[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]
That 2016 image is running out of space :-/ pic.twitter.com/4ZEwsMMuX4
— Richard Moynihan (@richjm) December 27, 2016
Für eine Kultur des Zweifelns – “Der Bedeutungsverlust der Fakten verweist auf eine Krise der Institutionen”
Assange vs. Guardian vs. Greenwald vs. Ley
An wen @wikileaks sich wendet, wenn es Unterstützung braucht.. (@guardian hat Assange, resp. @repubblicait, zudem völlig richtig zitiert.) pic.twitter.com/IZMMRJ9kk5
— Thomas Ley (@thomas_ley) December 30, 2016
[The dialog]
The Guardian’s Summary of Julian Assange’s Interview Went Viral and Was Completely False – “But none of that actually happened. Those claims are made up.”
Julian Assange gives guarded praise of Trump and blasts Clinton in interview – “WikiLeaks founder said there are opportunities for the US to change under the Trump administration – ‘change for the worse and change for the better’”
#watch and
Democracy – “In these dark days Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman found comfort and hope in the work of Leonard Cohen. Together they recorded this new version of “Democracy.” Amanda composed the piano and Neil recorded the lyrics”
Regierungszeitalter: Postfaktisch – “Es handelt sich bei diesem Video um Satire.”
Aluhut | Tinfoil hat – “The only How-To you’ll need.”
マルとマリ Maru & Mari(自主制作コマ撮りアニメーション stopmotion animation) – “My name is Mozu, I’m the 3rd year student of high school.I made a stop motion animation as my graduation work. I made the classroom, desks, chairs, characters and so on all by myself except music.It took 5 months for diorama production, 5 months for filming. It was long … lol”
#33c3 related
Must-see talks (imho):
A New Dark Age – James Bridle – “Turbulence, Big Data, AI, Fake News, and Peak Knowledge”
Durchmarsch von Rechts – Friederich Burschel – “…und was wir dagegen tun können”
Die Sprache der Populisten – Martin Haase – “Wie politische “Gewissheiten” sprachlich konstruiert werden”
Good Guy Hacker Launches ‘Security Without Borders’ to Defend At-Risk Dissidents – “The idea is to create an external network of people that don’t necessarily want to abandon their career path in infosec, but they might be willing to volunteer some time, maybe help out anonymously, maybe not. Our community needs to find again that political engagement.”
Analyse der Sprache von Populisten – “„Lügenpresse“, „Meinungsdiktatur“ oder „Toleranzfaschismus“: Die Sprache der Populisten soll Menschenmassen provozieren und komplexe Zusammenhänge simplifizieren. Ist so ein gemeinsamer Diskurs überhaupt möglich?”
33C3: Schwere Sicherheitsmängel beim Bank-Startup N26 aufgedeckt – “Dem Sicherheitsforscher Vincent Haupert ist es gelungen, das Schutzsystem der Online-Banking-App des Berliner Fintechs N26 komplett auszuhebeln. Die Firma hat inzwischen reagiert, doch der Fall wirft Fragen auf.”
The 2016 Election Wasn’t Hacked, But the 2020 Election Could Be – “We need this because even if the 2016 election wasn’t hacked, the 2020 election might well be”
Hacker decken Sicherheitslücke in Buchungssystem auf—und besorgen sich Freiflug – “Obwohl wir das Problem gerade im Zuge von „Responsible Disclosure“ den Firmen melden, ist ein insgesamt besseres System kaum in Sicht”
It’s Incredibly Easy to Tamper with Someone’s Flight Plan, Anywhere on the Globe – “It’s easier than many people realize to modify someone else’s flight booking, or cancel their flight altogether, because airlines rely on old, unsecured systems for processing customers’ travel plans, researchers will explain at the Chaos Communication Congress hacking festival on Tuesday.” Today the lecture at #33c3
White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election – “US issued JAR billed itself as an indictment that would prove Russian involvement.”
The fake war on fake news – “”Fake news” poses a false binary, blurring the distinction between political propaganda, intentional disinformation, attention-seeking click-bait, conspiracy theories, and sloppy reporting.”
No More Heroes – “Alongside the icons we lost in 2016, we’re mourning for a world that felt like it was changing for the better.”
Winter is coming: prospects for the American press under Trump – “How bad is it? Bad. I will explain why. Any bright signs? A few. This is part 1. Part 2 is about what can be done. Out tomorrow.” Part 2 is here.
Trevor Noah evening for Guardian Live – “Comedian Trevor Noah discusses his new book, Born a Crime, at Central Hall Westminster for Guardian Live. Noah shares anecdotes on family, religion, growing up ‘coloured’ in apartheid South Africa and becoming host of The Daily Show”
How Leo Tolstoy Became a Vegetarian and Jumpstarted the Vegetarian & Humanitarian Movements in the 19th Century – “[I]f he be really and seriously seeking to live a good life, the first thing from which he will abstain will always be the use of animal food, because, to say nothing of the excitation of the passions caused by such food, its use is simply immoral, as it involves the performance of an act which is contrary to the moral feeling—killing.”
Nigerian officials row over ‘plastic rice’ – “Customs officials cooked the rice and said that the texture was very gummy and it smelled odd, they refused to eat it.”
A Trump Christmas Carol – “Democracy was dead to begin with. There was no doubt whatsoever about that.”
Democracies end when they are too democratic. – “And it is when a democracy has ripened as fully as this, Plato argues, that a would-be tyrant will often seize his moment.” This text is from May 2016, but still super relevant.
DJ MAD – Deutschraps Kinderschuhe Mix (kompiliert von den Beginnern) (DJ Mad Hamburg (Beginner)) – “da spotify & co vieles von den alten sachen nicht haben und es gemixt eh viel geiler kommt, hatten wir euch ja versprochen einen eigenen mix rauszuhauen. et voila: der großteil unserer favoriten aus den 90ern und anfang der 0er jahre. kompiliert von den beginnern, gemixed und gecutted von dj mad!”
Die zehn grössten Demokratie-Pannen 2016 – “US-Wahlen, Brexit, Populismus, Nationalismus: Manche sehen das Ende der Demokratien kommen, für andere haben Bürgerinnen und Bürger “wahre” Volksentscheide gefällt – gegen den Willen einer “politischen Elite”. Klar ist: 2016 war das mit Abstand turbulenteste Demokratiejahr seit dem Fall der Berliner Mauer.”
[diigo.com/user/pieceoplastic or subscribe to this RSS feed – with all the typos]