ruff linkage 2014344 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]


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#biggest news this week

The Strange Tale of the North Pond Hermit – “For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could steal. To the spooked locals, he became a legend—or maybe a myth. They wondered how he could possibly be real. Until one day last year, the hermit came out of the forest”

#watch and

Trumpet City: Bern, Switzerland 2013 – “Craig Shepard’s “Trumpet City” is a 60 minute live-installation of 18 or more trumpets performing outdoors in a public space. This one minute video is a documentation of the performance on Saturday, August 31, 2013, 3:00 pm, on the banks of the Aare River in Bern, Switzerland.”

DIY home for less than $3500 – “In a town where the median home price is over half a million dollars, Jenine Alexander decided to build her own.”

Pipe Guy – House/Trance/Techno Live – With flip flops!

Reggie Watts Clicks Clean – reggie watts promotes a solar- wind- and hydro-powered cloud, for greenpeace.

Artisanal Ice Cream – “artisanal ice-cream makers with a difference. In Denmark, Japan and Canada we meet the innovators challenging taste buds one scoop at a time.”

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Ferguson, MO and Police Militarization – “John Oliver explores the racial inequality in treatment by police as well as the increasing militarization of America’s local police forces.”


No VPN on Earth Can Protect Careless Pirates – “Many people believe that by simply firing up a VPN their entire real-life identity can be instantly masked from outsiders. The truth is, however, that no amount of encryption or IP address obfuscation can save those who leave huge trails in their regular Internet activities.”

Robin Williams’ Suicide Meant Something, Right? – “Being dead is not a good thing. Suffering is also not a good thing. So what are we supposed to choose when it’s got to be one or the other? The secret is that being alive is a flawed concept that is absolutely terrifying.”

Henry Rollins: Fuck Suicide – Sure, fuck you too, assmunch. Edit: Henry has since published a very honest and straightforward post on his blog, An apology. My apology for calling you an assmunch!

NEGATIVLAND: It’s All in Your Head (King James version) – “Millennia-in-development, this ambitious and densely-crafted double CD is packaged inside an actual Holy Bible which has been appropriately re-purposed into a “found” art object, handmade by Negativland.”

A Night in Ferguson: Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, and a Jail Cell – “Not a single one of these men, through our hours of conversations, expressed any desire to let up. This will not end soon.”

Is kink a sexual orientation? – “Maybe “orientation” could be a kind of shelter from the storm only for those sexual groups, or individuals, that need it most. If you accept this definition, then my kink is my sexual orientation. It’s not my choice. It’s not my illness. And it’s definitely not my hobby.”

Ferguson: The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race – “Ferguson is not just about systemic racism — it’s about class warfare and how America’s poor are held back”
Reparations for Ferguson – “Total police control over black bodies has echoes in American history.”

What Matters in Ferguson – “Michael Brown was shot and killed by an officer of the Ferguson, Missouri, police department. Everything else is irrelevant.”


Kein Alkohol, keine Drogen: In diesen Club kommst du nur nüchtern – “Unser Leben ist zu kurz, um dauernd besoffen zu sein. Ich will Menschen inspirieren und ihnen zeigen, dass du auch ohne Alkohol eine verdammt großartige Zeit haben kannst. Ich will hier eine Alternative zum üblichen Besäufnis bieten.”

In der weltgrößten Solaranlage verglühen jedes Jahr tausende Vögel – “Doch dieses fokussierte Sonnenlicht ist ein wahrer Todesstrahl für Vögel, die darin qualvoll verglühen. Die durchschnittliche Todesrate liegt laut einigen Hochrechnungen bei einem Vogel in zwei Minuten.”

Schwache Argumente für eine Veröffentlichung – “Erpressbarkeit als Politiker, Beeinträchtigung der Amtsführung: Darum sei die Berichterstattung über Geri Müllers Privat- und Sexleben von öffentlichem Interesse. Doch die Verteidigungslinien für die Enthüllungen sind dünn und durchlässig.”

Die Schweiz von morgen: Im Kollektiv gegen die Krise – “Auf der Brache des ehemaligen Fussballstadions Hardturm soll ein neuer Stadtteil entstehen. Die Genossenschafter von Nena 1 wollen sich mit fast allem Lebensnotwendigen selbst versorgen.”

KnackTrack – They Don’t Care About Us – “Wöchentlich könnt ihr mir eure Lieblingssongtitel schicken und ich mache dann eine beatbox variante mit meinem loopgerät “Gudrun”

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