ruff linkage 2014265 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]


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#biggest news this week

The Internet’s Own Boy – “But you can’t just sit there and call Aaron a hero and a genius and whatever. He is dead. He is dust. He is now just one more of the millions of victims of this American dream that has only been a nightmare for so many. Your ass will be in a seat watching a movie. When it is done, get up, and do something.” I like Quinn’s writing so much, such passion, such honesty.

#watch and

The Nest by David Cronenberg – “The Nest was commissioned for the exhibition and is now available online for the first time. Through the point of view of a doctor (voiced by Cronenberg himself), a woman (Evelyne Brochu) who has made the request for a very unorthodox breast operation is interviewed.”

The Gunfighter – “Just another period western meta comedy short film. Featuring the mellifluous voice of Nick Offerman.”

Banksy “Sirens Of The Lambs” Glastonbury Festival 2014 – Moo.

I Dare You To Watch This Entire Video – “Can you make it through the whole thing?” His head explodes in the end, you know.

snail, eating – from ‘Lions and Tigers and Bears’ – “this is a recording I made with Jens Rosenlund Petersen of a snail eating – it really is”


The Dark Side Of The Italian Tomato – “From 2000 onwards, the government reduced the customs duties on imports of certain products, including tomato paste, thus creating in the mid-term a deluge of foreign products in the local markets. FAO has calculated a rise of 650 percent in tomato paste imports from 1998 to 2003. During the same period, the share of Ghanaian tomatoes in the local market has plummeted from 92 to 57 percent.”

Caught Between ISIS and Assad – “Borders are gouged by war, contorted by diplomacy. But humans live in the borderlands. In those tents so close to Turkey, families suffer the consequences of geopolitics. The Syrian volunteers took out their cameras for selfies. Smiling, they posed against the country to which they could not return.”

14:76 | Huess – “It has been fully 20 years since the release of Global Communication’s ‘76:14’. … Huess has produced his tribute to this seminal album: ’14:76’. Taking most of the samples and all of the inspiration from tracks off the original and, unsurprisingly, clocking in at exactly 15 minutes and 16 seconds”

The Anarcho-Primitivist Who Wants Us All to Give Up Technology – “The Industrial Revolution wasn’t just about economics. As Foucault says, it was more about imposing discipline. It started to dawn on me, maybe technology has always been that way.”

World Cup 2014: Why Did Borges Hate Soccer? – “el fútbol es popular porque la estupidez es popular”

When Anyone Can End Up Being “A Child Pornographer” – “Right now, the law effectively treats every bit of crufty data, every teenage file system mistake or selfie indiscretion as if the possessor had abused the child themselves. This is insane, and it doesn’t help children — it distracts time and attention from the real ways children get hurt. The laws around digital possession are almost a lottery for ruining lives, which you enter by having an internet connected computer. Legal experts and legislators need to stop hiding from the risks of digital life and put their expertise towards fixing this.”

Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century – “Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century is a bestselling economics tome whose combination of deep, careful presentation of centuries’ worth of data, along with an equally careful analysis of where capitalism is headed has ignited a global conversation about inequality, tax, and policy. Cory Doctorow summarizes the conversation without making you read 696 pages (though you should).”

Bee hotel will shed light on declining species – “a research project looking for sustainable solutions to problems affecting bee health. The hope is that bee populations that come to stay at the hotel will be restored and rejuvenated within the plant pollinator habitat.”

Offensive and discriminatory signs – “The following booklet has been produced to help football fans and others identify racist, neo-Nazi, homophobic, abusive images towards disabled people and other discriminatory banners from stadiums.”

The story of the unsung heroes: Black Bloc Brazil – “Despised by many, hailed by some: the Black Bloc in Brazil uses its “performative violence” to draw attention to the everyday struggles of millions.”

50 Dollar Greenhouse – “you really can build this thing very cheaply, but to do so you have to recycle, freecycle, and scrounge. If you just go out and buy new everything it will probably cost over $200 – still not bad all in all.”

Jennifer Lyn Morone™ Inc, the girl who became a corporation – “Jennifer Lyn Morone has turned herself into a corporation and collection of marketable goods and services. Everything she is biologically and intellectually, everything she does, learns or creates has the potential to be turned into profits.”

The war on drugs killed my daughter – “Martha Fernback, 15, died from taking 91% pure ecstasy. Anne-Marie Cockburn is campaigning for drug legalisation to spare others her ordeal”


Guten Tag, ich hätte gerne 2 kilo Sojahack in Oktaeder-Form bitte. – “Dein Körper täuscht sich doch nicht, dem fehlt was, deswegen nimmst Du extra eine Bierflasche und nicht einfach eine mit Clausthaler halbgefüllte Bratpfanne mit Strohhalm drin so wie das ein echter Alkoholablehner machen würde (Sähe außerdem am Tresen super aus)!”

Unfairer Handel? – “Eine neue Studie kommt zum Schluss, dass Fairtrade nicht als Strategie zur Armutsbekämpfung taugt. Erwartungsgemäss widerspricht Max Havelaar vehement – und mit Zahlen einer anderen Studie.”

Organ für die Digital Natives: «Vice» liebt das Wilde und Waghalsige – “Aus einem Szenemagazin wurde in zwanzig Jahren eine global tätige Medienfirma: «Vice» realisiert ungewöhnliche Produkte für Junge – mit einem besonderen Geschäftsmodell.”

Die Veganer: «Vische» stinken nicht – “Utopisten und Asketen? Das war einmal. Der neue Veganismus gibt sich trendig. Weltanschaulich schliesst er an eine «Science» an, die Rationalität und Effizienz über alles stellt.”

Syndrom des Bienesterbens – Interaktive Infographik.

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