ruff linkage 20174410 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Tumblr Image of the Week


#ifyouonlyreadone plus the obligatory Laurie Penny of course

Und wenn der Sprengsatz explodiert? Kaspar Surber zu No-Billag – “Die No-Billag-Initiative brächte die SRG zum Einstürzen. Sie würde in Zukunft jegliche öffentlich finanzierten Medien verhindern. Dagegen sprechen demokratische wie wirtschaftliche Gründe.”

We are governed by Peter Pans who refuse to look after the next generation – “The Tories have a young-people problem – the problem being that young people hate them.” Just always wowed by Pennys language, precision and spot on politics.


The Black Bloc: Inside America’s Hard Left – “The left-leaning anti-fascist movement—or Antifa—has been around for decades, popping up in North America and Europe in response to rising white nationalist or fascist sentiments.”

Anti Flag: 1997 – 2017 was wurde besser, was schlechter? – Kinda hopeful. Just try to avoid focusing on his silly hair situation.

It’s Mueller Time! Trump Administration Season Ending – “This is for all those out there who cannot wait for the season ending of the gripping dumpster fire of a political shit show that is the current US administration. This video is dedicated to the Steele, the Washington Post, the New York Times, our homey Comey, the daily Colbert monologues and of course the Mueller himself, all those that make this current darkest timeline liveable until it collapses back unto itself. Video is a play on the Daredevil Season 1 ending montage. Song excerpt used is “From Russia with Love” sung by Matt Monro, 1963.”

Banksy Throws Balfour Apology Party at The Walled Off Hotel in Palestine – “Today we commemorated the Balfour agreement with an apology tea party. Banksy said “This conflict has brought so much suffering to people on all sides, it didn’t feel appropriate to celebrate”” Some people will view this as anti-semitic, I am not endorsing everything about the video, but I find it an interesting, artistic way to deal with Britains past in this conflict.

Headless Halloween forecast – “Happy Halloween! Here’s your spooky headless forecast for today & trick or treating tonight.”

Trouble #7: No Permission Needed – “It’s now been twelve years since Hurricane Katrina smashed through the levees of New Orleans, completely inundating the Lower Ninth Ward and validating scientists’ dire warnings of climate change’s destructive effects on weather patterns. In the long years of government inaction that have followed, early warning signs have given way to a sinking realization that climate change is no longer a nightmare future scenario humanity needs to avoid – it’s a present-day reality that we need to adapt to. From record-setting wildfires and famine-inducing droughts, to mass flooding and a punishing string of unprecedented mega-storms, 2017 has been a watershed year for climate catastrophe.”

Agnès Varda and Artist JR Turned a Trip to France into a Documentary – “Filmmaker Agnès Varda and street artist JR spent 18 months touring through France together, forging an unlikely friendship through their shared love of art, travel, and running into strangers. Now their epic journey is the subject of a new documentary called ‘Faces Places.'”

listen and

Bleep Mix // DJ Food vs. Death Waltz Originals by Bleep – “To celebrate all things ghoulish we have a mix by Dj Food (@strictly) vs. Death Waltz Originals.
@deathwaltzrecs have been grave digging the best horror soundtracks since 2011. From Goblin to John Carpenter, Fabio Frizzi to Angelo Badalamenti, they have been bringing you the most blood curdling, spin tingling, scary as f**k music out there.”

Is Post-Modernism to Blame for our Post-Truth World? [Audio] – “Speaker(s): Professor Mark Currie, Dr Alison Gibbons, Professor James Ladyman, Hilary Lawson | Did Derrida make us do it? Is our current situation the inevitable outcome of the intellectual adventuring of the twentieth century that critiqued grand narratives and challenged absolute truths?” [via nerdcore]


Coders of the world, unite: can Silicon Valley workers curb the power of Big Tech? – “For decades, tech companies promised to make the world better. As that dream falls apart, disillusioned insiders are trying to take back control.” Long read.

On last day of work, rogue Twitter employee deactivated Trump’s account – “Twitter announced Thursday evening that an employee, on his or her last day of work at the company, deactivated President Donald Trump’s notorious Twitter account. The president’s account was only absent for 11 minutes before it was restored.” Thank you for granting us the best 11 minutes of this year so far.

Online Privacy Guide for Journalists 2017 – “If your computer gets hacked, the game is over. Creating a virtual sandbox around your online communications is a good way to keep the rest of your system protected. Tor is awesome and can make you anonymous. But if your endpoint gets compromised, your anonymity is compromised too. If you really need to be anonymous, you also need to be really secure”

Enough! – “This is and always has been insane. Massive military expenditures have brought on the collapse of history’s greatest empires: Rome, Spain, Great Britain. We’re on our way to being next.” War industry is a nightmare.

My old friend Jules’ struggle raising two boys in this age when toxic masculinity seems to return on all fronts – “Please help me think this through. We’re having a Halloween gathering at our place tomorrow. When I said I think I might dress in drag, one of my two sons freaked out, started crying and said he wasn’t going to invite his friend, because he would tell kids at school and they would tease him for having a weird dad.”

Why the far right believes a US civil war will start on Saturday – “Since late September, ‘alt-right’ members have advanced the idea that anti-fascist groups will begin a violent insurrection on 4 November. But no antifa groups are planning to protest – so what gives?” Pizzagatesque.

How Unicorn Riot covers the alt-right without giving them a platform – “I think that dynamic gets a little more interesting with the way certain mainstream media journalists or Vice choose to cover fascist movements versus the way we do it. To what degree are you platforming [them]? I think journalists haven’t been very careful about that and I think they’ve done a really good job at making these Nazis celebrities.”

Who killed reality? (It wasn’t Trump.) Can we bring it back? – “Repeatedly hitting people over the head with a rolled-up newspaper, as if they were disobedient doggies, while telling them that Donald Trump is a liar and a fraud is pretty much the apex state of liberal self-parody. They know that. That’s why they like him.”

Black Hole Sun: Building a Strategy Beyond The Fall of the Alt-Right – “we need to realize that white nationalists have already entered into the halls of government and law enforcement and are currently actively directing in part internal immigration policy. As we move forward, we need to begin formulating what it would mean to take the energy of the current moment and apply it towards this reality.”

Tragedy and the Will to Live: The Obsessive Art of Charlotte Salomon – “The details of Charlotte Salomon’s extraordinary life tend to overshadow her work. Often likened to Anne Frank, the Jewish artist was shaped by the Nazis’ rise to power and by a suppressed family history of suicide, before her life was cut short at Auschwitz in 1943.”

Trump adviser Roger Stone has been booted off Twitter – “Roger Stone, a longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, has been suspended from Twitter following a rant against two CNN reporters. It is one of the highest-profile account suspensions since Twitter has said it will take stronger action against bullying and threats of violence on its service.”

Right-Wing Hack Claims Oakland Anarchists Linked to ISIS – While I agree, that these allegations by Klein sound very fishy, this article does little to discredit the claims, and ends in a strange list of whataboutism.

CrimethInc. : Restless Specters of the Anarchist Dead : A Few Words from the Undead of 1917 – “A Few Words from the Undead of 1917”

How to post to Instagram from any computer – “Instagram’s new mobile web app also works on a desktop computer with this trick.” This does work. But. You are still basically donating your image rights to facebook by uploading photos to instagram.


How Silicon Valley Divided Society and Made Everyone Raging Mad – “This is not total connectivity; it is total division.” Good job, Zuck.

Mit Rechten reden: Unendlich öde! – “Die Zeit des Redens ist vorbei. Es geht um die Rettung der Menschlichkeit.”


Willkommen im Morgen-land – Paywalled long read some of the more leftfield tech people in silicon valley, called “cyberhippies” in the article. “In Kalifornien wurde schon immer an der Zukunft unserer Welt gebastelt. Eine Begegnung mit den Schöpfern und den Erschöpften des Silicon Valley.”

Die Verschwörer von Schwarzenburg – “Die Bewegung der sogenannten Staatsverweigerer wächst auch in der Schweiz. An geheimen Treffen in der Region Bern haben sie kürzlich Ableger in sechs Schweizer Städten ins Leben gerufen.” Reichsbürger in der Schweiz? Ui.

«Männer gestehen mir oft sonderbare Dinge» Interview mit @pennyred – “Viele Frauen können nur zwischen verschiedenen Arten von schrecklichen Männern oder dem Alleinesein wählen. Deshalb ist es so wichtig, über Beziehungen auch politisch zu reden: Niemand sollte aus ökonomischen Gründen gezwungen sein, mit einem schrecklichen Mann zusammen zu sein. Ich möchte eine Welt schaffen, in der Frauen eine bessere Wahl haben.” Laurie Penny spricht so präzis wie immer.

«Ich war nie für politische Korrektheit» Judith Butler im Interview – “Muss man mit den extremen Rechten reden, um sie zu verstehen?
Nein, man kann ja lesen, was sie denken. Man muss nicht mit ihnen reden. Manchmal geht es zwei Schritte vorwärts, dann wieder einen zurück. Fortschritt verlief niemals gradlinig.” Also. Gutes Interview. Aber das mit der politischen Korrektheit kauf ich ihr nicht ganz ab. Wichtiges Framing des Themas trotzdem.

Rechtsextremismus im Fußball: Wenn “Nazis raus” bestraft wird – “Gegen Nazis zu sein, das sollte in Deutschland selbstverständlich sein. Im ostdeutschen Fußball ist es eine Provokation und wird bestraft. Wie konnte das passieren?” T-Shirt ist bestellt 😉

I bims vong Corporate®-Bullshit™ her – “‘Ne Agentur schlachtet die alte Vong-Bims-Sprache aus, hat Markenrechte an „I bims“ und „vong“ für Shirts und Tassen eintragen lassen und verschicken nun wohl Abmahnungen an Webshops. Husos, oder wie man sagt.” Auch dieses T-Shirt ist bestellt.

Identitäre starten Online-Diffamierungskampagne gegen Engagierte – “Der Sozialarbeiter und Soziologe Jerome Trebing aus Wien ist jemand, der genau das seit Jahren tut. Als „Menschmerz“ twittert er laufend über die Aktivitäten der Identitären, deckt Verbindungen auf und gibt Einschätzungen zu Erfolgen und Misserfolgen der Gruppe. Trebing gilt als absoluter Fachexperte, wenn es um die Identitären geht und wird regelmäßig für Vorträge in Deutschland und Österreich eingeladen. Jetzt wird er massiv von Rechtsextremen bedroht.” #TeamMerz

Kurierfahrer: Der Arbeitskampf begann bei WhatsApp – “Warum findet ausgerechnet eine anarchistische, kapitalismuskritische Kleingewerkschaft in der neuen, hippen Plattformwirtschaft so viel Anklang?” Dumme Frage. Weil es Sinn macht natürlich.

Debatte AfD im Bundestag: Dialog wird überschätzt – “Die AfD ist eine Wiedergängerin der NSDAP. Ihre Gegner müssen sich jetzt zusammentun, um sie gemeinsam zu bekämpfen – auch wenn das schwer wird.” Challenge accepted.

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