ruff linkage 2015293 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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#watch and

Kramer’s Entrance – “Every single Kramer entrance, in chronological order. Enjoy!”

Eclectic Method – Goodbye Jon Stewart – Awww, don’t go Jon. Even though we had to stop watching you since you geo-locked us out.

My War “Freestyle” – Recorder Beatbox – At last. Here’s one dude that the flute training was not in vain for.

Artificial ███████ Machine – “When individuals are represented purely as statistical data, they are stripped of their humanity and our connection to them is severed. Through the act of play and the force of imagination, this project aims to reconnect that which has been lost.”

The Death Of Bees Explained – Parasites, Poison and Humans
“The foes bees face are truly horrifying – some are a direct consequence of human greed. We need to help our small buzzing friends or we will face extremely unpleasant consequences.”

Reaction to gays in Russia social experiment – Shocking


Exxon Exposed for Spending Millions on Climate Change Denial – “After the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) revealed that Exxon was aware of the threat posed by climate change as early as 1981 and has intentionally been deceiving the public for decades, reporters contacted Keil for comment. One reporter asked him about ExxonMobil’s long history of funding climate change denier groups.”

Cached Landscapes / Objects of Surveillance – “Cached Landscapes is an experimental photographic project, analyzing screenshots of google map’s cached browser history, after virtually visiting the places of surveillance that have been published by Trevor Paglen in Germany in 2015.”

How Hacking Team Created Spyware that Allowed the FBI To Monitor Tor Browser – “download TOR browser bundle. Surf web through TOR browser. Infect the target with an agent with www collector enabled. WWW traffic is not collect when target surfs through TOR browser.”

plastique fantastique explores refugee crisis with liveboat – “plastique fantastique’s latest installation ‘liveboat – chapter five’ addresses ongoing issues regarding refugees. taking form as an oversized inflatable lifeboat which has ‘crashed’ upon the tarmac of berlin’s tempelhof airport, the work represents the end of a long, toilsome journey.”

Chatting in Secret While We’re All Being Watched – “if you take careful steps to protect yourself, it’s possible to communicate online in a way that’s private, secret and anonymous. Today I’m going to explain in precise terms how to do that.”

Researchers declare that earth is undergoing the sixth mass extinction – “The researchers fear that in just two generations, 75 percent of the species we know today could be extinct. This is a predicted catastrophe similar in scale to the Paleogene extinction that led to the extinction of most dinosaurs.” Yes, fellow humans, this one is on us.

Oscar-Winner Laura Poitras Sues After U.S Ignores FOIA Request – “In a complaint filed on Monday afternoon, Poitras demanded that the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Security release any and all documentation pertaining to her tracking, targeting and questioning while traveling between 2006 and 2012.”

True confessions: I wrote for an Internet content mill – “This kind of text—the equivalent of fast food or hangover-friendly TV—is the preserve of content mills, an Internet subculture where for-hire workers are tasked with writing vast amounts of online copy for a pittance. Today, when more media outlets and self-publishing tools exist than ever before, such word factories somehow continue to exist.”


Wer herrscht wie im globalen Kapitalismus? – “Der globale Kapitalismus lässt sich ohne die Macht einzelner Staaten nicht verstehen – weswegen auch der Imperialismus keineswegs Geschichte ist.”

Ai Weiwei im Interview – “Jeden Morgen platziert Ai Weiwei einen neuen Strauß Blumen im Korb eines Fahrrads vor seinem Atelier im Nordosten Pekings. Diesen kleinen, bunten Protest will er so lange durchführen, bis ihm die Regierung seinen Pass wiedergibt—der wurde damals konfisziert, als der regimekritische Künstler 2011 81 Tage lang inhaftiert und psychisch gefoltert wurde.”

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