ruff linkage 2015385 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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#watch and

Vivienne Westwood driving tank to British PM David Cameron’s house to protest fracking – So punk. Still. Never change, Vivienne.


How to gear up for a protest – “The people of the United States have the right to be treated in a dignified, decent way by the police.”

Drones, pirates, everyday racism. An interview with graphic designer Ruben Pater – “Pater has a mission to create visual narratives about complex political issues. He is not only interested in flying machines of death but also in disaster floods caused by global warming, Dutch sweets that evoke everyday racism, fishermen vs oil tankers, citizen journalism in countries with censorship, digital surveillance, etc.”

What Exxon Knew About Climate Change – “Everyone who’s been paying attention has known about climate change for decades now. But it turns out Exxon didn’t just “know” about climate change: it conducted some of the original research. In the nineteen-seventies and eighties, the company employed top scientists who worked side by side with university researchers and the Department of Energy, even outfitting one of the company’s tankers with special sensors and sending it on a cruise to gather CO2 readings over the ocean. By 1977, an Exxon senior scientist named James Black was, according to his own notes, able to tell the company’s management committee that there was “general scientific agreement” that what was then called the greenhouse effect was most likely caused by man-made CO2;”

Geoff Lawton on food, fairness and permaculture design. – “If we looked at our planet through the eyes of an intelligent visitor from another world and assessed the earth’s biggest challenges, the most obvious would be the problems created by the human population. 99.9% activity seems to be fuelled by self interest with competitive greed, not co-operation, with exploitation of people and resources, with just a 0.1% positive patterned action facilitating productive ecosystem abundance.”

2015 and 2016 set to break global heat records, says Met Office – “The world’s climate has reached a major turning point and is set to deliver record-breaking global temperatures in 2015 and 2016, according to a new report from the UK Met Office.”

Je Suis Toujours Charlie – “The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is in trouble again – this time for publishing two cartoons about drowned Syrian refugees. And anybody who believes in unfettered free speech needs to stand up for Charlie’s liberty to offend the pro-refugee and anti-racist lobbies just as staunchly as its right to offend Islam.”

Compassion Fatigue – “So did humans develop compassion fatigue? Does this possibility bode ill for our future as a species?”

New study finds that your ‘gaydar’ is terrible – “A new study suggests that ‘gaydar’ — the sixth sense by which many insist they can just tell that someone they meet isn’t heterosexual — is bad in two big ways. For starters, it doesn’t work. But more importantly, the concept of gaydar may be pretty harmful. It may — big surprise here, guys — just be an excuse to revel in harmful stereotypes about LGBTQ people.”

How Computer Games Helped Me Recover from My Heroin Addiction – “Computer games have enhanced and enriched my life while drugs and alcohol turned me into a walking corpse. And they’ve helped me overcome my addictive nature in a way that I have to share because I think my revelations might be helpful for others.”

Do Bells Affect Behaviour and Heart Rate Variability in Grazing Dairy Cows? – “The results indicate behavioural changes in the cows wearing a bell over 3 days, without indication of habituation to the bell. Altogether, the behavioural changes suggest that the behaviour of the cows was disturbed by wearing a bell. If long-lasting, these effects may have implications for animal welfare.”

Number of days between April 17th, 1962 and January 18th, 2017 – “The total number of days between Tuesday, April 17th, 1962 and Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 is 20,000 days.”

What the Corbyn moment means for the left – “Corbyn, […] seems as surprised as anyone suddenly to be reaping the rewards of a lifetime of sticking to his principles – principles that once put Corbyn on the moderate left of Labour and now make him look, at least in the estimation of much of the press, like the nightmare offspring of Che Guevara and Emma Goldman dressed up in a Stalin costume. And all for proposing a modest increase in the top rate of income tax.”


Tinnitracks : Tinnitus-App jetzt auf Rezept – “Das Ziel: Erste Erfahrungen mit Tinnitracks als Behandlungsalternative unter Routinebedingungen zu sammeln und das Behandlungskonzept bei Erfolg bundesweit auszurollen. Aus diesem Grund machen rund 30 Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte in Hamburg den Anfang. Patienten können unabhängig von ihrem Wohnort teilnehmen, wenn sie bei einem dieser Ärzte in Behandlung sind.”

Bern: Amtlich bewilligter Polizeiterror – “Die schwer bewaffnete Berner Spezialeinheit Enzian stürmt wiederholt zwischengenutzte Häuser, hinterlässt verstörte BewohnerInnen und hohe Sachschäden.”

Agitprop: Köppel Roger tötet? – “Für das bisschen Aufregung sorgte nur das halbe Inserat, die ganze rechte Hälfte war in dem medialen Echo kaum jemandem einen Gedanken wert. Dort stehen, genauso gross, nochmals dieselben Worte, aber in gespiegelter Satzstellung: «Köppel Roger tötet!»”

Ein Twitter-Sturm gleich zweifach vor Gericht – “Strafanzeige und Zivilklage – üble Nachrede und Beschimpfung plus Persönlichkeitsverletzung”

Klimapolizei – “Die Klimapolizei setzt sich mutig, kompetent und vertrauenswürdig für die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung ein.”

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