ruff linkage 2015446 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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#watch and

Kraftwerk – Roboter – Lemmchen Grundschule – “Kinder der 1. Klasse (GTS Lemmchen Mainz-Mombach) basteln, singen und spielen Roboter von Kraftwerk.”

That strange German dancing video from the glorious 70s made even stranger – Gotta love that shot where you see Günther Netzer in the back, his arms defensively folded over his chest.

15 ans Rémi Gaillard – “15 ans Rémi Gaillard : Depuis 1999 sur Internet.”

World’s Slowest Rube Goldberg – Rube Slowberg


It’s okay. Lego was never your friend anyway – “Corporations are not our friends. They make things we like, but their support for our preferred use cases is not a given. The tragedy here is not that corporations have their own interests so much as their poor choices in things to care about. Tech companies could care about so many things, but harassment so rarely makes the list. Lego could be concerned about so many things, but here they are fretting about Ai Weiwei.”

Death to Capitalism? Visitors to Marx’s Grave Balk at Fee – “London cemetery charges fee to see late communist’s memorial”

European Union tells member states to protect Edward Snowden from U.S. extradition – “The 285-281 vote in the European Parliament suggested that states “drop any criminal charges against Edward Snowden, grant him protection and consequently prevent extradition or rendition by third parties, in recognition of his status as whistleblower and international human rights defender.”

Anonymous to release names of up to 1000 KKK members – “The aim of this operation is digital. Another cyber war trist, nothing more. We are not violent. We will release, to the global public, the identities of up to 1000 klan members”

Cartoonist Joan Cornellà blocked on Facebook – A better name proposal, let’s call Blockface.

Tor Messenger Beta: Chat over Tor, Easily – “Tor Messenger is a cross-platform chat program that aims to be secure by default and sends all of its traffic over Tor. It supports a wide variety of transport networks, including Jabber (XMPP), IRC, Google Talk, Facebook Chat, Twitter, Yahoo, and others; enables Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging automatically; and has an easy-to-use graphical user interface localized into multiple languages.”

Why revolution is no longer possible – “The tough logic of capitalism prevails even at the heart of the sharing economy. As nice as it may be to share, no one gives away anything for free. Capitalism reaches fulfillment when it sells communism as a commodity. Communism as a commodity spells the end of revolution.” This is not a new text by Byung-Chul Han, but translated in English here.

The monotony of sleep and sleeplessness – “Located somewhere on the border between the social and the natural, sleep ensures the presence in the world of the phasic and cyclical patterns essential to life and incompatible with capitalism. Sleep’s anomalous persistence has to be understood in relation to the ongoing destruction of the processes that sustain existence on the planet.”

Britain is heading for another 2008 crash: here’s why | David Graeber – “So there has to be debt. And debt has to be owed to someone. Let us refer to this group collectively as “rich people”, since most of them are. If the government runs up a lot of debt, that means rich people hold a lot of government bonds, which pay quite low rates of interest; the government taxes you to pay them off. If the government pays off its debt, what it’s basically doing is transferring that debt directly to you, as mortgage debt, credit card debt, payday loans, and so on. Of course the money is still owed to the same rich people. But now those rich people can collect much higher rates of interest.”

Anti-Israel Activism Criminalized in the Land of Charlie Hebdo and “Free Speech“ – “The individuals arrived at the supermarket wearing shirts emblazoned with the words: “Long live Palestine, boycott Israel.” They also handed out fliers that said that “buying Israeli products means legitimizing crimes in Gaza.””

Weak Messages Create Bad Situations – A manifesto by David Shrigley – “We are in a bad situation and weak messages are to blame. Lots of individuals in society today are feeble-minded. They don’t know what the hell is going on … It’s alright. I am here to help you.”

Women can’t have it all – because the game is rigged – “We can’t ‘have it all’ when the system is broken. It’s time and beyond time for women to start asking what else we want- starting, perhaps, with a fairer deal.”

What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming – A Conversation with the author Per Espen Stoknes: “By entering more fully into Grief, we may move through denial & bargaining, despair and grief to a fuller acceptance of the mess we’re in.”

Ai Weiwei “Everything is awesome “ – “Lego’s refusal to sell its product to the artist is an act of censorship and discrimination.”

DJ Food ‘Music On A Shoestring’ mix [Psychonavigation 2000 – 2015] – “Psychonavigation Records 2000-2015 mix CD I’ve just finished: 23 tracks from the 45 track ‘Music On A Shoestring’ digital compilation, mixed by yours truly into a 74 minute head trip. If ambient electronica, deep space dub, classical piano and acoustic pieces are your thing then this is for you.”

My Atheism does not make me superior to believers. It’s a leap of faith too – “If we truly want to free ourselves from the racist, sexist, classist, homophobic tendencies of society, we need to go beyond religion. Yes, religion does need to be examined and debated regularly and fervently.”

Cheese Really Is ‘Daily Crack’: New Study Reveals It’s as Addictive as Drugs – “Cheese’s protein casein, which is found in milk products, releases casomorphins, an opiate, when digested. These casomorphins then cling to your brain, activating the opiate receptors, producing an effect not much different than heroin or morphine. Those happy feelings you get when eating the protein-rich cheese quickly develop into a full-blown addiction.”


Der Sprayer von Zürich: Lautloser Protest – “Harald Naegeli ist zurück: Der Kunsthistoriker Felix Thürlemann hat in Zürich ein neues Werk des Sprayers entdeckt, just an der Stelle, wo der umstrittene Ergänzungsbau des Kunsthauses entstehen soll.”

Krebsrisiko bei Fleischverzehr: Es geht nicht nur um die Wurst – “Wer das Krebsrisiko durch Fleisch nicht ernst nimmt, übersieht leicht, worum es darüber hinaus geht: um die Eindämmung eines besinnungslosen Konsumrausches.”

Kapitalismus as a Service: General Intellect at Work – Understanding Digital Capitalism | Teil 17 (das letzte Kapitel) – “alle bisherige Kapitalismuskritik habe sich zu sehr auf Eigentum und Staat konzentriert. Jetzt haben wir es mit einem Kapitalismus zu tun, der ohne beide auskommt.”

«Es ist Zeit, die Dinge beim Namen zu nennen» Patrik Müller vs. Lukas Bärfuss – “Viele haben Angst. Angst vor Arbeitsplatzverlust, vor dem wirtschaftlichen Abstieg, vor der doch sehr ungewissen Zukunft. Das ist verständlich. Die Zeiten sind unberechenbar geworden, und Menschen fürchten sich vor Veränderung. Ängste muss man ernst nehmen, aber sie dürfen nicht zum politischen Kapital werden.”

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