[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]
Talib Kweli at Occupy Wall Street – “Talib Kweli stopped by Liberty Plaza to stand with the people. “This is the end game”
Support the Occupy Movement x Free Downloads – “These FREE downloadable posters are promotional materials to help support the Occupy Wall Street Movement.”
Naomi Klein @ Occupy Wall Street 10-06-2011 – “Author of the Shock Doctrine joins thousands In NYC to shift the economic conversation towards the 99% of the Nation in one of the richest zip codes in the country”
Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now – “Let’s treat this beautiful movement as if it is most important thing in the world. Because it is. It really is.”
Right Here All Over (Occupy Wall St.) – “A new angle on Occupy Wall Street reveals the strong micro community that has formed there.”
Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don’t get it – “Occupy Wall Street is meant more as a way of life that spreads through contagion, creates as many questions as it answers, aims to force a reconsideration of the way the nation does business and offers hope to those of us who previously felt alone in our belief that the current economic system is broken.”
Tony Baloney Theme Song – “Tony Baloney (dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb you are) Knows the way eyes feel tonight (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah)”
700 Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge as Occupy Wall Street Enters Third Week, Protests Grows Nationwide – “We host a roundtable discussion with Marisa Holmes, an organizer with the main organizing group of Occupy Wall Street, called the General Assembly, Marina Sitrin, an attorney who is part of Occupy Wall Street’s legal working group, and Laurie Penny, a writer and journalist who reported on protests in London earlier this summer”
Anger and Anarchy on Wall Street – “On September 16, 1920, an explosion at the corner of Wall and Broad Streets in downtown Manhattan killed 39 people and wounded hundreds more.”
Prepare Your Digital Camera to Document a Protest – “You should backup your photos in case your camera gets lost, or seized by the police. Especially if you have photographs that you wish to remain private. It is a good idea to purchase a separate memory card” – i wish there was some info on how to be careful regarding anonymity, don’t take too many pictures where people’s faces are too easily recognized
Demographic of One, My attempt at creating a funny little… – “My attempt at creating a funny little stencil/protest sign for Occupy Wall Street – by Moly CrabApple”
Twitter / @YourAnonNews – “Here’s the Occupied Wall Street Journal as PDF: http://tinyurl.com/3sefnjy #OccupyWallstreet”
Laurie Penny: It’s easy to mock, but this is how real change begins – “‘I feel bad for you young people’ one of them tells me. ‘You have all the same bullshit to deal with as us. And you don’t even get Woodstock'”
Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution ( Occupy Wall Street ) – “We want to share insights into the formation of a new social movement as it is still taking shape in real time.”
Why We’re Occupying Wall Street – “We get to the root of what many protestors are looking for from Occupy Wall Street.”
Declaration of the Occupation of New York City – “As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.”
Occupying Wall Street – “The famous statue, the symbol of aggressive market optimism, is normally open for tourists to grope and fondle, but today, in part because of the “Occupy Wall Street” protest, it has been penned. Today, the Wall Street Bull looks amusingly like a panicked animal in a cage.” Laurie Pennys first post.
Occupy Everything
“700+ protestors are arrested after thousands march from Liberty Plaza to the Brooklyn Bridge. Filmed by Kristopher Rae Edited by Kristopher Rae & Nicky Eyebrows Music “The Youth” – MGMT” amazing video
The Sounds of #OccupyWallStreet by danpatterson – a soundscape from #occupywallstreet, CC-licensed
Steve Jobs Eulogy by “Last True Hacker” Goes Too Far – “On his personal political blog, Stallman remembers Jobs as “The pioneer of the computer as a jail made cool,” and remarks that “I’m not glad he’s dead but I’m glad he’s gone.””
Lieber Steve Jobs, du hast uns die Freiheit genommen. Vielen Dank dafür! – “Das eigentliche Vermächtnis ist genau dieser Zweispalt, in den Steve Jobs die Entwicklung der digitalen Gesellschaft getrieben hat: Wir wollen diesen Lifestyle – und er macht uns unfreier.”
Steve Jobs: Arab-American, Buddhist, Psychedelic Drug User, and Capitalist World-Changer – “Steve Jobs, who died yesterday, combined in himself all the contradictions of the Sixties and of Bay Area experiments in consciousness.”
Steve Jobs Was Always Kind To Me (Or, Regrets of An Asshole) – very honest, and very timely
#watch and
Average Font – “This project shows what a typeface would look like if it consisted of all fonts installed on my system.”
The F Word: Famine is the Real Obscenity (International) – the bleeped word is famine. strong
SOUL MAN™ Teaser Guillaume Ivernel (Blacklight Movies) on Vimeo – “trailer for french blaxploitation animation film that looks quite delicious”
Fear Pics – September 2011 – “Nightmare Fear Factory Flickr Stream shows people freaking out in their Haunted House”
Derek Jarman’s Garden 2003 – a set on Flickr – but where’s the nuclear power plant?
Derek Jarman’s Garden – “Avant-garde filmmaker Derek Jarman spent the last years of his life, after an HIV diagnosis, tending a bleak, wind-swept patch of land opposite a nuclear power plant on the southern coast of England. With just a few hardy plants and some scavenged pieces of wood he put together a stunning garden.”
The Noisolation Headphones – “The Noisolation Headphones attempt to correct an oversight of our body: our ears can’t blink. We can’t block out molesting noise as easily as we can shut off light or disturbing images.”
You vs. John Paulson – How long does it take super-trader John Paulson to earn your annual income?
Kinshasa One Two – 11 producers – 5 days in the Congo – 1 album – “Kinshasa One Two was recorded in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo over 5 days this past July. DRC Music (a collective of producers gathered by Damon Albarn) set out to make an album with contemporary Congolese musicians and worked with more than 50 local performers”
LulzSec Arrests: A Warning to Dissidents? – “It illustrates how many in the hacker community have strong principles that they expect others of “like mind” to hold – it’s just who happens to be in the group of “like minds” at any one time that is the issue.”
‘I may have been wrong about Twitter’, writes Ricky Gervais – “People say awful idiotic things all the time, but I don’t give up language because of it.”
Q&A: Mashup Kings Cassetteboy On Death Threats, Politics And Patience – “When you’re asked “Do you want to do some good in the world and help fight suffering and oppression?” I’d like to think most people would say yes.”
Searching For Mark Pilgrim – cute story of how mark pilgrim was lost and found…
Rustie – Glass Swords: exclusive album stream – “Listen to the chaotic but charming debut album by this Glaswegian producer”
DJ Shadow – The Less You Know, The Better – “Today sees the release of DJ Shadow‘s new album, ‘The Less You Know, The Better’, in case you hadn’t seen all the press and publicity recently.”
DON’T GO OUTSIDE – best anim gif ever?
Download a new track from David Lynch’s album – “The title track from David Lynch’s debut solo album is now available for free download.” if you dare…
Astor Place Cube Crocheted by Olek – “NYC’s most famous crochet-bomber has encased the Alamo cube in her signature neon crocheting, which reminds us of her epic Wall Street Bull-wrap last from last winter.”
Blowjobs Are Actually Causing Cancer – “You know that wives’ tale about oral sex causing cancer? Turns out it’s true”
Paul Granjon at the Oriel Factory – “Right now, Granjon has a solo show at the Oriel Factory, in Newtown, Wales, where he is presenting ‘a radical new take on production lines.’ He gathered old computers, CD / DVD players, printers, toys, radios and other discarded machines and gave them as raw material to volunteers – the ‘Oriel Factory workers’.”
A comparison of leading WordPress theme frameworks – “Check out the free and premium frameworks and starter themes below. Try a few of them out and then decide which one(s) work best for your projects.”
EAMES: The Architect and the Painter – “Coming Soon: Narrated by James Franco, Eames: The Architect and the Painter is the first film dedicated to these creative geniuses and their work.”
Arsenal fans sing Adebayor shooting chant, Wenger refuses a shake – “It should have been you, it should have been you, Shot in Angola. It should have been you.” This was a reference to the horrific machine gun attack on the Togo national team buses before last year’s African Cup of Nations that killed three people. Adebayor was on one of those buses and later said he was “still haunted” by the attempt to kill him and all of his teammates. – this made me cry!
fab ciraolo – fantastic illustrations from chile! especially the round series
Rising atheism in America puts ‘religious right on the defensive’ – “High profile of faith-based politicians such as Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry masks a steady growth in secularism”
The Wormworld Saga App for iPad launched!* – “The Wormworld Saga App is the kind of thing that I imagined to create. A digital graphic novel that overcomes the limits of traditional book publishing. A hub to connect to just everything around the Wormworld Saga.”
Buddhist monk vs hackerspace – “Rinpoche Fa Zang, a Buddhist monk, believed (incorrectly) that the rule of the San Francisco Noisebridge hackerspace was that “if the space was not being used, it could be used for anything.” So he and his disciples rearranged the hackerspace into a shrine and began conducting services in it.”
90 Percent of Pirates Get Dismissed from Massive Hurt Locker Lawsuit – “The biggest P2P lawsuit ever just got cut down to size. Voltage Pictures, the people behind The Hurt Locker has voluntarily dismissed 90% of the 24,583 filesharers it sued this year, in what could be a big victory for either side.”
Krawall im Stadion: Die bösen Fussballfans sind auch die guten – “Nach den Ausschreitungen beim Zürcher Fussballderby am letzten Sonntag fordern Vereine, Politik und Presse einhellig die Ächtung der Fehlbaren. Und blenden dabei Entscheidendes aus.”
svp werbung auf myspace kunstler sind emport – “Neu tauchen auf dem sozialen Netzwerk mySpace Werbe-Banner auf, die auf die SVP-Kampagne gegen die Masseneinwanderung aufmerksam machen. Weiter heisst es im animierten Banner: “Schweizer wählen SVP”.”
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