ruff linkage 2016016 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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Rebooting Work – Rushkoff – “Finally, distributing the spoils of distributed technologies means accepting the good news: there may simply be fewer employment opportunities for people. We must remember that employment may really just be an artifact of an old system – the reactionary move of a bunch of nobles who were afraid for people to create value for themselves. Once we’re no longer conflating the idea of “work” with that of “employment,” we are free to create value in ways unrecognized by the current growth-based market economy. We can teach, farm, feed, care for and even entertain one another. The work challenge is not a problem of scarcity but a spoil of riches. It’s time we learn to deal with it that way.” And there’s another great text by Rushkoff bellow.

#watch and

The Wire – “I designed and animated this piece as an homage to my favorite show of all time, HBO’s The Wire. Music: “Way Down in the Hole” / The Blind Boys of Alabama.”

「スター・ウォーズ」メドレー 【 STAR WARS 】 – Japanese kid performs the star wars theme.

THE CONNECTED WORLD OFFICIAL TRAILER (2015) – BY WERNER HERZOG – “Description: Legendary director Werner Herzog investigates the connected world and the people who protect it in his upcoming documentary. From cyber-crime and service outages to technological advances in science, healthcare and retail, take a deeper look at how much our lives depend on staying connected and see just how big and yet fragile the Connected World has become.”


How Mickey Mouse Evades the Public Domain – “In other words, Disney has ingrained Mickey Mouse so deeply in its corporate identity that the character is essentially afforded legal protection for eternity, so long as Disney protects him (trademarks last indefinitely, so long as they are renewed).”

Tardis Cymbals by Cavern Of Anti-Matter – “Cavern Of Anti-Matter are spectrum addicts, setting up tiny rhythmic cells and expanding on them in certain ways, splitting the melody and stretching out. The melodic movement is much slower due to the lack of words. At the moment, the Cavern sound is more what I want to do.” – Tim Gane” In short, the best piece of music you will hear in a while.

If Music Presents: By The Sea… and Other Solitary Places, by Annabel (lee) – “Annabel (lee) is named after an Edgar Allen Poe poem. They are Annabel (not Lee) on vocals and lyrics and Richard E, a north Yorkshireman (production) who is best known for his work on Further Out Recordings.” Haunting, great, deep. [via DJ Food]

Judge says monkey cannot own copyright to famous selfies – “I’m not the person to weigh into this. This is an issue for Congress and the president. If they think animals should have the right of copyright they’re free, I think, under the Constitution, to do that.”

The birth of Debian, in the words of Ian Murdock himself – “Ian Murdock, the creator of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution project, died in rather unclear circumstances last week. Until more details emerge, it seems wise to refrain from speculation about what really happened. Far better to celebrate what is not in doubt: his important contribution to free software at a critical period in its growth.”

How Stories Deceive – “A young woman fooled the governments of three countries. What does her con reveal about how we see the world?”

Police to deploy drones to catch thieves, help break sieges – “the quadcopters could also be used by cops to, for example, allow them to eyeball protesters, in a move that is likely to raise concern among privacy campaigners.”

Chaos Communication Congress Hackers Invaded Millions of Servers With a Poem – “DELETE your logs. Delete your installations. Wipe everything clean, Walk out into the path of cherry blossom trees and let your motherboard feel the stones”

Just don’t – “This is what the cognitive capital theorists mean by the ‘socialized factory.’ We are no longer a world of clearly delineated production and consumption, but one in which ideas, behaviors and customer interactions with the brand are critical to generating profit; production and consumption are blurred.”

Fork the Economy – Rushkoff – “What those who hope to rein in the banking industry must do instead is break its monopoly over value creation and exchange by fostering competitive currencies, alternative corporate structures, worker-ownership, and restored respect for land and labor instead of just capital. If we can’t join ’em, then let’s beat ’em at their own game. We can make our own economy and money, too. After all, it is a free market.”

Go See “The Big Short” Right Now — And Then Read This – “It calls to mind Monty Python’s famous dead parrot sketch about a pet store salesman who defrauds his customer and then offers an endless stream of preposterous, contradictory obfuscations to conceal the obvious reality. The Big Short demonstrates that we’re now all living in that pet store.”

A Dream of Secular Utopia in ISIS’ Backyard – “Everyone has to choose a side now, Derik said. ISIS has chosen the side of slavery. We’ve chosen the side of freedom. We’re fighting for our ideas, Shaker said. Ideas, like people, die if we don’t fight for them.”

Veganuary – “Veganuary aims to reduce the suffering of animals by inspiring and supporting people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January”


IT-Identitäten – “Linkes Denken arbeitet sich oft am Abfall und an den Dysfunktionalitäten solcher Identitätsbildungsprozesse ab, weil sie – Foucault usw. – Generatoren von Machtverhältnissen sind. Identität ist Macht und Macht ist schlecht, also muss sie adornoid dekonstruiert werden, bis idealerweise alles floatet.”

Wie mir Native Advertising den Journalismus vergraulte – “Es fehlt Empörung, Haltung, Öffentlichkeit gegen die Akzeptanz und die Idealisierung von Native Ads. Mir ist es schleierhaft, wie man diese Entwicklung hinnehmen oder begrüssen kann, in einer Zeit, in der Medien einer kritischen bis paranoiden Leserschaft ausgesetzt sind.”

Der Nerd ist eine Erzählung, die der Nerd sich auf Kongressen selbst erzählt – “Die Nerdkultur zeichnet sich vor allem dadurch aus, dass sie alles kritisch reflektiert, außer sich selbst. Nerds haben heute eine ganze Menge Macht, tun aber immer noch so, als seien sie dieselben Leute, die von Bullies mit dem Kopf in die Mülltonne gesteckt werden.”

Physique et métaphysique de la manifestation – “Les choses que nous nous empêchons de faire ou de penser, ne sont-elles pas d’abord arrachées à la racine par un conditionnement permanent, écrasant, de notre pensée ? Un militant disait récemment que le problème climatique et écologique actuel est d’abord un problème d’ordre psychologique. Le décalage entre nos discours, nos valeurs et nos actes est tel, selon lui, qu’il relève en droit de la pathologie mentale. Quelle force peut elle nous conduire à un tel déni, et nous condamner à une telle impuissance, si ce n’est un genre d’envoûtement ?”

Abwechslung: Komm ich heut nicht, komm ich morgen – “Künstler der Gelegentlichkeit geben dem Ausdruck “unfassbar gut” einen neuen Sinn. Man weiß nicht, was sie als Nächstes tun. Es ist mal dies, mal das. Aber ohne Rhythmus. Manchmal ist es nur dies. Dann wieder nur das. Aber immer scheint es gut zu laufen.”

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