

wordpress: excellent blog-software that gives me pleasure daily. adium

adium X: excellent muli-protocol IM client, completely configurable down to the last detail. this is how osX software should/could be.

singapore: very neat gallery tool finally with MySQL backend, i just saw… wooo

shrook: state of the art RSS-reader for osX. tons of cool features and does not check feeds individually but via the shrook database = gentle on internet traffic in that way. (shareware)

textwrangler: BBedit’s small cousin is freeware and works perfectly for most my text-editing and coding needs. textwrangler

transmit: a very solid ftp-client with just enough features. (shareware)

camino: firefox is suerly the coolest browser out there. yet i happen to like a different browser from the mozilla family: camino, developed specifically with osX and very much with coders in mind. i find it slighly more stable and faster. there is a “display html source” button, and need i say more. only for websites containing flash i fire up the fox.

GIMP: the open source image manipulation program has some bugs. but we love wilber!!!1 gimp

bits on wheels: i’ve tried azerus, but it freaked me out to see all the information that it gathers. this guy does even more but its somehow easier to ignore all the extra intel.

vlc: if this videoplayer can’t open it the file is prolly busted

MP3Rage: basically, i had to start this up once to realise that iTunes sucks ass, is a joke and why i hate it. (shareware)

Macmame: emulates so many arcade games i will never have the time to play them all macmame

iTerm: its like terminal but better

iStumbler: very helpful to sniff for WIFI’s

snapNDrag: screenshots made in any file format you want and then these can be drag’n’dropped to any app or the finder. yellowmug has a few other interesting sharewares and freewares on offer

ErfurtWiki: this used to be my wiki software of choice, but spammers made me kill my wikis.

ANT: video podcaster using RSS to update your challenges. cute as pie. in beta. democracy does the same better by now. ant

soundflower: this is the extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. very handy stuff!

audiohijak: not freeware per se, but so useful and with such a great name that i had to mention it.

soundconverter: drag and Drop sound conversion. this will open and convert practically all sound formats known to mankind.

thats all, no really. i did say FavoriteSoftware, not All the software. you’ll notice a suspicious absence of audio software. simply because i have not found the product i agree with. or that agrees with me.

any osX software i must try? free (or almost) as well? contact me on my blahg.