ruff linkage 2016385 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Occupy Wall Street, five years on: fire in the dustbin of history – “That a different kind of future was possible. That empires could fall if we asked them to. That we could change the story. That people could live together with dignity, rather than scraping by frightened and alone, crowded together and repelled like iron filings moved by some great magnetic charge. Occupy was a challenge to the consensus. That’s why it had to be crushed.”

#watch and

David Lynch on Where Great Ideas Come From – “A lot of artists think that suffering is necessary. But in reality, any kind of suffering cramps the flow of creativity.”

You Lose – “It’s International Circle Game Week”

Kitty back massage – Can we borrow your kitteh, plz?

Requiem for Syria – From minute 14:00, Interview with Robin Yassin-Kassab, co-author of Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War.

Future Domestic Robots: Design Fiction and the Home of the Future – “Future Domestic Robots: Design Fiction and the Home of the Future – Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović – September 9, 2016”


The 2016 Ig Nobel Prize Winners – “CHEMISTRY PRIZE [GERMANY] — Volkswagen, for solving the problem of excessive automobile pollution emissions by automatically, electromechanically producing fewer emissions whenever the cars are being tested.” Well deserved, lol.

Future Shock 3 mix by DJ Food – “Here’s my latest mix for Solid Steel – the third installment of my Future Shock series”

Venice Biennale director Christine Macel promises artist-centred exhibition – The curator of the next Venice Biennale promises to fcous on “reflection”, “individual expression” and art having “a spiritual dimension”. Might be one to skip…

Andrew Sullivan: My Distraction Sickness — and Yours – “An endless bombardment of news and gossip and images has rendered us manic information addicts. It broke me. It might break you, too.”

How Video Games Are Influencing War Propaganda in Syria – “The type of propaganda being made in wartime has changed as the technology has changed. It has now ‘democratized’ and is accessible even to individuals and small groups. That means that control of images and ideas are no longer exclusively in the hands of governments — and as conflicts are no longer state versus state, the propaganda is no longer state versus state either.”

Our roads are choked. We’re on the verge of carmageddon | George Monbiot – “Car use takes a huge toll on our health and on the planet. We need to kick our addiction to driving ”

Angelina Jolie Divorces Brad Pitt as World Continues to Crumble Around Them – “Meanwhile, the tug-of-war between substantive celebrity journalism and liberal misdirection reached a fever pitch, as journalists and politically minded individuals began to deceptively tweet Brangelina-angled headlines that—surprise!—purposefully pointed to the Washington Post story, proving how brazen they are in their attempts to hijack the news cycle.”

How New York City Crowdsourced a Manhunt – “it dangerously deputized an entire city, and that the experience of seeing waves of commuters suddenly and simultaneously enlisted in a law enforcement manhunt had a creepily Orwellian feel.” Vigilantism.

TRACEROUTE – “A Personal Journey Into The Uncharted Depths Of Nerd Culture, A Realm Full Of Dangers, Creatures And More Or Less Precarious Working Conditions…A film by Johannes Grenzfurthner”

Losing the War on Unhappiness – “The wish to depict the universe as the ultimate result of mentality contradicts our overwhelming experience of living under mechanics, chance, and physical limitations. Until this fatal mistake — this reliance on a single metaphysical law of cause and effect — is corrected, the positive-thinking movement will continue to seem ethically unserious.”

Raped, imprisoned, beaten: migrants reveal their perilous journeys to Europe – “As the UN general assembly meets in New York to discuss the record numbers of people fleeing their homes, the Red Cross traces the journeys of a handful of migrants who made the perilous trip across Africa to Europe”


Grundlagenforschung als PR: VR-Pionier Jaron Lanier kritisiert Moonshot-Projekte – “Ewiges Leben? Sieg über Diabetes? Besiedelung des Mars? Der VR-Pionier, Künstler und Autor Jaron Lanier kritisiert “Moonshot”-Projekte von Konzernen wie Google als PR-Masche.”

Inside Sifftwitter: Ein Twitter-Troll erklärt das Trollen – Eine Erklärung mit bisschen viel Pathos zwar, aber durchaus lesenswert.

Gender: Rosa ist scheiße – “Bisher gab mir das Leben keinen Grund, mich mit Genderfragen zu beschäftigen. Nun macht mich meine Tochter zur Feministin.”

Outsourcing der Barbarei – “Ein Ende dieser dramatischen Entwicklung ist nicht in Sicht, da die zunehmende Instabilität des kapitalistischen Weltsystems sich in immer neuen ökonomischen wie militärischen Krisen- und Konfliktherden manifestiert, die entsprechende Fluchtbewegungen zur Folge haben. Das Mittelmeer wird auch in diesem Jahr ein Massengrab für verzweifelte Flüchtlinge sein, wobei abermals Negativrekorde zu befürchten sind”

La mangouste à lille – vive la rentrée, mort à l’état – “Retour en vidéo sur la mangouste, lieu occupé pendant quelques mois en plein centre de lille. Ce court film montre l’échec de la police à rentrer dans le lieu.”

«Das ist Vaginaneid» – “Können Sie sich vorstellen, ­weshalb männliche Kollegen Sie so niedermachen? Vaginaneid. Was braucht es, um reale ­Gleichberechtigung zu erlangen? Ein paar Jahrzehnte lang eine 90-Prozent-Frauenquote.”

Les Guerrilla Girls secouent le cocotier de l’art – “Depuis trente ans, ce collectif américain d’activistes grimées en singes défend la diversité dans les musées et galeries par ses slogans à l’humour mordant. Etat des luttes en galerie parisienne.”

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