ruff linkage 2017453 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Tumblr Image of the Week


#ifyouonlyreadone, and yes of course, Laurie Penny

Is it too late to save the world? Jonathan Franzen on one year of Trump’s America – “‘As the ice shelves crumble and the Twitter president threatens to pull out of the Paris accord’, Franzen reflects on the role of the writer in times of crisis”

The Unforgiving Minute – “We didn’t want to have to make an example of anyone. We tried to ask nicely for our humanity and dignity. We tried to put it gently. Nobody gave a shit.”


Pussy Riot – Police State – “Music video directed by Matt Creed Starring Chloë Sevigny” Interesting for the video, not for the music.

Russian Bots and Trolls – “For the low, low price of $200, you too can control the fate of any American election.”

listen and

LISTEN: New Album Of Unreleased Dub Syndicate Material

Metrolaut 28: Alles Allen – “In der 28. Folge von Metrolaut sprechen wir mit Kathia von der Spieleberatung über Spiele ohne Gewinner, über Spiele auf Festivals und Kongressen, über die Kunst der Verselbständigung, über die mobilisierende Kraft des Alles Allen Bündnisses in Hamburg sowie kreative Formen des Protests beim G20-Gipfel.”


Trump Administration Suddenly Cancels Refugee Program That Saved Lives of Central American Children – “The State Department announced Wednesday evening the abrupt cancellation of a program that gave youth fleeing violence in Central America the chance to apply for asylum and join their families in the United States.” The cruelty does not even stop with children in this cynical administration.

Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain – We Make Money Not Art – “Within the arts it has profound implications as both a means of organising and distributing material, and as a new subject and medium for artistic exploration. This landmark publication brings together a diverse array of artists and researchers engaged with the blockchain, unpacking, critiquing and marking the arrival of it on the cultural landscape for a broad readership across the arts and humanities.” Another great book review by Regine. Thank you.

SpeechBoard – “The easiest way to edit podcasts ” Probably works only for English podcasts at the moment. And also, I can also think of unethical reasons to delete certain words. But this is technically interesting, I guess.

Anarchism through the Silver Screen : Why Are Anarchists Suddenly Showing up in so many Korean Films? – “Why Are Anarchists Suddenly Showing up in so many Korean Films?” Some of these films made it on my films-to-watch list.

The right to the city: Free Ebook. – “50 years on from Lefebvre’s The Right to the City we ask, who is the city for? This free ebook report includes contributions from Anna Minton, Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi, David Adler, Huw Lemmey, and more.” Who can argue with free?

Defend J20 Resistance – “The charges against J20 defendants are an experiment. If the courts are able to successfully prosecute those arrested at J20, this will send a green light to the forces of repression seeking to contain, control, and eliminate social movements around the country. Just as all of our struggles are connected, we understand these arrests to represent a real threat to all efforts towards true freedom, dignity, and autonomy.”

Anarchist Political Prisoner Jeremy Hammond has Moved! – “After a long and stressful week, we are very happy to report that Jeremy has arrived at his new prison – FCI Milan in Milan, Michigan!” Finally.

Twitter officially doubles character count, says most 280 testers didn’t use it – “Today, you can spell out “two hundred and eighty” and STILL have room to say other stuff.” tl;dr.

Something is wrong on the internet – James Bridle – “What concerns me is not just the violence being done to children here, although that concerns me deeply. What concerns me is that this is just one aspect of a kind of infrastructural violence being done to all of us, all of the time, and we’re still struggling to find a way to even talk about it, to describe its mechanisms and its actions and its effects.”

Explode Together: XTC makes unrecognizable musique concrète out of its own catalog – “While they were developing all of those great albums, they (Partridge mainly, it seems) found the time to release an album and a half of intensely cut-up re-workings of the very same tracks that went into those first albums.”

How to fight a naked photo leak: Sia’s approach is just one of a few options – “Faced with pictures being sold to the highest bidder, the singer published them herself on Twitter. It’s one way to go – but is it the best?”

The Real Truth about Fake News : From Central Narratives to Rival Heresies – “From Central Narratives to Rival Heresies”

Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies – “The film executive hired private investigators, including ex-Mossad agents, to track actresses and journalists.” I mean come on…

Woman who gave Trump the middle finger fired from her job – “Juli Briskman said marketing company bosses called her in and fired her. Briskman, 50, says she has no regrets about flipping off Trump motorcade” I mean come on…

We’re All Mad Here: Weinstein, Women, and the Language of Lunacy by Laurie Penny – “We’re through the looking glass now. As women all over the world come forward to talk about their experiences of sexual violence, all our old certainties about what was and was not normal are peeling away like dead skin.” If words were the deciding factor we would have won, such great writing again by Penny.

I didn’t understand how widespread rape was. Then the penny dropped | David Graeber – “I’m a lefty academic versed in feminist theory. Still, I rebelled against the idea that rich and powerful men regularly rape or attempt to rape women”


Weaponized Irony: A Roundtable on Trolling and Politics – “trolling [is] a “cognitive denial of service attack” essentially designed to jam up information channels so no effective debate could proceed.
The thing is, when trolling becomes power, it becomes serious. It is no longer ironic. It is probably no longer even “trolling.””

The Horizon of Desire by Laurie Penny – “Consent is not a thing because it is not an item, nor a possession. Consent is not an object you can hold in your hand. It is not a gift that can be given and then rudely requisitioned. Consent is a state of being. Giving someone your consent — sexually, politically, socially — is a little like giving them your attention. It’s a continuous process. It’s an interaction between two human creatures. I believe that a great many men and boys don’t understand this.”


LES URBAINES – 1.2.3.DEC.2017 – “Une quarantaine de performances, spectacles, œuvres pla­stiques, concerts, DJ sets et workshops, entièrement gra­tuits pour le public, investissent pendant trois jours les dif­férents lieux du festival à Lausanne et Renens. L’exposition à l’Espace Arlaud se prolonge jusqu’au 7 janvier 2018.” The program is out. Again I know not one artist, but again it will probably be great.

Nüchternheit ist die neue Rebellion – “Denn ob am Bosporus oder am Potomac, an der Weichsel oder an der Seine – Rädelsführer aller Couleur fordern Bekenntnis statt Erkenntnis. Es muss schnell gehen! Bist du für oder gegen uns? Willst du das Gute oder das Schlechte? Bekenne dich! Jetzt! Nüchterne Menschen ziehen die Mühsal der Erkenntnis vor und bekennen sich bloss zu ihr.” Es ist zwar ein Klimmzug straight edge auf die politische Debatte zu übertragen, weil sich viele straight edge Bands sich politisch sehr pointiert geäussert haben. Aber ich lass es mal als Argument gelten, habe den Text gerne gelesen.

Rechtspopulismus: Rechte reden lassen – “Folglich kann das Reden mit Rechten auch nicht die politische Lösung sein, als die Leo, Steinbeis und Zorn sie verkaufen. Wer Rechten argumentative Fehler nachweist, macht sie noch nicht ungefährlicher oder weniger attraktiv für ihre Klientel. Man sah das gut in der anschließenden Diskussion. Dort wurde, wie es Mit Rechten reden fordert, Jongen auf Gründe befragt, konnte aber nur seine Plattitüden wiederholen. Er entschied sich dafür, sich lächerlich zu machen – aber doch nur lächerlich auf der Ebene des logischen, regelfolgenden Diskurses von Rede und Gegenrede. Politisch, und darum geht es, wurde er keineswegs “entzaubert”. Er konnte an einer respektablen Institution einen Vortrag gehalten, der ihm nach außen hin Diskurswürdigkeit bescheinigte.”

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