ruff linkage 2017527 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Tumblr Image of the Week
Tumblr Image of the Week



They Wanted To Be A Better Class Of White Nationalists. They Claimed This Man As Their Father. – “Fifty years ago, France lost a war while trying to keep millions of Muslims French citizens. One French writer launched a movement to rethink “identity” in its aftermath and helped reinvent nationalism for the 21st century.”


WORKS FOR ALL – Der 33C3 – “Kurzdoku vom 33. Chaos Communication Congresss” Good quick overview of the last congress in hamburg.

1st – Emma | 15 Second Horror Film Challenge 2017 – “15 Second Horror Film Challenge is a nonprofit international filmmaking contest in which celebrity judges decide the top fifteen second horror films and conventions screen our greatest hits before audiences worldwide!” Shiver.

How Trump makes extreme things look normal – “The concept of the “Overton Window” helps explain why our politics and media might be warped long after Trump’s presidency comes to an end.” The Overton window shifts to the right and right and right.

listen and


Men Resist Green Behavior as Unmanly – “A surprising reason for resistance to environmental goods and habits” How manly is being a snowflake who cares about appearing unmanly?

Liverpool’s Rhian Brewster: ‘When I’m racially abused, I just want to be left alone’ – “Everyone stands behind the anti-racism banners. You have the adverts for Champions League games saying ‘no to racism’ in all languages. Idols of the game take part – but it still happens. It needs more severe punishments” This makes me sad, but how brave of Rhian.

The Patriarchs Are Falling. The Patriarchy Is Stronger Than Ever. – “That paradigm shift will be critical to winning the coming battles for women’s rights: health insurance, pay equity, family planning, sexual assault, and so much more. The peril is that activist women won’t transcend the divide. In which case, will continue to topple patriarchs, while the patriarchy continues to win the day.” Old farts still rule.

Donate | For the Refugees – “THEY PROTECTED EDWARD SNOWDEN. NOW THEY NEED OUR PROTECTION.” Really brave people.

Invisible Cities Illustrated: Artist Illustrates Each and Every City in Italo Calvino’s Classic Novel – [one of the best books about cities is the]”plotless work of fiction by Italo Calvino wherein the explorer Marco Polo tells the emperor Kublai Khan of what he’s seen in his travels across the world. Originally published in Italian in 1972, Invisible Cities has inspired generations of readers, hailing from all across the world themselves, to think in entirely new ways not just about cities but about travel, place, perception, reality, myth, and literature itself.” Beautiful work.

Lyon Biennale. Floating Worlds: an ambivalent review – “I still haven’t decided how much i liked this year’s edition of the Biennale de Lyon which is still open -but only for a few more days- at the MusĂ©e d’art contemporain (MacLyon) and at La SucriĂšre.” I have decided, it sucked. But thanks for this review anyway, Regine.

The 20 Most Powerless People in the Art World: 2017 Edition – “Some people think the art world is a series of champagne lunches, private jet trips, auctions, freeports, and VIP lounges, but that part of the scene doesn’t interest us. Welcome to the latest edition of our annual list compiling those who are rendered powerless in a system created for the affluent and well-connected.” An anti-list list.

Stop reading what Facebook tells you to read – “And as for that place we’re at now? Yes, you can blame the media people making these things—me, us, whoever—sure. Or yourselves, for clicking on it. But really, blame Facebook. Really: Blame Facebook.” Blame Zuck.

Confessions of a Digital Nazi Hunter – “Twitter sided with the Nazis.” And what else is new. Twitter are assholes.

Giant Mural of Phallus on the Lower East Side Pricks Locals [UPDATED] – “We live in cultures where sexual violence and sexual abuse are constantly happening. And there are a lot of raped and abused children who have lost their voices due to the shame that comes with having their own bodies violated at a young age. No more bodyshaming. Talking about these subjects in public space is a must for a healthy, nonviolent community/world. And the dialogue created around feminist public art pieces raises awareness.” Streetart is already gone.

My Internet Mea Culpa – Rick Webb – “Silicon Valley likes to think of itself as a bastion of rationality. But if you think about it, Silicon Valley, like virtually every other organization or entity, has a set of core beliefs at the bottom of its philosophical pyramid that are just that: core beliefs.” Mea maxima culpa. Thankfully I was a very small fish with my online optimism.

LA GRIETA / THE CRACK | Carlos Spottorno – “LA GRIETA / THE CRACK – In December 2013 reporter Guillermo Abril and myself received from El PaĂ­s Semanal the assignment of preparing a series of stories about the European Union’s external borders.” Powerful comic book.

Tech’s terrible year: how the world turned on Silicon Valley in 2017 – “From the #DeleteUber campaign to fake news, the industry found itself in the crosshairs this year – and it was a long time coming, experts say” Fuck you Zuck (2.).

Pegida-Pop: Hirn ausschalten, Bier aufmachen! – “Auch da dient ein Trick der Umwendung und -wertung: wenn der Begriff der Political Correctness ins Licht einer moralischen Verbotsanlage gesetzt wird und ein perfektes Objekt der Rebellion abgibt.”

Zines had it right all along – “* Quarterlies are a pleasure to read with a variety in layout and pacing. * They’re beautiful to hold. * They’re less frequent, and much better. * Even the ads are well-crafted, and trusted. * Zines have an enormous variety. * They’re experimental and diverse. * This gives them a freshness and surprise. * They’re anti-formalist; they’re relatable.” Let’s start a zine.


Accounting for Ourselves : Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes – “Sexual assault and abuse continue to plague anarchist circles and spaces. In response, we’ve developed processes to hold each other accountable outside of the state.” The anarchist way.


Rechter Terror in Freital: „Die Stimmung im Ort war sehr feindselig“ – “Es gibt gesellschaftliche Voraussetzungen fĂŒr solche Taten. Das löst man nicht durch Polizei, sondern dadurch, dass man der Verrohung entgegentritt. Man mĂŒsste erkennen, dass Parteien wie die AfD das vorantreiben und salonfĂ€hig machen, dagegen mĂŒssten sich alle demokratischen Parteien wehren.”

Pegida-Pop: Hirn ausschalten, Bier aufmachen! – “Auch da dient ein Trick der Umwendung und -wertung: wenn der Begriff der Political Correctness ins Licht einer moralischen Verbotsanlage gesetzt wird und ein perfektes Objekt der Rebellion abgibt. ”

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