ruff linkage 2017038 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]

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Tumblr Image of the Week



Donald Trump has told America it can be great without being good – “The inauguration of the new president is so fraught because America sees itself as exceptional.”

#watch and

Sid Vicious – My Way (Original and Complete Version) – “And now – The end is near”

Comic Sans: The Man Behind the World’s Most Contentious Font – “Here’s the story behind the most polarizing font ever made.”

Eclectic Method – Hope – “And Dictators die – We’re going to survive” Are we?

The Graffiti Grammar Police – “Their names? Agent X and Agent Full Stop. Their mission? To fix illegible and grammatically incorrect graffiti everywhere… starting with Quito, Ecuador.”

Ricky Gervais | Challenging Belief – “Atheism is Awesome”

Lil Lou – Bitchez – “Entstanden ist ein Werk – eine Figur – die versucht, die rumspukenden sexistischen Prinzipien aufzuzeigen, aufzubrechen und aufzuheben.”

Young Thug – Wyclef Jean [Official Video] – So [Meta], it almost hurts.

Popping Popcorn at 30,000 FPS in Ultra Slow Motion – “Popping Popcorn at 30,000 Frames Per Second Filmed in Ultra Slow Motion Macro with the Phantom v2512 Ultra High Speed Camera.”


Encrypted Email Service Once Used by Edward Snowden Relaunches – “On Friday, he’s relaunching Lavabit with a new architecture that fixes the SSL problem and includes other privacy-enhancing features as well, such as one that obscures the metadata on emails to prevent government agencies like the NSA and FBI from being able to find out with whom Lavabit users communicate. He’s also announcing plans to roll out end-to-end encryption later this year, which would give users an even more secure way to send email.”

Massive Crowd Converges in DC Outside of Alt-Right ‘DeploraBALL’ – Videos and Tweets

Chrome Extension “President” Trump – “Replaces instances of President Trump with “President” Trump (adds quotations)”

Sherwood & Pinch ft. Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry – Lies – “From ‘Man Vs. Sofa’ the 2nd Sherwood & Pinch album, out 24 February 2017”

Topless Protester In Spain Grabs Waxwork Donald Trump’s Crotch – “Feminist organization FEMEN has claimed credit for the incident, which was caught on camera.”

Tales from the frontlines of viral photography – “New thing time however was quite a few people calling this fake news. But I guess we all know that in 2017 “fake news” is a term applied to anything you don’t agree with, no matter it’s basis in fact.”

Assange weasels out of pledge to surrender if Manning received clemency – “WikiLeaks founder now says it’s not good enough Manning will be released in May.”

It’s Not The End Of The World But You Might Wish It Were – “Someday soon we will ignore his tweets. We won’t worry about him every second. And then we’ll know that we’ve truly died on the inside. Everyone’s dying, though. How bad could it be.”

Russian protest artist Pyotr Pavlensky seeks political asylum in France – “On Monday, 16 January, Pavlensky told the Russian opposition television channel Dojd that a complaint had been filed against him and his partner by the theatre actress, Anastasia Slonina. Pavlensky denies any guilt and describes the complaint as a “denunciation”. The couple’s lawyer, Olga Dinze, says she has not yet received any court documents connected to the investigation.”

Chelsea Manning: majority of prison sentence commuted by Barack Obama – “The whistleblower, who has been imprisoned for six years for leaking state secrets, is now set to go free on 17 May”

Soros, ‘Globalism,’ and Grassroots Revolt: How the Right Uses Conspiracy Theories to Appear Revolutionary – “the Right has a direct and real need to explain why revolt comes out of human communities because by doing so, it makes itself appear to be revolutionary and at the forefront of a worldwide struggle against “globalism” and overall, justifies themselves taking State power (or supporting it). This combination of dismissal of the capacity of human beings to run their own affairs and struggles, especially the poor and the colonized, while at the same time valorizing one’s own need to rule, runs throughout both the authoritarian Left and the Right, and should recognized as the filth that it is.”
Whoever They Vote For, We Are Ungovernable – “A History of Anarchist Counter-Inaugural Protest”

World’s eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50% – “A new report by Oxfam warns of the growing and dangerous concentration of wealth”

You Draw It: What Got Better or Worse During Obama’s Presidency – “Draw your guesses on the charts below to see if you’re as smart as you think you are.”

Hyperpartisan Sites And Facebook Pages Are Publishing False Stories And Conspiracy Theories About Angela Merkel – “Top-performing Merkel stories in both English and German are dominated by a string of highly critical, and often misleading, articles and headlines from websites that consistently publish fake news and conspiracy theories.”

A message to my doomed colleagues in the American media – “You can’t hurt this man with facts or reason. He’ll always outmaneuver you. He’ll always wriggle out of whatever carefully crafted verbal trap you lay for him. Whatever he says, you won’t be able to challenge him. He always comes with a bag of meaningless factoids (Putin likes to drown questions he doesn’t like in dull, unverifiable stats, figures and percentages), platitudes, false moral equivalences and straight, undiluted bullshit.”

Peace sign selfies could let hackers copy your fingerprints – “Posing for a picture while holding your hands up in a peace sign could pose a security threat, with hackers able to recreate prints that are the key to phones, computers and tablets. ”

A Quick Report on Shutting Down Milo at UC Davis – “Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak at the campus of UC Davis on Friday the 13th. Similar to other campuses where Yiannopoulos has spoken, he was invited by the campus Republicans. Just days before the event, he announced that in addition to his appearance, the pharmaceutical ex-CEO Martin Shkreli”

#oldiebutgoodie (R.I.P. Mark Fischer)

«Die Zeit hat ihren Geschmack verloren» – “Den Rechten ist es gelungen, heterogene Interessengruppen aus völlig unterschiedlichen Lagern zu koordinieren. Sie haben es geschafft, die amoralischen Anhänger der freien Marktwirtschaft und die religiösen Rechten hinter sich zu scharen. Das ist eine sehr effiziente Bricolage von eigentlich unvereinbaren Positionen, und in dieser Hinsicht sind die Rechten die viel besseren Postmodernisten als wir.”

Good For Nothing – The rebuilding of class consciousness is a formidable task indeed, one that cannot be achieved by calling upon ready-made solutions – but, in spite of what our collective depression tells us, it can be done. Inventing new forms of political involvement, reviving institutions that have become decadent, converting privatised disaffection into politicised anger: all of this can happen, and when it does, who knows what is possible?”

Mark Fisher : The Slow Cancellation Of The Future – R.I.P.


Im Nebel der explosiven Gegenwart – Zygmunt Bauman (1925 – 2017) – “Die Politik sähe anders aus, wenn sie sich am kürzlich verstorbenen Zygmunt Bauman orientieren würde. Der Soziologe und Philosoph schuf Denkwerkzeuge gegen rechtsnationale RattenfängerInnen und liberale Wirtschaftsdogmen.”

“Fake News” und der blinde Fleck der Medien – “Wenn die etablierten Medien diesen Kampf nicht als einen Kampf gegen Desinformationen aller Art führen, sondern als einen Kampf Wir gegen Die; wenn sie den Eindruck erwecken, dass sich Kollegen untereinander nicht wehtun, aber keine Hemmungen gegenüber dubiosen amerikanischen Seiten, Anti-Mainstream-Medien und Einzelpersonen im Netz haben; wenn es scheint, als sei das Haupt-Problem von „Fake News“ womöglich gar nicht der Inhalt, sondern der Absender – dann haben sie keine Chance, diesen Kampf zu gewinnen.”

“Wir müssen hektoliterweise Hoffnung verkaufen” – “Eine Woche später treffen wir Constantin Seibt zum Interview, einen der Mitinitianten des neuen Medienprojekts.” Ohne Micropayment von Anfang an, wird das leider sicher nix.

Björn Höcke: Rede offenbart Gesinnung, Kolumne von Sascha Lobo – “Diese Geschichte aber ist schon einmal geschrieben worden. Und wer dafür plädiert, sie zu tilgen, zu verklären, umzukehren – der plant vermutlich einen neuen Anlauf. Man hätte es wissen können, diesmal mit nur einem Klick, Internet sei Dank. Oder nein – man hätte es wissen müssen.”

Das Ganser-Phänomen – “Die Grauzone zwischen Wissenschaft und Verschwörungstheorie, in der sich Ganser positioniert, macht ihn in diesen verwirrenden und seltsamen Zeiten vermutlich erst für viele so richtig interessant.”

„At the last Trump…“ Populismus und das Ende der Demokratie, wie wir sie kennen – “Donald Trump ist das bislang deutlichste Krisensymptom der parlamentarischen, repräsentativen Demokratie. Die drohende Reduktion der demokratischen Ordnung auf ihren archaisch-plebiszitären Kern zerstört die Schutzfunktion der Institutionen zugunsten politischer Führer, die ihre autoritäre Macht auf den angeblichen „Volkswillen“ stützen.”

Die Burka in der Bankenrepublik – “Angenommen, das SVP-Plakat würde anstatt einer Burkaträgerin eine orthodoxe Jüdin abbilden, würden wir einen Sieg, der durch Schweigen zu Antisemitismus errungenen wurde, ebenfalls als ein Sieg der Demokratie empfinden?”

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