[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]
0/ Snowden and @Lessig chatting via Google Hangout is a context fail. Make an effort. Use other tools, represent decentralised alternatives.
— Julian Oliver (@julian0liver) October 20, 2014
#biggest news this week
Institutional Corruption and the NSA: Lawrence Lessig Interviews Edward Snowden at Harvard Law – “Professor Lawrence Lessig (@lessig), Director of Harvard’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, interviews NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden about institutional corruption and the National Security Agency.”
#watch and
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Brad Pitt – Yeah… But ’tis funny
Darius Kazemi, Tiny Subversions – XOXO Festival (2014) – “Most people are lucky if they finish a couple side projects in a year. Last year, Darius Kazemi released 72, averaging one every five days. His projects fall under what he calls “weird internet stuff” — bots that generate random Amazon purchases, surreal metaphors, rap battle lyrics, pickup lines, and everything in between.”
Future Relic 02 – Yes, it’s with James Fucking Franco, but very nice anyway.
I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up! – “Crowd dynamics test using Miarmy for Maya.”
Roy Kafri – Mayokero – “Made out of love and admiration for all the musicians and visual artists who’s art we grew up listening to and staring at.”
Hate-Following People on Social Media Is Therapeutic, Says Science – “So there it is: A bit of hate (or at least “aggressively enjoying the fact that you are not someone else”) can be good for you.” So… this is why people keep following me?
ACTUALLY… – “…It’s about ethics in games journalism.” Yeah right …
We Asked Professor Brian Cox About Life, the Universe, and Everything – “The meaning of life is to enjoy it while you can, and value it more.”
What the World Eats – Interactive charts comparing what food groups get eaten in different countries
Online activism and why the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act must die – “Courts have appreciated that even distributed denial of service attacks can be legitimate form of public protest. Molly Sauter on the insane U.S. law used to criminalize them and other forms of online activism.”
First Listen: The Flaming Lips, ‘With A Little Help From My Fwends’ – “The strange and sprawling result sounds both loving and deeply, deeply weird — which, for The Flaming Lips, mean just about the same thing.”
How Many Licks – “performance artist Nao Bustamante straps a burrito on, wears nothing else, and asks white men to come to the stage and eat the burrito as a means of atoning for their sins (namely hundreds of years of settler colonialism). Consume me, she says, but on my terms. Humiliate yourself, stay on your knees and pray.”
The King of Halloween (RUN DMC vs Danny Elfman) by dj BC – direct download: http://www.djbc.net/mashes/djbc-KingofHalloween.mp3
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