ruff linkage 2017315 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Substituting Beans for Beef Would Help the U.S. Meet Climate Goals – “With one dietary change, the U.S. could almost meet greenhouse-gas emission goals.”


WoodSwimmer – “A music video made entirely from wood for a song by, WoodSwimmer is based on a concept I developed while designing a new stop-motion universe where wood is the primary element.” Not new, but beautiful.

MOSAIC PROJECT TEASER – “As a Costa Rican photographer, who spent eleven years of invisibility as an undocumented immigrant before obtaining my green card in 2014, I felt inspired to use my art to reshape public perception by capturing intimate portraits of artists in their homes, engaging with their art.”

Die Fakten hinter Defend Europe – “Enttarnung einer menschenverachtenden Propagandaaktion”

listen and


How Information Overload Robs Us of Our Creativity: What the Scientific Research Shows – “‘When you have nothing to think about, you can do your best thinking.’ Getting to that state in a climate of perpetual, unsleeping distraction, opinion, and alarm, requires another kind of discipline: the discipline to unplug, wander off, and clear your mind.”

How to Use Signal Without Giving Out Your Phone Number: A Gendered Security Issue – “Signal should allow users to create aliases. But until it does, you can use a dummy SIM card to protect your phone number.”

WannaCry-Stopping Hacker MalwareTech Charged With Helping Write Kronos Banking Trojan – “Just three short months ago, security researcher Marcus Hutchins entered the pantheon of hacker heroes for stopping the WannaCry ransomware attack that ripped through the internet and paralyzed hundreds of thousands of computers. Now he’s been arrested and charged with involvement in another mass hacking scheme—this time on the wrong side.”

For the New Far Right, YouTube Has Become the New Talk Radio – “There are countless other forms of political expression on YouTube, but no bloc is anywhere near as organized or as assertive as the YouTube right and its dozens of obdurate vloggers.”

Meat Pollution in America [PDF] – “Meat industry runoff has created a massive dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico”

Transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia – Linked here because of how masterful this data was presented.

Ai Weiwei’s refugee film Human Flow picked up by Amazon – “Human Flow, Ai Weiwei’s first feature film about the global refugee crisis which premieres at the Venice International Film Festival at the end of this month, is due to be released in American theatres this autumn.”

Your ‘Anonymous’ Browsing Data Isn’t Actually Anonymous – “Researchers said it was “trivial” to identify users and view their browsing habits in purchased ‘anonymous’ browsing data.”

Hamilton 68: Tracking Putin’s Propaganda Push… To America – “This dashboard is designed to shed light on Russian propaganda efforts on Twitter in near-real time. There are two components to the dashboard featured here. The first section, “Overt Promotion of Content” The second section, “Content Tweeted by Bots and Trolls””

Interview with Gord Hill, Indigenous Artist and Anarchist – “Gord Hill is an anarchist artist and a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation who has been active in anticolonial and anticapitalist struggles for decades.”

My Buddy: Patti Smith Remembers Sam Shepard – ” I headed to the French border, a crescent moon rising in the black sky. I said goodbye to my buddy, calling to him, in the dead of night.”

Bassel Khartabil, In Memoriam – “Bassel Khartabil, the Syrian open source developer, blogger, entrepreneur, hackerspace founder, and free culture advocate, has been executed by the Syrian authorities. Noura Ghazi Safadi, his wife, received confirmation of her husband’s death by the Assad-led Syrian government yesterday.”

Linke Debattenkultur – “Drecksäcke aller Länder” – “Vulgarität ist die Sprache des Volkes, und als solche sollte sie auch zu den Grammatiken der Linken gehören – so, wie sie es historisch gewesen ist, um mit Fug und Recht gegen die Korrupten und die Mächtigen aufzubegehren.””

Patreon Caves to Tim Pool and the Alt-Right, Bans IGD – “Despite the picture painted by Conte, Patreon has deactivated our account due to pressure from the Alt-Right – full stop. As we will show, Patreon has acted with a complete lack of professionalism”


Pöbeln, aber präzise – “”Idioten” ist eine beliebte Bezeichnung für Rechte und Rassisten – doch sie trifft nicht zu. Denn ihnen mangelt es nicht unbedingt an Bildung oder Intelligenz, sondern an Moral.”


„Was, wenn der Streit der Grund für unseren Fortschritt wäre?“ – “Mit einem Begriff der Systemtheorie könnte man hier auch von der Unabdingbarkeit der „Irritation“ sprechen, vom „Rauschen“, das noch undefiniert, noch nicht dem spezifischen Code eines – autopoietischen – Systems angepasst ist.”

Der Begriff “Extremismus” wird als Etikett missbraucht – “Im Gegenteil, solange sich die Probleme der Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik weiter radikalisieren, wie das seit Thatchers und Reagans Amtszeit der Fall gewesen ist, solange bedarf es auch eines Denkens, das bereit ist, sich an die marktradikalen Wurzeln dieser Gefährdungspotenziale heranzuwagen.”

Kommentar Flüchtlingsretter in Italien: Wer hilft, wird plattgemacht – Die deutsche NGO „Jugend rettet“ wollte nicht mit der italienischen Justiz kooperieren. Jetzt wurde ihr Schiff beschlagnahmt. Zufall ist das nicht.”

So schmolzen die Schweizer Gletscher in 160 Jahren weg – “Auch wenn der Mensch schon morgen keine Treibhausgase mehr produzieren würde, die meisten Gletscher sind verloren. Wir haben das Abschmelzen visualisiert.”

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