ruff linkage 2017324 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


Tumblr Image of the Week



The Rise of the Valkyries – “It was women that got Trump elected, and, I guess, to be really edgy, it was women that got Hitler elected.” Alt-right activist on why she intends to recruit more women to join their ranks.


Dominoes and Fire – “The ideas you can see in this video are more reliable than you think and work almost everytime if you build it correctly (the hardest part was to find how to build it correctly, in the screenlink you have the first version of the trick and in the final machine the 100% working version). And when there was a fail it was never caused by the part with the rubber band ( the match always lights up).”

Meet The Badass Peshmerga Women – “Meet the Iraqi women who are queens of the land, bosses of alllll the shit, and whose fearlessness inspired us.”

Funny Kid Crying Because of Mobile Phone – Baby screen junkie.

#HEYTWITTER – “Over the last months, I reported about 300 hate tweets. Twitter failed to delete most of them, so I sprayed them in front of their office.”

listen and

45 Live Radio Show pt. 43 with guest DJ STRICTLY KEV aka DJ FOOD – “K. Pythacunthapusherectus, Nevermen, Dick Hyman, Kraftwerk, Jayson Lindh and more.”


Mike Pence is President – Private link. Do not share.

Google Doodle – Google doodle celebrating DJ Culture.

Naked down under: Facebook censors erotic art – “Facebook has censored Fine Art Bourse’s (FAB) adverts for the online auction house’s relaunch sale of erotic art on the grounds of indecency.”

Adult Tumblrs Hidden From Search (Again) – “So it is now official. The ghetto walls are up and the gates are closed. The adult-Tumblr community is no longer part of the open web. The #pornocalypse has claimed another social media victim.”

Refugees Seeking Asylum in Europe Are Instead Arrested and Beaten by Police in Lesbos – “Living [surrounded by] a fence, police around [when] you’re going for food … it feels like I’m living the life of a prisoner in Europe.”

Marshall McLuhan Explains Why We’re Blind to How Technology Changes Us, Raising the Question: What Have the Internet & Social Media Done to Us? – “Narcissus narcosis, a syndrome whereby man remains as unaware of the psychic and social effects of his new technology as a fish of the water it swims in”

DON’T TRY TO BREAK US–WE’LL EXPLODE : The 2017 G20 and the Battle of Hamburg: A Full Account and Analysis – “This is an epic story of state violence and popular resistance on a scale rarely witnessed in the US and northern Europe.”

Seasonal Food Guide – Find Food in Season Near You – “Welcome to the Seasonal Food Guide, the most comprehensive national database of seasonal food available in the US!” Now expand this for European countries.

En Espagne, commandos radicaux et ras-le-bol général contre les touristes – “«Stoppons les roues du capital», «défendons les quartiers contre cette plaie»… A Barcelone, une des villes les plus visitées d’Europe, des activistes du groupuscule anticapitaliste Endavant ne se limitent pas à commettre des agressions de toutes sortes contre les flots de visiteurs, ils les filment et les mettent en ligne sur leurs réseaux sociaux.”

Borders: The Global Caste System – “The border is not just a wall or a line on a map. It’s a power structure, a system of control. The border is everywhere that people live in fear of deportation, everywhere migrants are denied the rights accorded citizens, everywhere human beings are segregated into included and excluded.”

Meals for thieves – “Dear thief, I hope this meal entered your body with compassion & kindness, & good luck in this wild wild world!”

Infernal topography – Illustrated, interactive version of Dante’s inferno.

The Rise of Antifa – WTF, The Atlantic? “Antifa’s activists say they’re battling burgeoning authoritarianism on the American right. Are they fueling it instead?”


Wie viel ist genug? – “In der Tretmühle des darwinistischen Kapitalismus”


Du golfe d’Aden à la Méditerranée, des migrants assassinés et des ONG entravées – “Mis sous pression, les passeurs n’hésitent plus à jeter leurs passagers à la mer, tandis que les associations qui les aident font face à la défiance grandissante des Etats.”

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