ruff linkage 2016146 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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A Key Similarity Between Snowden Leak and Panama Papers: Scandal Is What’s Been Legalized – “The deeper scandal is what’s legal, not what’s not.” #panamapapers

#watch and

Phife – Nutshell – ““Nutshell,” a song from that album featuring a beat from the late J Dilla, is being released as a posthumous single, with 50% of the proceeds going to support the American Diabetes Association and the National Kidney Foundation.”

Back to Real Footage – Monologue by @davidgraeber, who gets a hair cut while talking. And he even sings.

Brian Eno • ‘The Ship’ – “‘The Ship’ started as an Ambient work intended for a multi channel sound installation in Stockholm, but during the making of it I discovered that I could now sing a low C – which happens to be the root note of the piece. Getting older does have a few fringe benefits after all.”

Trump muted in Hollywood blvd – Pizza box used to stencil graffiti in daylight.


Naomi Klein slams global response to climate change at Winnipeg event – “Our governments in their infinite wisdom have said, ‘We know what we need to do and we are willing to do roughly half that”

Nation-wide radio station hack airs hours of vulgar “furry sex” ramblings – “Listeners hear explicit audio caused when station equipment is commandeered.”

How Porn Became a Symbol of Anarchy in Italy – “How did porn become a weapon for Italian intellectual counterculture? Porn represented a liberation of the body. The body had to be undressed from a conceptual point of view, too. Consider, for example, the hippie festivals of Parco Lambro, in Milan—dozens of naked people in a public park. The naked body represented a revolutionary element.”

Climate change will wipe $2.5tn off global financial assets: study – “There is no scenario in which the risk to financial assets are unaffected by climate change. That is just a fiction” Global warming calculated capitalistically.

Destroy Gender – “To be free from governance entails being free from gender. Being free from gender entails being free from categorization, normalization, and exploitation of governance.”

#NuitDebout: a movement is growing in France’s squares – “Fed up with inequality, unemployment and labor reforms — and increasingly outraged at the financial and political elite — tens of thousands across France are taking to the streets and the squares.”

Manifesta 11 – “Manifesta was conceived in the early 1990s as a nomadic, European biennial of contemporary art, responding to the new social, cultural and political reality that emerged in the aftermath of the Cold War. Following a desire to explore the psychological and geographical territory of Europe and to provide a dynamic platform for cultural exchange throughout the region, it takes place every two years in a different European city.”

Freaky formats: The odd-sized records you never knew existed – “My criteria is… when you look at a record and go ‘WTF?”

How a Fridge in an Alleyway Brought a Neighborhood Together – “Le frigo des ratons (or, “the fridge of raccoons,” in English), is one guy’s attempt at solving household food waste on a micro level. Canadians waste $31 billion [$23.5 billion USD] worth of food annually according to a 2014 study by Ontario consulting firm Value Chain Management International. Households make up half of that.”

5 Inconvenient Truths You Need to Know Before Eating Lunch – “1. Meat Preservatives Cause Cancer
2. Shrimp are a Safety Disaster Waiting to Happen
3. Antibiotic Use in Livestock is Getting Worse
4. Mad Cow Disease is Still with Us
5. Bird Flu and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus are Worse than Reported”

Cuckoldry is incredibly rare among humans – “Why are there so few cuckolds? The authors speculate that women may be remaining faithful due to “anti-cuckoldry tactics, such as male sexual jealousy, religious practices that regulate female sexuality, and strongly negative reactions towards female adultery.” It’s also possible that they fear sexually transmitted diseases, spousal abuse, divorce, or “reduced paternal investment by the social partner or his close relatives if the infidelity was discovered.”

xkcd: Garden – “Protip: If you don’t like how your garden is growing, you can click to prune it.” If only things grew, then I would love to prune…

Her two cents: an interview with Laurie Penny – “whether you are crossing a gender binary, or whether you are trying to smash it – and you can do both at the same time – those fights should be part of the same political movement, rather than squabbling with each other.”

Welcome to – Vegan river cruises are a thing, apparently.

Seriousness and sincerity: how to tell jesters from trolls – “Trolls, when cornered, often excuse themselves as Shakespearean fools of the modern age, as jesters. Given that the term “troll” spans a vast expanse from cute to abusive, this grasp at virtue seems legit. But there’s a plain difference between jesters and trolls: sincerity.”

Fighting Israeli Occupying Forces Is “Terrorism.” Boycotting Is “Anti-Semitism.” What’s Allowed? – “If fighting Israeli occupying forces is barred as “terrorism,” and nonviolent boycotts against Israel are barred as “anti-Semitism,” then what is considered a legitimate means for Palestinians and their allies to resist and end the decadeslong, illegal Israeli occupation? The answer is: nothing.”

A spiritual successor to Aaron Swartz is angering publishers all over again – “Meet accused hacker and copyright infringer Alexandra Elbakyan.”

Is Growing Your Own Food the Only Way to Truly Be Vegetarian or Vegan? – “By growing all of his food himself [..] it’s animal-free. Any vegan who buys her food is going to have blood on her hands, not to mention bone and poop.”

Brussels terror attacks: Why ramping up online surveillance isn’t the answer – “I am in Brussels. And I am scared. Very scared… of the probable security backlash following last month’s terrorist attacks.”

Teju Cole on the Charlie Hebdo editorial “How did we end up here?” – “Now, the people of Charlie […] finally step away from the mask of “it’s satire and you don’t get it” to state clearly that Muslims, all of them, no matter how integrated, are the enemy.”


So ist es, ein Kind geschlechtsneutral zu erziehen – “Die Welt verändert sich und passt sich neuen Geschlechtervorstellungen an—sie braucht einfach nur ein bisschen Zeit, um aufzuholen”

FC St. Pauli BIENEN-PROJEKT – “Um auf das Bienensterben aufmerksam zu machen und seine ökologische Verantwortung, insbesondere im Stadtteil zu vergrößern, siedelt der Verein FC St. Pauli ab sofort zwei Bienenvölker im Stadion an.
Zugleich wird der erste Stadionhonig der Bundesliga frisch am Millerntor produziert.”

Nous sommes tous des casseurs – “nous sommes ceux pour qui la fin d’une civilisation n’est pas la fin du monde’. Ce ’nous’ là est amené à s’élargir tant son terreau est fertile, et ici il est difficile de ne pas penser à ceux qui, au premier chef, pâtissent de l’ordre établi – les périphéries urbaines déclassées, les banlieues pour les nommer par leur nom, auxquelles il faut tendre la main parce que leur rage vient de la même injustice, inégalement déclinée.”

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