ruff linkage 2016207 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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How Instagram Is Changing the Art World – “And yet all that being said I still can’t fathom a more humiliating exit from this world than having my tombstone read, “He had a great Instagram.””

#watch and

Seven on Seven 2016: Miranda July & Paul Ford – poetic performance on privacy and the social media.

Rapping, deconstructed: The best rhymers of all time – “Here’s how some of the greatest rappers make rhymes”

Everything is a Remix: The Force Awakens – “The remix method of copying, transforming and combining is definitely used in The Force Awakens, as well as the other works of JJ Abrams. Is remixing a weak point in The Force Awakens? Is the remix method growing stale? Have we reached the limits of remixing?”

BULLETPROOF THOUGHTS #3. Rodney Mullen – “An ongoing series of philosophical pills for the suffering souls of the hypermodern era.” Skateboarder/Philosopher?

The Wild Werner – Short Documentary – “„The Wild Werner“ is a short documentary about a crew of street racers, using the streets of Zurich for their personal brand of adrenaline kick in their homemade racing karts.”

OCCUPATION DES BEAUX-ARTS – “Documentaire sur la tentative d’occupation de l’ENSBA, initiée par des étudiants des beaux-arts de Paris, suite à la violente répressionsubie lors de l’évacuation de République”

How Louis Theroux Asks A Question – You mean other than hypnotically asking the same thing over and over again?

Behind the Leather – Help alleviate animal cruelty


‘Risk’ Is a Weirdly Satisfying Look into the Life of Julian Assange – “Risk is a relatively kind portrait of the work WikiLeaks has done and the personalities at its center. Partitioned into ten nameless chapters, the movie breezes by a number of the websites’ most significant leaks, including the video of US helicopters gunning down journalists that Chelsea Manning helped them acquire, costing the transgender woman her freedom for the rest of her natural life.”

The Evolution of an Accidental Meme – “How one little graphic became shared and adapted by millions”

French Festivals Drop Eagles Of Death Metal Because Of Frontman’s Terrorism Comments – Leave it to the US republican band to put their foot in their mouth.

Face recognition app taking Russia by storm may bring end to public anonymity – “FindFace compares photos to profile pictures on social network Vkontakte and works out identities with 70% reliability”

Die Antwoord – Suck on This Mixtape – Free Download.

Apple says game about Palestinian child isn’t a game – “The creator of a game about a Palestinian child struggling to survive with her family in the 2014 Gaza strip says the title has been rejected from the games section of the iOS App Store because, as he puts it, “it has a political statement.””

Jeff Koons: Now review – Damien Hirst’s joyless paean to Donald Trump of art – “He is the Donald Trump of art. In what is now a pretty long career, Koons has done more than any other human being to destroy taste, sensitivity, and the idea that striking it rich as an artist has anything to do with talent.” “His crass plastic universe is a mirror of the kitsch hell capitalism has created.”

New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup – “the fight over Roundup has mostly focused on its active ingredient, glyphosate. But mounting evidence, including one study published in February, shows it’s not only glyphosate that’s dangerous, but also chemicals listed as “inert ingredients” in some formulations of Roundup and other glyphosate-based weed killers.”

For treatment-resistant depression, magic mushroom drug holds promise – “In 12-person pilot study to test safety, psilocybin reduced depression in eight.”

Hacker fans give Mr. Robot website free security checkup – “Days after USA Network patches XSS bug, hacker finds a way to inject SQL code.”

The Intercept Is Broadening Access to the Snowden Archive. Here’s Why – “We have navigated these difficult and sometimes conflicting values in deciding how best to report on this massive archive. These two new approaches will, we believe, facilitate reporting and disclosure while fulfilling our obligations to the public and to our source.”

Finding warmth in a dark place: a glimpse of #NuitDebout – “Paris had been so tough and so stuck. Recharging on the energies of a square full of people in buzzing encounter, it refound a collective way of being.”

True Erotic Crime Story: A Notorious Sex Temple and Its Ruling Pimp Priestess – “Elise called on a Native American medicine man, a porn star, a guru, and a naked life coach during the trial. But the most bizarre testimony came from reality TV star, self-styled pimp, and brothel owner Denis Hof.”

What Kind of Voter Is Most Susceptible When Pols Pile It High and Deep? – “research on bullshit is still in its infancy.”

Trumpton Creator’s Family Says Radiohead’s “Burn The Witch” Video Violates Copyright – “the family of Trumpton’s creator isn’t happy that their kids’ show has been turned into a claymation Wicker Man. William Mollett, the son-in-law of 95-year-old Trumpton creator Gordon Murray, spoke to The Daily Mail yesterday to say that the resemblance constitutes a copyright violation.”

Radiohead’s corporate empire: inside the band’s dollars and cents – “Radiohead are not so much a band as a conglomerate, having the sort of financial structure you would expect to be more associated with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs than bands from Oxfordshire. They have been directors of some 20 companies since they formed” And suddenly it feels ok to illegally download their music.

Hospital Radio: Dj Food — Give Crohn’s A Slap From Me – “It is a pleasure to introduce Dj Food aka Strictlykev, of independent record label Ninja Tune and the much-lauded Solid Steel Radio Show. It is a real privilege that he has donated an exclusive mix to the project, and his support is highly valued. Last year he constructed Pt1 of a compilation of unreleased and archived tracks from Aphex Twin in the shape of Selected Aphex Works on the Solid Steel Radio Show. We have been given exclusive usage of Pt2.”

Thousands of Hip Hop Mix Tapes, Why Not – “A quick note: If women in scant bikinis, lionization of drug use and violence, and endless intense profanity is not your bag, this is a whole lot of that. Probably don’t visit.”

OkCupid Study Reveals the Perils of Big-Data Science – “Many of the basic requirements of research ethics—protecting the privacy of subjects, obtaining informed consent, maintaining the confidentiality of any data collected, minimizing harm—are not sufficiently addressed in this scenario.”


1. Voiture de police incendiée : le bluff de Cazeneuve ? – “Cette opération de communication vise évidemment à recouvrir le fiasco des interdictions de manifester…”

Dritte verdeckte Ermittlerin in Hamburg: Falsches Spiel mit falschen Haaren – “In der Hamburger linken Szene ist eine weitere verdeckte Polizistin enttarnt worden. Sie soll sich über Jugendprojekte eingeschleust haben.”

AfD will Theaterstück verhindern: Scharf auf Verbote – “Die AfD versucht erneut, ein Theaterstück zu verhindern. Mit „Illegale Helfer“ feiere das Potsdamer Hans Otto Theater „Gesetzesbrecher“.”

Weltrekord fürs Grundeinkommen – “«GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™, die berühmte und weltweit anerkannte Institution zur Überprüfung und Beglaubigung von Weltrekorden, gibt bekannt, dass die GENERATION GRUNDEINKOMMEN am 14. Mai 2016 einen neuen Weltrekord für das größte Plakat der Welt aufgestellt hat.”

Mani matters – “Sie sehen, ich bin nicht übertrieben pessimistisch. Gewiss wird der Staat und werden seine Probleme immer komplizierter wie das moderne Leben überhaupt, und man hätte allen Grund zu verzweifeln. Eine letztlich wohl nicht begründbare, aber doch nüchterne Zuversicht, die vor allem vor falschen Idealen auf der Hut ist, scheint mir aber doch auch in diesen Dingen die einzige brauchbare Arbeitshypothese.”

Loi travail: quand l’état d’urgence justifie les interdictions de manifester – “Il ne sait plus comment faire, il perd pied”

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