ruff linkage 2015434 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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#watch and

Ellis Trailer – “This is the trailer for ELLIS, a short film starring Robert De Niro, written by Eric Roth, directed by JR. The short narrative film, ELLIS, awakens our collective memory. Leaving their past behind them, immigrants fleeing poverty, discrimination, dictatorship arrived there. Ellis Island was the gateway to the United States for millions of immigrants.”

Come To Hell – “Demos und Demoverbote in Bern und Festnahmen wie in Ostberlin 1989: Die Geschichte des autonomen Kulturzentrums Reitschule ist auch mit dem Film «Come to Hell …» noch nicht zu Ende geschrieben …”


The Secret Mass Graves of the Refugee Crisis – “Everywhere I looked I saw dead people or people drowning in front of my eyes. Some were screaming, some praying, some saying their names, who their families are, where in Eritrea they were from, messages to their loved ones. I kept hearing the noises; the sound of screaming and crying, the shouting, the screaming went on and on again.”

CEO effect on firm performance mostly due to chance – “He then conducted a variance decomposition analysis on real firm data as well as on the simulated data and compared the results asking: “how big would the measured CEO effect be if all performance differences between different CEO tenures were caused by chance?'” Doing so he showed that over 70 percent of the CEO effect measured by past studies could be due to chance.”

Soup for Syria: chefs are stirred into action over refugee crisis – “A new cookbook contains soup recipes from Yotam Ottolenghi, Claudia Roden and Anthony Bourdain – and the full cover price goes to support refugees”

Blue Monday – “I used to want to change the world. Now I just want my cat back.”

‘Save the Planet, Kill Yourself’: The Contentious History of the Church of Euthanasia – “humans are making a conscious choice to place their interests above the well-being of life, and this is not merely foolish or misguided, it is shameful and criminal. If humans are unable—for whatever reason—to exist in a way that supports life, then humans are unfit, and must be eliminated.”

MP duped by ‘Brass Eye’ made chair of psychoactive substances committee – “David Amess MP — who was famously duped by the Brass Eye “cake” episode — has been appointed chair of the Psychoactive Substances Bill Committee.”

Steve Coogan and Armando Iannucci on how to be funny – “You tap your inner arsehole.”

New York Times using virtual reality to tell story of refugees – “The New York Times, always on the cutting edge of story-telling, has partnered with Google to send Cardboard headsets to all of its print subscribers during the weekend of November 7-8 and digital subscribers will receive a code for a free viewer. The headsets will be used to view a film called “The Displaced” about child refugees from Syria, South Sudan and Eastern Ukraine”

Racists want to #BoycottStarWarsVII because it’s ‘anti-white’ – “But its depiction of a heroic black man — British actor John Boyega as Finn, a former Stormtrooper seemingly looking for redemption — has outraged a vocal minority. The hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII is trending on Twitter with some saying the film is “anti-white” and others making anti-semitic comments.”

Long-Distance Jammer Is Taking Down Drones – “Reportedly, the DroneDefender can hit objects up to 400 meters with an effective cone diameter of 30°. This is about as far as Battelle goes with the technical details, so the actual frequency ranges of the rifle still remain unknown.”

MALKOVICH|SANDRO|ERIC| – “Get acting legend John Malkovich to read Plato’s Cave Allegory over some original ambient music, and then send the results to a bunch of musicians to remix and reinterpret Malkovich’s voice.”


«Sie nahmen mir den Buben sofort weg» – “Heime, Schläge, Zwangsarbeit: Maria Magdalena Ischer erlebte den Terror der fürsorgerischen Zwangsmassnahmen, die bis 1981 in der Schweiz praktiziert wurden. Ein erschütternder Lebensbericht – aufgezeichnet vor ihrem Tod im Frühling.”

Bern interactive MAP – handdrawn interactive map of Bern.

Antifaschistischer Abendspaziergang 2015 – “Zunehmende staatliche Repression gegen alles, was irgendwie „links“ ist, hochgerüstete Polizeikorps, Anti-Terror-Einheiten gegen besetzte Häuser, eingeschränkte Grundrechte: Könnte da allenfalls ein Zusammenhang mit besagtem Rechtsrutsch bestehen? Ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt!”

Streit um die Schweiz: Dieser Versuchsballon stinkt zum Himmel – “Die Mittel, mit denen die SVP so erfolgreich die Schweizer Politiklandschaft umpflügt, zeichnen sich vornehmlich durch zwei Eigenheiten aus: Asymmetrie und Intransparenz. So kennt die Schweiz als einziges europäisches Land keine Regulierung von Wahlkampf-, Abstimmungs- und Politikfinanzierung. Das öffnet Tür und Tor für alle möglichen richtigen und falschen Vermutungen und vergiftet die Atmosphäre.”

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