ruff linkage 2017084 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America’s New Right | Penny Red – “What happens when a movement of gamers recognizes they’re not players, but pawns?”

#watch and

Leningrad – Kolshik – Mature reverse story video by a Russian band.

Tiny Trump / The Pocket Potus – “If you like this tiny trump stuff let us know and we can do tiny whomever.”


How James Joyce’s Daughter, Lucia, Was Treated for Schizophrenia by Carl Jung – Hers “is a story that was not supposed to be told”

We Killed Milo: What The Media Misses and Ignores – “It was militant direct action, clashes with the police, fighting with the Alt-Right, physically shutting down venues, applying pressure, and community organizing and outreach that stopped Milo.”

Brilliant troll hands out tiny Trump Russian flags right before Trump’s CPAC speech – “Someone tricked the eager and overly zealous audience into taking tiny Russian flags emblazoned with “TRUMP” in gold, all-caps letters. They seemed pretty happy about it, too!”

A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him: February 24th Mass Ritual – This is as amusing and kind of beautiful, might work 😉 :

“I call upon you
To bind
Donald J. Trump
So that his malignant works may fail utterly
That he may do no harm
To any human soul
Nor any tree
or Sea”

Mayor of Paris Trolls Donald Trump and His Friend Jim – “Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, poked fun at Donald Trump on Friday, after the American president claimed that “Paris is no longer Paris,” because, he said, lax border security had permitted “foreign terrorists” to infiltrate the French capital and change its character.”

A Beginner’s Guide to Media Whistleblowing – “Here’s a quick, hopefully beginner-friendly guide to safer leaking.”

The first month of the Trump presidency has been more cruel and destructive than the American majority feared. – “The first month of the Trump presidency has been more cruel and destructive than the majority of Americans feared. The worst is yet to come.”

Clive Thompson Explains Why Videogames Are the Grim Future of Work | WIRED/A> – “This would not be, as Castronova himself acknowledges, utopia. This would be game design via Marx’s immiseration theory. “It’s not a good life” Shit theory, but hey.

100 days of Trump claims – Washington Post – “Out of the 33 days tracked, there have been no days without any recorded false or misleading claims.”

Milosevic, Berlusconi, Trump – Jasmina Tesanovic – “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it, and those who fail to live in truth have to repeat it as ghosts, ghouls, phantoms and lies.”

A Tour Of Hell, From Hell – A six-part series on the authors 14-day Holocaust tour.

How to Run a Rogue Government Twitter Account With an Anonymous Email Address and a Burner Phone – “For this exercise, I decided to pick a highly controversial political topic: Facts. I believe that what we know about reality is based on evidence that can be objectively observed. Thus, I created the completely anonymous (until publishing this article, of course) Twitter account @FactsNotAlt. Here’s how I did it.”

Brave: A Privacy Focused Browser With Built-in Torrent Streaming – “Brave is a new privacy and security focused web browser with built-in support for torrent downloading and streaming. The browser allows seasoned downloaders and complete novices to get their torrent fix instantly, without any hassle. ”


4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump – “Trump’s younger supporters know he’s an incompetent joke; in fact, that’s why they support him.”


Fake-News: Macron ist schwul, NOT! – “Weil auf einer russischen Website steht, der französische Präsidentschaftskandidat Emmanuel Macron sei schwul, diskutiert die Welt drüber. Rekonstruktion einer Fake-News”

Helvetia, Hakenkreuze, Hundewelpen, Nationalräte | WOZ – “Die WOZ aktivierte ihre virtuelle Mitarbeiterin Sabrina, die eine gefälschte Facebook-Identität besitzt, und schickte sie auf Exkursion ins Reich der Rechtsnationalen. Ein Bericht aus einer widerspruchslosen, männlichen, knallhart wehrhaften Welt.”

Symbole von Jungfaschisten: Neue rechte Posterboys – “Die Identitären setzen sich vom Muff der alten Rechten ab. Sie bedienen sich neuer Symbole – sowohl historischer als auch popkultureller.”

«Bauchgefühl ist nicht Wahrheit» – “Philosophen wie Voltaire haben verstanden, dass Empörung ermüdet. Wir brauchen Gelächter, Satire, Spott. Deshalb hasst Donald Trump die Comedysendung «Saturday Night Live» so sehr.”

Das ABC der unseriösen Quellen — eine Übersicht – “Auf diesen “Nachrichten”-Seiten wird oft gehetzt, übertrieben und teilweise einfach Falschinformationen veröffentlicht. Die Meldungen verbreiten sich in den Netzwerken wie ein Lauffeuer, denn die vorgestellten Seiten verwenden sich meistens untereinander selbst als Quelle. Dadurch wird die Hetze noch verstärkt. Gegenteilige Meldungen von anderen Medien werden in dieser “Echokammer” ignoriert.”

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