The first video:
The second video (different angle):
The first and so far only intelligent comment [lang:DE]:
Ein Zeugnis geistiger Verkrustung – by Michelle Binswanger
Going international:
boingboing: Life imitates art: Swiss police brutally crack down on squatters who inhabit fake “art favela”
nerdcore: Kunst-Favela auf der Art Basel von Riot-Cops gestürmt
artinfo: Clash at Art Basel: Police Forcibly Evict Protestors from Tadashi Kawamata’s Art Favela
dangerous minds: Swiss Police tear-gas, brutalize and fire rubber bullets at protesters
And meanwhile in Bern:
The cops have released 93 photos of 48 people online, from the photos their actions are not obvious, but these are supposed to be some of the looters from a few weeks ago during Tanz dich frei and the ensuing riots. The photos were released unpixellated, some of them were even made available for download. The cops are asking the population for help to identify the suspects. Within not even 24 hours 3 suspected rioters have been identified (now 4 in just over 24 hours). This is in gross violation of privacy rights and challenging the legal principle of presumed innocence. The release of these photos might have huge repercussions in some of the individuals lives, incite overreactions from employers, parents or others. But beyond that, cops using the internet in such a way is very risky, because it encourages vigilante style behavior, it will lead to citizens behaving like cops starting to control and snitch on each other and in this manner overstepping their rights. After the riots the cops in Bern were incensed against Facebook for allowing the organizers of Tanz dich frei to remain anonymous. What the cops are doing now is a much more reckless method of trying to exploit the internet and its supposed anonymity.