ruff linkage 2017256 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Over 170 years after Engels, Britain is still a country that murders its poor – “Spending cuts, deregulation, outsourcing: between them they have turned a state supposedly there to protect and support citizens into a machine to make money for the rich while punishing the poor.”

RÉVOLUTION DE L’ART ? OU ART DE LA RÉVOLUTION ? – “Et l’art ? Enchevêtré lui-aussi. Salement enchevêtré, même ! Jamais autonome. L’art pour l’art a eu sa raison d’être. Mais cette raison s’est perdue aujourd’hui.”


DIE ANTWOORD – TOMMY CANT SLEEP – “TOMMY CANT SLEEP because there’s rats in his room and his stupid fuckin dumb bitch mom doesn’t believe him.”

time for sushi – “the weird naked man finally found a weird naked woman and a bunch of weird naked friends.”

Le clitoris – Animated Documentary (2016) – “Women are lucky, they get to have the only organ in the human body dedicated exclusively for pleasure: the clitoris!”

Forever Spinning Kid On Go Kart – “Lucky someone stopped him…”

If Cats Ruled the World – “#MyCatFromHell”

Baby elephant rescued by mother and her friend – The mother panics, but the other elephant directs her the rescue.

listen and


Netflix Just Released the Eating Disorder Movie We Don’t Need – “[I]n 2017, to make a movie about eating disorders that is so like the ones made thirty years ago is not only to be untrue to the suffering of millions of people, but to the people who are most vulnerable to losing their lives to this disease.”

Germany Just Gave Cops More Hacking Powers to Get Around Encryption – “Hacking may soon be used to combat money laundering, cash counterfeiting, drug trafficking, and over 30 other crimes.”

Art Fight! The Pinkest Pink Versus the Blackest Black – “Fade, as they say, to black.” Kapoor has poor taste.

Islamophobic attacks in Manchester surge by 500% after arena attack – “Police vow to take tough action to curb hate crime and warn true number of incidents could be even higher”

Conspiracy Generator – “The basic premise is that far-fetched conspiracy theories emerge from the human tendency for apophenia – finding meaning in random patterns – and that the problematic algorithm-level aspects of machine learning are instances of a similar phenomenon. The bot leverages how computer models can misidentify faces and objects as similar and presents these perceptual missteps as significant discoveries, encouraging humans to read additional layers of absent meaning.”

Book review: Extinction Studies. Stories of Time, Death, and Generations – We Make Money Not Art – “We are well on our way to or within the sixth mass extinction of plants and animals. It’s not the first biotic crisis, it’s the 6th! What makes it special and deeply disturbing is that it is almost entirely driven by humans.”

How Conspiracy Theories Changed Our Way of Thinking – “The proliferation of misinformation masquerading as truth has made theorists out of thousands. And it’s no coincidence that conspiracy theories growing in popularity have popped up alongside the continued exposure of questionable goings-on in the mainstream media and throughout global politics.”

The 10 Most Depressing Radiohead Songs According to Data Science: Hear the Songs That Ranked Highest in a Researcher’s “Gloom Index” – “The 10 Most Depressing Radiohead Songs According to Data Science: Hear the Songs That Ranked Highest in a Researcher’s “Gloom Index””

Hacktivist Breaks Into Minnesota Government Databases to Protest Philando Castile Verdict – “An innocent man died. And a guilty one lives freely.”

In Trump’s America, Black Lives Matter activists grow wary of their smartphones – “For all of the power of smartphones as organizing tools, the many streams of data they emit also are a boon to police wielding high-tech surveillance gear, allowing them to potentially track movements and communications that activists such as Cyril would rather keep private.”

Despite protests, Tasmania gives Nitsch his biggest-ever audience – “The protests, that started in response to the announcement of “a bloody, sacrificial ritual performed by the patriarch of Viennese Actionism,” gained momentum in the lead up to the event. Over 22,000 people signed an online petition, and at one stage the festival cancelled tickets after a plot to disrupt the performance was discovered.”

The Alt-Right Agrees: It’s Members Are Pizzagating Young Boys – “The entire “united front” that Alt-Right leaders have been pushing for the past two months has more or less collapsed, as the Oath Keepers and militia types, the ones with the connections to local law enforcement, have become openly hostile to ‘the Nazis.’”

‘Okja’ Screenwriter Jon Ronson on Veganism, Heroism and Corporate Harm – “You don’t want to think about the slaughterhouse, so you deliberately find ways to block that thought out of your head…like, we destroy people on social media and then come up with psychological tricks to make ourselves not feel bad about it.”


Wilhelm Reich et la Révolution absente. Penser l’entre-deux-guerres avec Marx et Freud – “Face à ce rendez-vous manqué du mouvement ouvrier allemand et de l’espoir révolutionnaire dans les années 1930, Wilhelm Reich invite les marxistes à viser une fin politique plus immédiate et en même temps plus universelle. Selon le psychanalyste, le marxisme doit se confronter à la question de la politisation de la souffrance psychologique des masses, non pas pour enfermer les masses dans les écueils de la psychologie bourgeoise et individualiste, mais pour que les masses considèrent que la création immanente du bonheur individuel et collectif est la seule arme révolutionnaire à même de terrasser la libido perverse de la jouissance sadique exploitée par le fascisme. C’est à cette condition, selon Wilhelm Reich, que la Révolution ne sera plus absente.”


Regierungen der EU-Staaten: Unterstützen Sie ein EU-weites Verbot von Neonikotinoiden! – “Dieses Verbot wäre ein Meilenstein für den Bienenschutz!”

Who Cares? – “Kein Mensch überlebt ohne Fürsorge. Und dennoch wird Sorgetätigkeit als Voraussetzung von Markt und Gesellschaft stets unsichtbar gemacht und abgewertet. Die Konsequenzen sind jedoch fatal, nicht nur für die Realität der GratisarbeiterInnen.”

Glaubwürdigkeit wahren – “Es herrscht eine merkwürdige Stimmung: Politik wird einerseits abgelehnt und verteufelt, und gleichzeitig politisiert sich die Gesellschaft. Die Situation ist seit vielen Jahren wieder offen, es bewegt sich etwas, und eine diffuse Sehnsucht nach einer anderen Form des Zusammenlebens ist mit Händen zu greifen.”

Die Weltherrschaft – Wolltest du schon immer deine eigene Verschwörungstheorie generieren? Voila. “Dies war nur eine von vielen möglichen Weltverschwörungstheorien”

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