as part of their 4 year birthday celebrations, larry lessig just announced joi ito as the new chairman of creativecommons board of directors. in SecondLife!
it’s not a huge deal – larry lessig will remain CEO. it’s not a huge scoop either – joi has been on the board of CC for awhile.
yet i did have a goosebump moment witnessing this clumsy yet fabulous situation; picture larry lessig’s avatar handing the CC torch over to joi ito’s avatar (while in RL larry was struggeling with his kids that just woke up and wanted their dad’s attention).
i had better screenshots, but sadly the mail out of second life bugged…. this shot was after the transaction.
larry wears a maroon CC shirt, joi holds the torch in a grey tshirt, jimbo wales is hidden behind the floating mohawk person. the fox just rawks.
(the baldy in the front – with the sword (how the hell did i get that???) – that’s me …. lol)
later jimbo wales handed a “plaque” to larry honoring his 4 years as chairman of the board. the plaque can be read here …