ruff linkage 2016446 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


Tumblr Image of the Week



Wie können die Tussen es wagen? – “Es war #Aufschrei-Woche in der Schweiz – auf Twitter, Facebook und in den Medien. Berichtet wurde über sexuelle Übergriffe und Gewalt, sexistische Bemerkungen und Degradierungen am Arbeitsplatz, beim Sport, im Ausgang. Erstes Fazit: Power bei den Frauen, Lernbedarf bei vielen Männern.”

#watch and

Pflanz dich hin – Mehr Pflanzen an die S-Bahn

Donald Mohammed Trump – “A short film about a bizarre backstage crisis at a 2016 Republican Presidential rally.”

Grab US by the Pussy (Official) – “Thank you for lowering the bar. You taught us lately, everyone can make it, if one is just great enough – and a TV-Star.”

People of Earth: Premiere Full Episode – “Come for Wyatt Cenac, stay for the tight-knit, small-town bickering over the existence of aliens.” Worth starting up your VPN for.

Before the Flood – “Before the Flood, directed by Fisher Stevens, captures a three-year personal journey alongside Academy Award-winning actor and U.N. Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio as he interviews individuals from every facet of society in both developing and developed nations who provide unique, impassioned and pragmatic views on what must be done today and in the future to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.”


Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven’t The Media Covered It? – “But Johnson’s appearance was canceled at the last minute because Bloom said her client had received threats and was afraid of appearing in public.”

A first person account of a DAPL arrest / Boing Boing – The story of the brutal arrest

Emma Watson hides feminist books in London subway – “As part of her fight for global gender quality, the British actress is using strategically-placed books to make a difference.”

I Talked To Some Trump Voters, Too – “I don’t have a racist bone in my body. I don’t care if you’re white, yellow, or colored. I’m just worried about these Muslims forcing Shariah Law on us here in Bleaksville. Trump’s gonna put a stop to that.”

Wham! Bam! The true history of Plastic Bertrand’s immortal 1977 Euro-punk anthem ‘Ça Plane Pour Moi’ – “So how’d this Belgian prankster pull a Milli Vanilli on the world and get away with it for so long?”

On Anniversary of the Patriot Act, Artist Passes Out Pocket Knives at the Airport – “Last week, performance artist Michele Pred handed out small pocket knives passengers arriving at San Francisco’s International Airport to replace those that have been confiscated since the passage of the Patriot Act 15 years ago.”

Vegan cookbooks inspired by Nick Cave and Morrissey – “The only thing that brought me comfort during that nightmare was drawing. I started to doodle images of Nick Cave crying over pints of ice cream, Siouxsie Sioux devouring tacos, and The Sisters Of Mercy stuffing their faces with Cinnabons.”

The wonderful, endless world of ‘Goo’ album remixes – “After Sonic Youth jumped to DGC after Daydream Nation, they saw an opportunity to give Pettibon a more mainstream platform. For Goo, SY’s first album for DGC which came out in 1990, Pettibon repurposed a 1966 news photograph of Maureen Hindley and her first husband, David Smith, who were witnesses in the Moors murderers trial in the U.K., to create an instant classic, indeed one of the most iconic album covers in rock history.”

Carnegie Mellon made a special pair of glasses that lets you steal a digital identity – “In a paper (pdf) presented at a security conference on Oct. 28, researchers showed they could trick AI facial recognition systems into misidentifying faces—making someone caught on camera appear to be someone else, or even unrecognizable as human.”

A-Z of Trump: 26 illustrators imagine a ‘ghastly’ future – in pictures – “In this parody the US game designer Mike Selinker outlines an A to Z of similarly gruesome eventualities he expects will befall a world in which Trump is president – with each one illustrated by a favourite comic or fantasy artist.”

Admiral to price car insurance based on Facebook posts – “Insurer’s algorithm analyses social media usage to identify safe drivers in unprecedented use of customer data”

Clinton vs Trump: Whose crimes are worse? – “How should voters weigh the sins of these two uniquely corrupt candidates?”

Noam Chomsky and the Bicycle Theory – “I’ve been criticized for advocating a politics of fear, which is correct. That’s not a criticism. That’s sanity.”

Report Back from the Battle for Sacred Ground – “We’ve just received the following firsthand report from comrades who participated in the defense of the camp. Describing some of the fiercest clashes indigenous and hey pose important questions about solidarity struggles.”

Ecosex Manifesto – “The earth is our lover”

steven burton digitally deletes the tattoos of ex-gang members – “photographer steven burton has developed a deeply personal, and profoundly poignant project that profiles former gang members, demonstrating two conflicting yet compelling visions of their identity. for the series ‘skin deep’, burton has meticulously, digitally removed gang tattoos from each subject’s face and body, liberating them from the judgement cast by society based on their unfamiliar, and therefore intimidatory appearance. for the ex-gang members profiled, burton’s resulting images were emotionally charged.”


Ni dieu ni maître, une histoire de l’anarchisme (épisodes 1/2 et 2/2) – “Dès son origine au XIXe siècle, l’anarchisme fait peur car ce courant politique est opposé aux maîtres comme aux dieux. Les anarchistes sont d’ailleurs sévèrement réprimés.”

Dortmund wird weder sein Neonazi-Problem, noch die dazu passenden Graffitis los – “Der Besitzer der einschlägigen Häuser in der Emscherstraße duldet die Nazi-Sprühereien offenbar und vermietet seine Häuser schon seit Jahren bereitwillig an Neonazis.”

Einfache Google-Suche enttarnt NDB-Cyber-Chef – “In den Medien tritt der Cyber-Chef des Nachrichtendienstes anonym auf – dafür outet er sich auf dem Karriereportal Linkedin. Aufgedeckt hat das ausgerechnet der IZRS.”

Sicherheitskonzept für G-20 in Hamburg: Ein Knast für Gipfel-Gegner – “Das ehemalige Frauengefängnis Hahnöfersand wird wegen der erwarteten G-20-Proteste zur U-Haftanstalt umgebaut. Zum OSZE-Treffen soll es fertig sein.”

Verkehrungen ins Gegenteil. Zur Karnevalisierung von Politik – “Rassisten bezeichnen sich als Andersdenkende und Populisten als Dissidenten. Aus Demokratie wird Diktatur und Linke werden zu Faschisten. Was hat es mit diesen Verkehrungen und Verschiebungen in Presse und Politik auf sich?”

USA: Fremde Freunde – “Rassenkonflikte, Waffenliebe, Megareiche: Warum sind die Amerikaner, wie sie sind? Daten, Karten und Satellitenbilder zeigen uns ein faszinierendes, verstörendes Land.”

Anti-Gesichtserkennungs-Muster auf Sonnenbrille täuscht Milla Jovovich vor – “Identitätsdiebstahl über Gesichtserkennungstäuschungsmuster.”

317 – Documentaire – 60min – “Contribution au débat sur la répression politique sous état d’urgence”

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