ruff linkage 2014184 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]


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#biggest news this week

Privacy Badger – “Privacy Badger is a browser add-on that stops advertisers and other third-party trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look at on the web. If an advertiser seems to be tracking you across multiple websites without your permission, Privacy Badger automatically blocks that advertiser from loading any more content in your browser.” Installed!

#watch and

iDiots – the cynical self-reflection goes nowhere, but parts of it are fun.

Look up – “We’re a generation of idiots, smartphones, and dumb people.”

The Internet’s Own Boy – “A dynamic and tragic portrait of the life of Reddit developer and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, a champion of open access who grew up to lead the internet community into a new age of data sharing and free speech.” Can’t wait.

50 years of fashion and music woven together – It’s a commercial, but omg, is it wow. Cyriak did it again.


Want a revolution? Left unchecked, parasitical capitalism WILL produce one – “The 1% consists overwhelmingly of people who inherited their wealth, and are now using that vast amount of capital to grab any additional growth for themselves, locking out the “little guy” out in the process.”

Plants Communicate to Protect Their Neighbors – “Chemical signaling allows healthy plants to defend themselves when a single neighbor is under attack—a result of communication among species that were always thought to be entirely mute”

VICE Meets: The Chapman Brothers – “their work is intentionally provocative and confrontational, it’s also challenging: throwing life’s horrors in your face and making you question your own limits and what exactly makes something “art””

Cigarette Commercials from David Lynch, the Coen Brothers and Jean Luc Godard – “In the 1990s, Swiss tobacco company F. J. Burrus hired name brand art house directors to make commercials for their Parisienne brand of cigarettes. The company gave free rein to the filmmakers both in terms of content and approach. And the talent they managed to attract is astonishing: David Lynch, the Coen Brothers, Emir Kusturica, Roman Polanski and, most puzzlingly, Jean-Luc Godard.” I totally forgot about these. This is very complex.

May Day – “How America tries to tame its history”

Male rape in America: A new study reveals that men are sexually assaulted almost as often as women. – “A new study reveals that men are often the victims of sexual assault, and women are often the perpetrators.”

Making Games in a Fucked Up World – “These are the slides and the edited notes from a talk I gave at the Games for Change Festival in New York.”

‘JIF’ Is the Format. ‘GIF’ Is the Culture – “The animated GIF is the Internet’s native art form. But 25 years later, we still haven’t decided how to pronounce it.”

F.B.I. Informant Is Tied to Cyberattacks Abroad – “After Stratfor, it was pretty much out of control in terms of targets we had access to”


Anarchismus – auch in der Schweiz – “Im kommenden Mai finden in Bern diverse Veranstaltungen zum Thema “Anarchismus – auch in der Schweiz” statt. Dazu gehören eine Buchmesse, diverse inhaltliche Veranstaltungen und Diskussionsrunden, zwei Konzertabende sowie ein Stadtrundgang.”

„Dass sie uns bekämpfen, gibt uns Recht“—Eine Berliner Autonome erklärt den 1. Mai in Deutschland – “Wir haben die guten Inhalte, und deshalb gehen die Leute auf die Straße. Und von wem die Gewalt im Endeffekt dann ausgeht, kann man am Ende doch überhaupt nicht sagen. Ist das ein Demoteilnehmer, ein Krawalltourist, ein Agent Provocateur der Polizei? Das wissen wir einfach nicht.”

WissensWerte: Fleisch und Nachhaltigkeit – “Jeder Deutsche konsumiert im Schnitt knapp 90 Kg Fleisch pro Jahr. Das ist zu viel und in vielerlei Hinsicht problematisch. Flächenverbrauch, Welternährung, Klimawandel, Tierrechte, Umweltverschmutzung, Gesundheit- die industrielle Produktion von Fleisch ist in vielen Bereichen nicht nachhaltig.” Oh come on, it’s cute. And true!

Alle 2057 Erfolge : Der Spieler, der “World of Warcraft” bezwang – “Mehr als 17.000 Stunden gezockt: Der Spieler Hiruko hat als erster Gamer alle 2057 Erfolge erspielt, die das Rollenspiel “World of Warcraft” bietet. Dahinter steckt Andrej, 32, aus der Ukraine.”

Nationalrat stellt Bewegungsprofil ins Netz: Was die Vorratsdaten preisgeben – “Mit den Vorratsdaten aus der Mobilfunkkommunikation lassen sich lückenlose Nutzerprofile erstellen. Das zeigt die interaktive Visualisierung der Vorratsdaten des Nationalrats Balthasar Glättli.”

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