ruff linkage 2017247 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Video: How to Resist Trump’s Shock Doctrine – “The administration is creating chaos. Daily. Of course many of the scandals are the result of the president’s ignorance and blunders – not some nefarious strategy.”

#watch and

“20 Matches” award-winning short film – “A young woman, her face illuminated only by match light, tells the story of an Austrian serial killer who murdered 20 immigrant women – one per year.”

Si Begg – Blueprints (Observation 4 Pressure Ratio) from si begg

Old man is having fun under metallica – Never too old

Check Your Schadenfreude – “If schadenfreude is a feature of in-groups and out-groups in competition it should be no surprise that it festers in our political parties where the victory of one side almost always means a defeat of the other”


‘Yes that’s right, punk is DEAD’: Crass and other punk AF fidget spinners – “Do they owe us a spinning? Of course they fucking do!”

Kiss singer wants to trademark “devil horns” rock and roll sign – “Simmons filed an application at the US Patent and Trademark Office, seeking to trademark his symbol, at right, for the commercial category of “live performances by a musical artist” and “personal appearances by a musical artist.”

Revealed: Facebook exposed identities of moderators to suspected terrorists – “A security lapse that affected more than 1,000 workers forced one moderator into hiding – and he still lives in constant fear for his safety”

The Psychology of Why Interviewing Alex Jones Is Such a Bad Idea – “We need more shaming of people who elevate and promote false claims in mainstream life. It should harm your reputation when you bring misinformation to the public sphere”

In science fiction, the future is feminist | Laurie Penny – “Move over, square-jawed straight white heroes. From The Power to The Handmaid’s Tale, fantasy stories about women remaking the world are finally going mainstream”

An Attack on All of Us : How the Right Hopes to Use the Shooting in Alexandria – “The shooting shows that things are reaching a breaking point. The Left offer only programs from another century, programs that never delivered the freedom and security that they promised us before. The Right have no plan except to maintain the status quo by means of ever-increasing exertions of violence, while the far right is peddling a dystopia of racial and religious segregation, war, and genocide. By contrast, we seek to open up spaces in which to experiment with new, expansive forms of togetherness and belonging. Anarchists, not Trump and his minions, are the true rebels against all the elites of the world and the systems that elevate them to power, and the only ones with a vision of a way of life beyond the impasse to which capitalism and the state have brought us. This is why fascists and the far right miss no opportunity to demonize and attack us.”

Black Mirror: Charlie Brooker to edit original book series – “All-new Black Mirror stories from exciting authors – that’s a joyous prospect. And they’re appearing in a high-tech new format known as a book. Apparently, you just have to glance at some sort of ink code printed on paper and images and sounds magically appear in your head, enacting the story. Sounds far-fetched to me, but we’ll see.”

Racist Instagram Photos Tore a California High School Apart – “If you’re saying stuff like that, it’s a hate crime. You don’t have your First Amendment rights when you’re doing that.”

Man who e-mailed bomb threats to frame former girlfriend pleads guilty – “A former reporter for The Intercept apologized in a federal court Tuesday while pleading guilty to cyberstalking and other allegations connected to a string of bomb threats to Jewish organizations.”

Various sci-fi projects allegedly creating a better future – “There is no “better future” even if certain situations do improve by objective measurements (like, for instance, the requirements to win a challenge prize). Various conditions can improve for various societal groups in various specific ways, but there is no specific time/space locale that is properly called “The Future” where things can ever get definitely “Better.” “The future” as a concept is a mostly-theological abstraction. It’s untrue to the scientific nature of time as a phenomenon. What actually, physically happens is never “the Future,” but billions of specific events over billions of years.”

This Is How Twitter Blocks Far-Right Tweets in Germany – “Twitter do care about Nazis but only for countries that have specifically legislated against them”

Revealed: reality of life working in an Ivanka Trump clothing factory – “Workers complain of verbal abuse, impossible targets and ‘poverty pay’ so bad they have to live away from their children”

Disobedient Electronics: Protest – “Design can be how to punch Nazis in the face, minus the punching.”

Graffiti Legend, Daniel Montano aka MF1, Passes away at 30 – “To me, it placed importance on the spirit that exists in all of us over the material world and possessions. It was like putting what was inside of me on the outside and saying “People matter! Fuck property!!!” It is a shame that my friend Ian (HERT) was put in prison for cosmetic property damage when there is real suffering going on in the world! Walls do not have feelings, walls do not suffer, walls do not starve, and paint does not kill people.”

Britain: The End of a Fantasy | by Fintan O’Toole – “The reliance on a spurious notion of the “popular will” has left Britain with no clear notion of who “the people” are and what they really want.”

Naomi Klein: ‘Trump is an idiot, but don’t underestimate how good he is at that’ – “It is undeniably terrifying that at this moment of such intense gravity for the planet this figure of such extreme stupidity has risen to power. But that means that there is more urgency to find solutions.”

A shocking state of affairs – how crises are exploited by politicians and corporations – “Trump is less an aberration than a logical conclusion, a pastiche of all the worst trends of the past half-century”


Populist correctness: the new PC culture of Trump’s America and Brexit Britain – “The outrage of populist correctness, however, is framed more as righteous indignation.”


Wir haben die Antisemitismus-Doku geschaut, wegen der gerade alle durchdrehen – “Denn, dass sich die Debatte jetzt statt über Antisemitismus in Europa darum dreht, ob die verdammte Bild-Zeitung “mutiger” ist als Arte, das kann keiner der Beteiligten gewollt haben.”

Diese Bilder zeigen, wie es in einer riesigen Klick-Farm aussieht – “Bei einer Razzia haben Ermittler 500 Handys und 350.000 SIM-Karten beschlagnahmt, die in Thailand künstliche Likes generierten.”

“La réalité n’est pas un principe” Entretien avec une jeune révolutionnaire syrienne – “Être femme, alaouite et damascène aux débuts du soulèvement”

Für mehr politische Haltung im Techno – Gunnar Haslam im Interview – “Es ist wichtig, dass die zeitgenössische Techno-Community sich wieder mit den dieser Musik inhärenten Perspektiven auf die Gesellschaft und ihren Haltungen beschäftigt. Ansonsten wird es nur noch eine Entertainment-Industrie, der jegliche Substanz fehlt.”

Postmoderne als Pappkamerad – “Eigentlich war die Postmoderne gerade dabei, Geschichte zu werden. Jetzt ist sie wieder da, von ihren Gegnern als Pappkamerad aufgestellt. Peng! Dabei gerät die Konstruktion der Postmoderne durch ihre Gegner zur politisch aufgeladenen Realsatire.”

Nichtmehrlinke – “Inmitten von nach rechts taumelnden Regierungen, einer gesamteuropäischen, ja globalen Faschisierung, kommen diese lachhaften Gestalten als wirklich allerletzte Trittbrettfahrer angehumpelt und erwarten gar Lob und Schulterklopfen für ihren Last-Minute-Opportunismus. Wäre ich ein Rechter, ich würde sie vom Gleis stoßen. Mit solchen Wetterfähnchen lässt sich doch kein Krieg gewinnen.”

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