ruff linkage 2015243 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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#watch and

ID THIEVES – Sage Francis [official video] – “Video animated and directed by AUPHEUS .”

re:publica 2015 – Jacob Appelbaum, Ai WeiWei, Laura Poitras: Seven on Seven – “Jacob Appelbaum presents “Panda to Panda”, a collaboration between Ai WeiWei and Jacob Appelbaum – documented by Laura Poitras.”

Ayn Rand on Love and Happiness – “Rand passionately and forcefully about her view on the essence of what drives much of life: love. To her it was like a business deal. Love was not about the other person, but the selfish pleasure it brings you.”

Molly Crabapple: Locking up immigrants for profit – “Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also called ICE, has to keep 34,000 immigrants behind bars each day in order to keep its funding. But, out of the 350 facilities it uses to incarcerate these immigrants, only 8 are owned and operated by ICE itself. For the rest, ICE pays between $122-$200 person, per night, to for-profit corporations and local jails.”

Why Are We Being Fed By A Poison Expert? – “what they do today is control a huge portion of the crop seeds that feed the world.”

We Need God In America Again – Karis Peters – scary stuff, but this shows how fucked up the USA are these days and how much crazier things will soon be, when the kids of the religious nutcases grow up.


The Misfits Of Reddit Aren’t Leaving – “No sooner had Pao posted the new site rules did users suggest “Reddit alternatives” — the most of popular of which are Voat.Co and 8Chan.”

Pussy Riot activist detained for ‘peaceful protest’ on Russia Day – “Pussy Riot member Nadya Tolokonnikova has been detained by Moscow police following a peaceful protest in support of female prisoners.”

Je suis l’auteur de “L’Insurrection qui vient” – “C’est pourquoi il me semble important de passer enfin aux aveux : le véritable auteur de L’Insurrection qui vient, c’est moi.”

As Bonn Climate Talks End World Leaders Set to ‘Lock Us Into a Kind of Slow-Motion Guaranteed Catastrophe’ – Guys, let’s face it we broke the planet. What now? Anyone up for some orgies? (I know I know, I made this joke before, still no one interested?)

Broadcast One | Memory Man – Feat. Edan, Kool Keith, Mr. Lif and more, sample rich hiphop [via dj food]

The Yes Men Are Revolting Movie – released this week. but “Unfortunately, this title is unavailable in your region.”

A Psychologist Explains Why People Don’t Give a Shit About Climate Change – “We tell new stories of the dream, not the nightmares. We must describe where we want to go, such as smarter green growth, happier lives, and better cities.” Because people are such babies.


Bilderberg-Konferenz führt zu problematischen Begegnungen – “Nein, die Bilderberg-Konferenz ist nicht die geheime Weltregierung. Aber wenn in Tirol Rüstungshersteller auf Verteidigungspolitiker und Notenbanker auf Investmentprofis treffen, ist das problematisch – die Öffentlichkeit muss nämlich draußen bleiben.”

AKW Mühleberg: Einladung für Hacker – “Das Computersystem des AKWs Mühleberg soll künftig aus der Ferne gewartet werden: eine Gefahr für die Sicherheit.”

Eine neue Studie zeigt, wie die Welt im Internet Drogen einkauft – “Es wäre utopisch zu denken, dass man diesen Trend irgendwie stoppen kann. Inzwischen kauft man seine Flugtickets auch online, warum sollte das mit Drogen also nicht irgendwann genauso sein? Das gilt vor allem für Länder, wo Drogen immer noch komplett illegal sind und man nur schwer an sie rankommt.”

“Es ist eine Privatisierung und Re-Oligarchisierung der Politik zu beobachten” – “Der Sozialwissenschaftler Björn Wendt über die Bilderberg-Konferenz, ein Elite-Zirkel der besonderen Art”

Mamour, mon amour – “Lenas Liebe zu einem Sans-Papiers”

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