ruff linkage 2016514 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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#watch and

Strange Bedfellows – Full Frontal woth Samantha Bee – “Peace on earth, good will toward Glenn”

Planet Earth 2 Screams – “What would it sound like if animals had human voices?”

Toronto Zoo Giant Panda vs. Snowman – I love this guy

The Procedure – “A man is kidnapped and forced to endure a strange experiment.”


I Can’t Publish My Interview With An Awful Man – “Because we can’t give him the attention.” This has to happen much more often.

Mother aggressively arrested on tape after reporting her son was assaulted – “Jacqueline Craig and her two teenage daughters were arrested and later released from a Texas jail after the incident, according to reports and online records”

You Are In An Abusive Relationship With The Internet – “The Internet is bad, everyone knows it, and we’re just going to keep doing it to ourselves.”

Baby Jesus Was Kind of a Dick – “According to the Infancy Gospels, Lil’ Jesus used his divine powers to terrorize teachers, kill Jewish children, and be an all-around butthole.” Knew it.

World’s first solar panel road opens in French village – “The French government wants to build 1000km of solar roads in the next five years” But apparently it was expensive:

World’s first solar road opens in France: It’s ridiculously expensive – “Kilometer-long road cost $5.2 million to build.” Meh.

Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals – “Hegemony How-To is a practical guide to political struggle for a generation that is deeply ambivalent about questions of power, leadership, and strategy.”

Microcosm’s Spring: Fix Your Clothes, Guts, and Community by Microcosm Publishing – “This spring, Microcosm is publishing six books that span the range of our interests. Each one fulfills our mission of putting your power in your hands. From fermentation to empowering queer youth, sewing to reporting on racial justice, bicycling to punk rock mysteries—these six colorful little books pack a serious punch. Back this project and help us bring these—and many future books—to life!”

Apple CEO Tim Cook Met With Trump to “Engage” on Gigantic Corporate Tax Cut – “Here’s what Cook’s vague description meant: Apple wants a huge tax cut, and Trump has promised to deliver one that would save the company about $40 billion to $50 billion.”

What President Obama Should Have Said at His Last Press Conference
“Director Clapper has also agreed to immediately declassify and release as much of our intelligence on the election as possible. You should see those files appearing in your email in-boxes by this evening. They’ll be PDFs.”


USA fragen vor Einreise nun nach Social-Media-Accounts – “Wie vor Monaten angekündigt, fragt der US-Grenzschutz Einreisende nun nach deren Accounts auf sozialen Netzwerken. Die Frage muss zwar nicht beantwortet werden, trotzdem fürchten Bürgerrechtler negative Auswirkungen.” What could possibly go wrong?

Faire Phénix – “L’art dit politique est une terrible erreur. Quel art ne l’est pas ? Il y a dans les montagnes de pneus d’Hirschhorn le contraire de ce qu’il prétend dire. Il flatte l’esthétique révolutionnaire, brasse des discours. Mais il n’allume pas le feu, il l’écarte.”

Ein Lobbyist vor dem Seitenwechsel – Wer ergattert das Berner Stadtpräsidium? Der grüne Alec von Graffenried oder die Sozialdemokratin Ursula Wyss? Anders gefragt: ein Baulobbyist oder eine Vollzeitpolitikerin? Denn in diesem Punkt liegt eine grössere Differenz als bei der Parteizugehörigkeit.

Mit Fleck auf der Insel [ALWAYS BETA] – “Welches Buch würden Sie auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen?“ – so lautet eine beliebte Frage in People-Magazinen, bei Miss-Wahlen oder Bewerbungsgesprächen. Als sie sich letzthin ganz konkret stellte, habe ich diese Frage für mich mit Ludwik Flecks Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache beantwortet.”

Gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse zu analysieren, ist nicht primär Elfenbeinturmbillard. – “Intellektuelle müssen sich zurzeit als weltfremd und arrogantbeschimpfen lassen. Dabei verkennen viele, die den verbalenZweihänder schwingen, was Intellektualität und kritisches Denkenüberhaupt ausmacht. Und zeigen so ihre eigene Arroganzgegenüber denen, für die sie zu sprechen behaupten”

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