ruff linkage 2017054 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Wir können es uns nicht leisten, pessimistisch zu sein | Franziska Schutzbach – “Eine andere Welt ist also schon da. Wenn wir sie zu sehen bereit sind.”

Now everyone has seen Donald Trump’s true face – and the fightback can start | @pennyred – “Trump is a unifying president: for his opponents.”

#watch and

Jon Stewart Reads Trump’s Next Batch Of Executive Orders – Oh, Jon, we miss you every day.

Silly Symphonies – The Skeleton Dance – “As we hear the chimes at midnight and bats flutter from a belfry; as a hound howls at the full moon and black cats brawl on the tombstones; Through the gloom, white skeletons pass, Running and leaping in their shrouds!” Re-discovered at the exhibity Le retour des ténèbres at the Musée Rath in Geneva.

Germany Second – Böhmi and his team react to the dutch video from last week.

And actually there will be a bunch of these videos from all kinds of countries, including so far Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal. All to be found at


What The Fuck Just Happened, Today? – “Logging the daily shock and awe.”

Monologue: My Very Good Black History Month Tribute to Some of the Most Tremendous Black People – His actual speech. It’s so idiotic that it’s actually humour enough.

Radio stations that ignored major vulnerability start playing anti-Trump song – “Vulnerability had been known for nearly a year, flared up shortly after inauguration.”

Self Defense Against White Supremacy: Finding a Path Towards Community-Based Self- Determination – “The American people need to start building real alternatives to electoral politics and institutionalized governance in order to find a path towards community-based self- determination. Americans have to stop talking about turning to, and looking for the approval of, political parties or their presidents. People on all sides of that limited spectrum of society are just puppets of a corrupt global economy.”

Trump Connections – “Visualization of 1.500 individuals and organizations connected directly and indirectly to Donald Trump. To explore the network further select one of the connections on the right of the graph or search below.”

How Donald Trump Could Build an Autocracy in the U.S. – “The preconditions are present in the U.S. today. Here’s the playbook Donald Trump could use to set the country down a path toward illiberalism.”

Mais wee, monsieur: Paris finds eco solution to public peeing – “Boxes installed in French capital convert urine into compost for use in parks, and absorb unpleasant smell”

The FBI’s Secret Rules – “President Trump has inherited a vast domestic intelligence agency with extraordinary secret powers. A cache of documents offers a rare window into the FBI’s quiet expansion since 9/11.”

Ten Meter Tower – “Short documentaries from an annual series in association with the Sundance Institute.”

Decoding Trump’s White House Energy Plan – “The White House’s “America First Energy Plan” reflects those claims and Trump’s disdain for climate science and renewable energy. Here is a paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the plan” Debunked.

Jesse McLaren on Twitter: “Spinal Tap audio under Trump is – “Spinal Tap audio under Trump is”

What Happens Now? – Umair Haque – “Like a hand holding a seed, humility alone plants love in the human heart.”

Trial Balloon for a Coup? – “Analyzing the news of the past 24 hours” Much of this is speculation and conjuncture. To be honest, it’s a conspiracy theory, but it does sound convincing.


Anti-Fascists Will Fight Trump’s Fascism in the Streets | Natasha Lennard – “In stark contrast with many liberals, antifa activists refuse any dialogue with Trumpism.”


Der Marsch der Individualisten. Die historische Erfahrung des Nationalsozialismus und die rechtspopulistischen Bewegungen der Gegenwart – Geschichte der Gegenwart – “Die derzeit immer wieder geäu­ßer­ten Hoff­nun­gen auf einen „guten“ Popu­lis­mus, der den rechts­po­pu­lis­ti­schen Marsch in die rich­tige Rich­tung umlen­ken könnte, gehen fehl. Um was es gehen muss, ist die Vertei­di­gung derje­ni­gen demo­kra­ti­schen Verfah­ren der Bünde­lung indi­vi­du­el­ler Meinun­gen zu poli­ti­schen Posi­tio­nen, der Reprä­sen­ta­tion und des poli­ti­schen Meinungs­strei­tes, die sicher­stel­len, dass Poli­tik nicht (mehr) durch indi­vi­dua­lis­ti­schem Akti­vis­mus, sondern durch das Bemü­hen um den Ausgleich zwischen unter­schied­li­chen gesell­schaft­li­chen Inter­es­sen bestimmt wird.”

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