebrated. What type of culture could possibly produce such pictures?"


«Dieses Geschäftsmodell an sich ist der Skandal» – "Mitte April findet in Lausanne der wichtigste Rohstoffgipfel weltweit statt, in Zürich zusätzlich ein Goldforum. Um die Treffen gibt es kritische Veranstaltungen, aus denen eine soziale Bewegung entstehen könnte."

Dieser Typ hat einen gigantischen Kredit aufgenommen, um das Finanzsystem zu zerstören – "Der Kapitalismusgegner Enric Duran lieh sich 2008 von 39 verschiedenen spanischen Banken insgesamt 492.000 Euro, ohne die kleinste Absicht oder Hoffnung, das Geld irgendwann zurückzuzahlen. Aber er hat natürlich nicht alles für diamantenbesetzte Küchenmesser und Luxusfrisbees ausgegeben. Stattdessen hat er das meiste Geld in eine Reihe Antikapitalismuskampagnen gesteckt und den Rest in Crisi, eine kostenlose Zeitung, die seine Aktionen dokumentiert und andere zum Mitmachen aufruft, investiert." A true hero.

Rechtes Land – Crowdfunded interactive Nazi-Map

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