ruff linkage 2013362 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]

#best news this week

Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? – “Totale Überwachung, postdemokratische Zustände: Gegenwehr ist nötiger, aber auch schwieriger denn je.”

#watch and

Alyssa Milano Sex Tape – "Leaked!"

White Girl TWERK FAIL – yeah, lol, and I apologize for posting this.

Обезьянка Иван на зимней прогулке на даче – Monkey pogo in the snow.


NSA surveillance: how to stay secure | Bruce Schneier – "The NSA has huge capabilities – and if it wants in to your computer, it’s in. With that in mind, here are five ways to stay safe"

Can the White Girl Twerk? – "If Miley’s new look is acceptable, it requires a tolerance for undermining black women. If it is unacceptable, it means demanding an identity, sweet and unsexed, dictated by the anxieties of white patriarchy. And a country that commodifies blackness compromises its ability to judge those who try to buy in."

Why trust climate models? It’s a matter of simple science – "How climate scientists test, test again, and use their simulation tools."

Restaurant en Kwekerij De Kas – Amsterdam – "De Kas has its own greenhouses and garden near the restaurant, where we grow Mediterranean vegetables, herbs and edible flowers."

Logo Designer – Yahooify your Logos, Cheap!

Here’s What Happened at Barrett Brown’s Gag Hearing – "This is an outrage, and the judge’s decision only increases the media profile of the case. It’s the Streisand effect in action. The government has just done more for this case than I could do in a whole year. Now more people will be wondering why a journalist has been gagged in America."

Public park ‘sound sculpture’ hacked with porno sounds – "Apparently a sound sculpture in a public park in the Netherlands that’s supposed to play delightful sounds of birds was hacked, and now plays the hot-n-heavy sounds of people doin’ the nasty."

Congress on Privacy & Surveillance – "A one-day event triggered by recent announcements about secret Internet mass surveillance – A number of prominent international speakers will discuss your right to information self-determination, the politics of privacy, how to deal with the secret cosmopolitan state within a state, and how to go forward. It is a congress of individuals to represent what is not (yet?) represented by institutions."

Visit to the World’s Fair of 2014 – Isaac Asimov made these predictions for 2014 in 1964.


Die Lunte brennt – "Was wäre die Schweizer Musiklandschaft bloss ohne ihn geworden, denk ich mir heute. Eine postapokalyptische Kultur-Wüste, eine von Langeweile und Normativität verstrahlte und ausgetrocknete Musiködnis, in der wir Hundefutter aus Dosen und lauwarme Plüschmusik futtern, umgeben von einer nach "ewiger Liäbi" lechzenden Wohlstandsgesellschaft. Matter jedoch gab und gibt uns Orientierung in einer immer verklebteren Schweiz."

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