ruff linkage 2018116 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Prof-Stephen-Hawking comments on Science AMA Series – “If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.” It’s capitalism, stupid.


The Intellectual We Deserve – “The genuinely “heroic” path in life is to band with others to pursue the social good, to find meaning in the collective human striving to better our condition. No, not by abandoning the idea of the “individual” and seeing the world purely in terms of group identity. But by pooling our individual talents and efforts to produce a better, fairer, and more beautiful world.” Jordan Peterson exposed as the charlatan that he is.

Debatte Political Correctness: Jede Menge MĂ€rchen – “Nachdem sie selbst sich im politischen Kampf fĂŒr die Erniedrigten, fĂŒr den Umweltschutz, die Emanzipation und den Frieden aufgerieben haben, reklamiert nun eine Generation von Unterstrich- und Sternchenschreiber*innen, von genderirren, totalitĂ€r toilettenfragenfixierten, identitĂ€tspolitischen, „umgekehrten“ Rassisten und Kopftuchlovern die BĂŒhne und zerstört damit die Linke, die Meinungsfreiheit und die Arbeiterklasse. Und – das ist der ultimative Clou des MĂ€rchens – diese autoritĂ€re Bewegungen ist eigentlich schuld am Aufstieg der völkischen Banden in Europa, den USA und sonst wo.” Der Beitrag von Kresta hatte uns schwer mitgenommen. So etwas in der taz, WTF??? Aber Waibel dreht es schön richtig.


Swanage ice – “The Swanage ice dancing team getting in some practise for the next winter Olympics” Needs the Benny Hill music, otherwise perfect.

Only Slightly Exaggerated | Travel Oregon – “Based on actual events. More or less.” Cute.

Cryptocurrencies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – “Digital currencies are generating a lot of excitement. John Oliver enlists Keegan-Michael Key to get potential investors equally excited about the concept of caution.”

Sow! 3:1. – Tor des Jahres.

listen and


Package Bombs Are Killing People in Texas but Donald Trump Hasn’t Said a Thing. There’s a Reason for That. – “If the victims were white and the suspects were known to be Muslims, the president of the United States would care. In these cases, however, with no profile of the attacker available and a trail of black and brown victims, it seems like this square peg doesn’t fit into the round hole of Trump’s agenda.” Selective outrage.

Study finds microplastics in 93% of bottled water samples – “It turns out that sea salt isn’t the only grocery item to regularly contain particles of microplastics. A recent study by journalism non-profit Orb Media has found microplastics in 93% of the 250 bottled water samples it tested. Samples were purchased around the world, and from 11 different major brands.” Told you so.

What It’s Like to Lose a Sibling to Suicide – “People who lose a brother or sister to suicide are rarely acknowledged as a group by society, but the risks to their own mental health are huge.” Very true.

I have prostate cancer. But I am happy | George Monbiot – “The principles that define a good life protect me from despair, despite this diagnosis and the grisly operation I now face” What an inspiring way to deal with this devastating prognosis.

Let’s Encrypt takes free “wildcard” certificates live – “In a victory for securing Web, anybody can now get a certificate valid for every site in a domain.” No more excuses. Doing my blog soon, promised. Nervous though.

Tim Berners-Lee: we must regulate tech firms to prevent ‘weaponised’ web – “I want the web to reflect our hopes and fulfil our dreams, rather than magnify our fears and deepen our divisions” You dreamer du. No. Thankfully he still does dream.

The Uncensored Playlist – “Zum „Welttag gegen Internetzensur“ am 12. MĂ€rz 2018 hat Reporter ohne Grenzen ein Schlupfloch fĂŒr die Wahrheit geschaffen, um diese wachsende Zensur zu umgehen: The Uncensored Playlist.” They found a brilliant way to circumvent censorship in certain countries by packaging censored texts in popsongs.

For Decades, Our Coverage Was Racist. To Rise Above Our Past, We Must Acknowledge It – “What Mason found in short was that until the 1970s National Geographic all but ignored people of color who lived in the United States, rarely acknowledging them beyond laborers or domestic workers. Meanwhile it pictured “natives” elsewhere as exotics, famously and frequently unclothed, happy hunters, noble savages—every type of clichĂ©.” This is how this is done.


A Guide to Derailing Conversations – “This website is a simple, step by step guide to derailing an awkward conversation by dismissing or trivializing your opponent’s perspective and experience. ” This guide works both ways, and mostly helps you spot when and how others derail conversations.


Im Stahlgezwitscher – “Jörg Scheller und Wolfgang Ullrich unterhalten sich ĂŒber den Twitter-Account von Norbert Bolz.” Not at all a fan of Scheller, but this is pretty well done.

Mit Konservativen Reden – “Nicht Daniel-Pascal Zorn, sondern Per Leo vom „Mit-Rechten-Reden“-Autorentrio hat sich zur Buchmesse gemeldet:”. This discussion is seriously getting boring, of course you don’t speak with right wingers, because we know exactly what they will say, how they will say it and it only legitimises their hateful rhetoric.

“Ich bin gegen einen Dialog mit Rechtsextremisten” – “In Österreich ist die rechte FPÖ seit Jahrzehnten etabliert und regiert wieder mit. Der Wiener Rechtsextremismus-Experte Bernhard Weidinger erklĂ€rt, was Deutschland im Umgang mit der AfD besser machen kann.”

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