ruff linkage 2016485 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Potential Conflicts Around the Globe for Trump, the Businessman President – “Donald J. Trump has business interests in at least 20 countries, in addition to extensive hotel and real estate holdings in the United States, according to an analysis of his financial disclosure report. Each dot represents a city where he has at least one enterprise.”

#watch and

All My Relations

#NoDAPL resistance punks security and locksdown backhoe – “Today, two brave Water Protectors locked down to an excavator that was removing crucial boring sludge from the Dakota Access Pipeline site currently drilling under the Des Monies River.”

The Adventures Of Fishure-Price On The Wheels Of Plastic – “A small homage to Grandmaster Flash (updated with acapella tracks), using my Fishure-Price modified turntables running Serato ScratchLive.”

PUNK’S NOT DEAD – “This video is about PUNK’S NOT DEAD” Bill Drummond tells it like it is. Our punk will never die.

Underwater Flatulence in 120 Fps – “part 1 from a video art project about liberation freedom and censorship…”

#learn is Dead, But The Torrent Hydra Lives on – “With the demise of, the world’s most comprehensive library of digital music disappeared overnight. However, music aficionados aren’t easily defeated. Within a matter of days several new trackers appeared online. Some of these alternatives already have close to 200,000 torrents in their collection, and that’s just the start.”

DDoS attack halts heating in Finland amidst winter – “A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack halted heating distribution at least in two properties in the city of Lappeenranta, located in eastern Finland. In both of the events the attacks disabled the computers that were controlling heating in the buildings.”

Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy – “The opponents of political correctness always said they were crusaders against authoritarianism. In fact, anti-PC has paved the way for the populist authoritarianism now spreading everywhere. Trump is anti-political correctness gone mad.”

The Scapegoating Machine – “Peter Thiel’s philosophical mentor explains Trump, Gawker, and social media” Trump as a Girardian sacred king? The things we learn.

Vegans are right to be furious about beef fat in the new £5 notes – “So the new fivers contain tallow. How very emblematic of the grand deception the meat and dairy industry relies on for its continued existence”

Why the UK’s new laws could destroy queer & female-led porn – “The governments’ bid to censor ‘non-conventional’ sex acts is prohibiting the sexual liberation of female, transsexual and gay people”

Ur-Fascism | by Umberto Eco – Sadly it is time to re-read this…

Reddit CEO who altered comments apologizes, unveils subreddit filtering – “We have identified hundreds of the most toxic users and are taking action against them, ranging from warnings to timeouts to permanent bans.”

YOUNG DEATH / NIGHTMARKET (HDB100) | Burial – Must have track: Young Death.

Reported cases of webcam blackmail double, are linked to four suicides – “The number of reported webcam blackmail cases has more than doubled in the past year, and at least four suicides in the UK have been connected to this form of sextortion, says the National Crime Agency.”

THE RAMOS Ad-Rock | Vegan Shoes – “To finish, each pair features embroidery of Adam’s name, split between left and the right shoes. Net proceeds of the shoe will benefit Planned Parenthood. As always, all of our shoes are cruelty-free and consciously produced in factories audited by international, third parties who monitor ethical working conditions.”

Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President – “Readers following this sad saga will be aware that Trump was apparently relying on a false claim first made on Twitter by a former Republican Party official who refuses to share any evidence, which was then promoted by Alex Jones, a fringe conspiracy theorist who also says that the children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 were actors working for the government and that the United States staged the September 11 attacks.”

Punk protest: Sex Pistols manager’s son sets fire to collection – “Punk memorabilia said to be worth £5m ($6m) has been torched in the middle of the River Thames.”


Die Köpfe hinter dem Tagesanzeiger-Hack im Interview – “Zudem: Das war eine Performance, keine Irreführung. Es war klar, dass die Aktion darauf ausgerichtet war, aufzufliegen.”

Gewalt gegen Frauen beenden – “Weltweit erfährt eine von drei Frauen physische oder sexualisierte Gewalt. Warum hört das nicht auf? Entscheidend ist das mangelnde Engagement der Männer.” Brillianter Medienhack, die unbekannten Autoren gaben sich als Constatin Seibt aus. Der Artikel wurde eufrig auf SoMe geteilt, bis Seibt sich per Twitter dazu äusserte, dass er den Arttikel nicht geschrieben hat. Am selben Tag wurde der Artikel offline genommen und es gab ein erklärendes Statement auf Facebook und Medium. Der Text des Artikels findet sich auch auf Medium.

Fake-News, Bots und Sockenpuppen – eine Begriffsklärung – “Social Bots bilden unsere Meinung. Troll-Armeen nehmen Einfluss. Fake-News entscheiden die nächste Wahl. In der aufgeregten Debatte um Medienkonsum und Propaganda geht vieles durcheinander. Wir geben einen Überblick zu den wichtigsten Phänomenen.”

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