ruff linkage 2015395 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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#watch and

Cassetteboy vs David Cameron – Gettin’ Piggy With It – “I get a kick out of getting my dick out So let no one doubt It’s going in a pig’s mouth.”

Speechless Speech / POPE FRANCIS – “created for parody purposes.”


Coldcut x Seven Davis Jr, BBC Radio 1’s Essential Mix – “Coldcut and Seven Davis Jr share the Essential Mix turntables to celebrate Ninja Tune’s twenty-fifth anniversary.” First downloads are showing up. It’s a good ‘un.

The refugee crisis is a battle for the soul of Europe – “It is not a question of numbers. It is a question of justice. It is a question of what is owed to those who have been made homeless and desperate by war and climate change. When a stranger is suffocating at your feet, you do not help them because you are a good person, or because it is politically expedient to do so: you help them because to do otherwise is morally repugnant.”

Yes, His Holiness the Dalai Lama Is Still A Feminist – “His Holiness was making a tongue-in-cheek reference to his own physical appearance and attempting to make the joke that any potential cis female reincarnation of a future Dalai Lama should be the opposite of him — essentially, “very attractive” by western beauty standards. A regular part of His Holiness’ teachings is the importance of inner beauty over external beauty, in keeping with Tibetan Buddhist teachings.”

Trinity Portable Wind Turbine Power Station – “Generate and store your own clean energy with the worlds first truly portable Wind Turbine.”

Years You Have Left to Live, Probably – “Toggle your age and sex below to see the possibilities.”

ethical-ad-blocker – “Fortunately I’ve developed a simple solution. The Ethical Ad Blocker is a Chrome extension that, when it detects advertising on a website, blocks the entire website. This way, the user doesn’t experience ads, but they also don’t leech free content. Everybody wins. Download it today!”

The One Thing Pope Francis Could Say That Would Truly Stun Congress – “Francis is saying is that capitalism and our growing environmental disasters are rooted in an even older, larger problem: centuries of European colonialism. Moreover, he suggests this colonialism has never really ended, but merely changed forms — and much of U.S. foreign policy that’s purportedly about terrorism, or drugs, or corruption, or “free trade,” is actually colonialism in disguise.”

Exxon’s Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels’ Role in Global Warming Decades Ago – “Exxon’s Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels’ Role in Global Warming Decades Ago – Top executives were warned of possible catastrophe from greenhouse effect, then led efforts to block solutions.”

Fragen, die wir zur „Zuger Sexaffäre“ noch stellen müssen – “Das zweifelhafte Vorgehen des Spitals, die Kommunikation der Staatsanwaltschaft mit den Medien und die Berichtserstattung der Medien selbst haben es Spiess-Hegglin verunmöglicht, wichtigen Fragen zu einem offensichtlichen Eingriff in ihre intime Integrität in Würde nachzugehen. Stattdessen wurde sie mit ihrem Anliegen einem höhnischen Publikum vorgeführt, wegen unterstellten Lügen an den Pranger gestellt und hat zur Belustigung der Pendler beim morgendlichen Zeitungslesen beigetragen. Dies kann so nur einer Frau passieren. Und wenn schon über sonst nichts, sollten wir uns alleine darüber schon dringend Gedanken machen.” Der Artikel musste keine zwei Tage nach Publikation von vice offline genommen werden. Man findet ihn aber zum Beispiel hier komplett: Pastebin

Charlie Brooker on Cameron and #piggate: ‘I’d have been screaming it into traffic if I’d known’ – “The first question people were asking me was, Did I know anything about it? And the answer is no, absolutely not. I probably wouldn’t have bothered writing an episode of a fictional comedy-drama if I’d known. I’d have been running around screaming it into traffic. It’s a complete coincidence, albeit a quite bizarre one.”

Unabomber’s anti-technology manifesto published 20 years ago – “It was 20 years ago Saturday that the world awoke to a strange treatise published in print by The Washington Post. The piece espoused extreme hatred for technology, what the manifesto’s author described as the “industrial-technological system” that would someday end up “depriving people of dignity and autonomy.””

Drugs, debauchery and the making of an extraordinary Prime Minister – “A distinguished Oxford contemporary claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a dead pig. His extraordinary suggestion is that the future PM inserted a private part of his anatomy into the animal’s mouth.”

Indie band Deerhoof experiment with sound at CERN | CERN – “Ex/Noise/CERN is about exploring the unknown,” says Beacham. “During Run 2 of the LHC, we’re not sure what we’ll find – extra Higgs bosons, dark matter, cracks in the Standard Model – and when we brought Deerhoof to CERN, we weren’t sure what they’d do in SM-18. But like the best scientists, they were curious, daring and embraced the unknown – with spectacular results”


Ein Antifa-Logo erobert die Herzen (neues deutschland) – “Vater und Mutter, die ein Mädchen mit wehenden Zöpfen hinter sich herziehen – das »Refugees Welcome«-Logo ist schon lange in der Linken beliebt und nun zum berührenden Symbol für eine offene Flüchtlingspolitik geworden”

Berner Polizei: Wann übernimmt Rot-Grün die Verantwortung? – “Egal welche linke Legislativpolitikerin oder welchen Aktivisten man fragt, es herrscht ziemliche Ratlosigkeit und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit der Polizei: Egal was man tue, es ändere sich nichts, so der Tenor. Man könnte in der Hauptstadt nicht nur von einem Polizeiproblem reden, sondern auch von einem Demokratieproblem.”

Die Klimaflüchtlinge kommen: Das Leben der anderen ist armselig und kurz – “Kurz: Wiewohl Klimamigranten vor nichts anderem fliehen als ihrer materiellen Not, ist ihre Klassifikation als Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge so offensichtlich ungerecht, dass sie sich nicht halten wird.”

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