ruff linkage 2014393 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]


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#biggest news this week

Teju Cole – Schwarzer KöRPER – “Die jüngsten Unruhen machen klar: Der Rassismus ist in den USA virulent. Der Schriftsteller Teju Cole ist nach Leukerbad gefahren, um mit James Baldwin darüber nachzudenken, was es heisst, einen schwarzen Körper zu haben.”

#watch and

Heaven’s Countryland – US Americans Part 7 – Pharmaceuticals – Written + Directed by David OReilly

ASPIRATIONAL – “Do you wanna talk or anything?”

You poked my heart…… – “Children debating the weather rain vs. sprinkling and it touches his tender heart!”

Emma Watson UN speech – “Emma Watson’s moving speech about gender equality and the he for she campaign To join heforshe:”


Thom Yorke – Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes – “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes is a new record from Thom Yorke.. the BitTorrent Bundle features 8 tracks and a music video.” Bittorrent features possibility to pay the creators directly. Love it.

No likes yet. – “No likes yet brings you all the photos that never got a single like and invites you to explore the dark side of Instagram. Will they ever get their first like, or are they doomed to be on this website forever?”

Ello – “Like everyone else here, I hope Ello can stick to their principles, resist outside pressure, fight market forces, and find a unique and sustainable niche. Let’s hope their investors feel the same way.”

What Does Ethical Social Networking Software Look Like? – “The best way out of them, in the end, is for Ello to turn back into what we did before big companies ran our social lives — a protocol, something we can host ourselves and for each other, eventually. Something distributed, and therefore very hard to fuck with as a government or company.”

Israeli Government Eventually Admits that Mohammed Is the Top Baby Name – “By their nature, babies are generally uninterested in politics. But in Israel’s highly-charged political environment, even infants are imbued with broader significance. For having the temerity to be born, Palestinian babies have been referred to by Israeli politicians as “demographic threats” and even “time-bombs.””

The Writing On The Wall by Roger Perry – “The original book of London graffiti. Out of print since 1976, now reissued and expanded, with new text and unseen photographs.”

HeForShe Campaign – Join! Simple.

Gurus, goals and mindfulness – “A bunch of hippies go to India looking for the meaning of life. They travel for years climbing mountains and looking everywhere for the guru who knew the answer. They finally find the guru who was said to know the meaning of life. They ask the guru, “What is the meaning of life?” The guru says, “Wet birds don’t fly at night.” The hippies say, “They don’t?” The guru says, “Do they?””

Wasabi: Why invest in ‘the hardest plant to grow’? – “Dozens of others in the US and Canada have tried to grow the plant – a type of horseradish that originates in Japan, where it is found growing naturally in rocky river beds – but almost all have failed. The reason is simple: wasabi is deemed by most experts to be the most difficult plant in the world to grow commercially.”


Generation Y: “Reich mir mal den Rettich rüber” – “Auch die Dreißigjährigen halten Abstand von Idealen und Prinzipien. Privatglück ist ihnen allerdings wichtiger als Karriere.”

Liebe Eidgenossen… wir haben da noch etwas beizufügen – “Auf Facebook kursiert ein Schriftstück, das das Verhalten der bösen bösen Ausländer aufzeigt. Am Ende der Aufruf: Wenn der Text gefällt, dann teilen. Nein, uns gefällt der Text nicht. Teilen tun wir ihn trotzdem, aber…”

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