ruff linkage 2013144 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]

#best news this week

Urban Data Challenge Awards – Tonight! In ZH! Come! "Via livestream from San Francisco the winners of the two-month Urban Data Challenge competition are announced and awards for the best data visualization projects handed out. See what programmers, artists, and data scientists from around the world created with public transportation data from Geneva, Zurich, and San Francisco."

#watch and

Must see: David O’Reily’s Adventure Time animation: “A Glitch is a Glitch.” feat. Flying Lotus Music. Find it and grab it fast, keeps getting taken down though. No link here sorry.

Global Wealth Inequality – What you never knew you never knew – "The extreme truth about how wealth is divided globally. Inspired by the amazing "Wealth Inequality in America" video." See the numbers visualized and start to cry.

Daft Punk | The Collaborators: Giorgio Moroder – "A look at the collaborators behind Random Access Memories, the new album from Daft Punk. Episode 1: Giorgio Moroder." Had to look this up, Girgio is a Tiroler, which explains his german accent.

Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim – "There is a corruption at the heart of American politics, caused by the dependence of Congressional candidates on funding from the tiniest percentage of citizens. That’s the argument at the core of this blistering talk by legal scholar Lawrence Lessig." Goosebumps #rootstrikers

The Flaming Lips & Bon Iver – Ashes In The Air – incl. Baby slaughter


Demand Justice for Aaron Swartz – "Tell Congress: Don’t Expand the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Fix It!" American issue that concerns the whole world.

Talking About My Abortion – "Never, ever tell your own story. But silence, as much as anything, is why abortion’s such an easy target in America. Stories save lives. I had an abortion. I’m not sorry. I’m not afraid." Brave, honest, moving.

Book review – Unpleasant Design – "The "Unpleasant Design" book is a collection of different research approaches to a phenomenon experienced by all of us. Unpleasant design is a global fashion with many examples to be found across cities worldwide, manifested in the form of "silent agents" that take care of behaviour in public space, without the explicit presence of authorities. Photographs, essays and case studies of unpleasant urban spaces, urban furniture and communication strategies reveal this pervasive phenomenon." Brilliant Book.

Femen Stages a ‘Topless Jihad’ – "Earlier today, members of Ukrainian feminist group Femen staged protests across Europe as they called for a "topless jihad." The demonstrations were in support of a young Tunisian activist named Amina Tyler." Best gallery as usual.

Blackout – Wipeout – "Start of a new series… Ping Pong between black and white." Love it, but then, I have to (we are married) ;p

Where are the activists as austerity bites? They have been beaten back | Laurie Penny – "Protesters face violence, arrest and serious charges. Only the brave dare face this savage suppression"

Offshore secrets – "A worldwide research effort in collaboration with the Guardian/ICIJ reveals the real people behind these anonymous companies"

Leaks reveal secrets of the rich who hide cash offshore – "Offshore financial industry leak exposes identities of 1,000s of holders of anonymous wealth from around the world"

Douglas Rushkoff: Present Shock, the Boing Boing interview – "It is kind of panicked, untethered sensation that comes with living a real-time, always-on existence without past or a future, origins or goals. Just the present."

Aaron Swartz’s Prosecutors Were Threatened and Hacked, DOJ Says – "Massachusetts federal authorities involved in the prosecution of Aaron Swartz have received threatening e-mail and snail mail, the Justice Department said in a court filing, while the lead prosecutor in the case had his Facebook page hacked."

Chapter 5 – Call of the Worm Mountain – "I proudly present Chapter 5 of the Wormworld Saga Digital Graphic Novel!"


Berner Fachhochschule entwickelt Menüplan gegen Bienensterben – News Region: Bern & Region – "Die Berner Fachhochschule will einen Beitrag gegen das Bienensterben leisten: Zusammen mit Bienenzüchtern und Bauern hat sie Saatgut-Mischungen für Bienenweiden entwickelt."

Bauen macht Lärm, Lärm macht krank – "Lärmemissionen haben gesundheitliche Auswirkungen auf Körper und Geist. Jedes Geräusch versetzt den Körper in Alarmbereitschaft. Stresshormone werden ausgeschüttet, das Herz schlägt schneller, der Blutdruck steigt und die Atemfrequenz nimmt zu." I knew it …

Make finance: Fotoreportage vom Hackday – “48 Stunden Coding im Dienst offener Daten: Ich habe am Hackday von make.opendata einige Impressionen und Stimmen gesammelt.”

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